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A monotheistic conception of God is least likely to be held by a follower of

Which of the statements below would a nonevidentialist be most likely to reject?
A)We must often base our ultimate commitments on personal grounds.
B)It is not rationally required to have objective, rational evidence for our basic beliefs and stance toward life.
C)Belief in God must be supported by objective, rational arguments.
D)There is a warranted grounding for religious belief besides rational argument.

The distinction between atheists and agnostics is best characterized by saying that
A)agnostics deny the existence of God, while atheists insist there's insufficient evidence to know whether or not God exists
B)atheists deny the existence of God, while agnostics insist there's insufficient evidence to know whether or not God exists
C)atheists claim we can absolutely prove God doesn't exist, whereas agnostics agree God doesn't exist but deny we can prove this with absolute certainty
D)atheists are evidentialists, whereas agnostics are nonevidentialists

With which of the following claims would both a believer in natural theology and an atheistic evidentialist agree?
A)Objective evidence is required for religious belief.
B)Objective evidence for religious belief is available.
C)We cannot know if God does or does not exist.
D)Belief in God must be based on faith alone and not on reasons.

A pragmatic nonevidentialist theist and a fideist theist are most likely to give different answers to which of the yes/no questions below?
A)Is objective evidence required for religious belief?
B)Is sufficient objective evidence for belief in God available?
C)Must belief in God be based on faith alone and not on reasons, whether objective or subjective?
D)Does God exist?

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