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Wheel of Misfortune

by Donald L. Bartlett and James B. Steele, from Time magazine



Bartlett and Steele, who often work as a team of writers, won the 1989 Pulitzer Prize in National Reporting for an investigative series “The Great Tax Giveaway” in the Philadelphia Inquirer on special tax breaks written into the 1986 US tax reform bill. This link takes you to a listing that provides a bit more information on the reasons they earned this prestigious award.



To read voices that oppose Bartlett and Steele's views on Native American casinos, here is a collection of editorials, comments, and essays.

The upper part of this web page contains reference information and summaries of Time magazine’s numerous articles on Indian gaming.



For in-depth research on this topic, here's an index of on-line resources on North American Indian gaming, casinos, related legal matters, and much more.

At the bottom of this web page, you'll find links to on-line and print resources on Indian gaming history, statistics, and social impact studies.

A web page from the National Conference of State Legislatures gives legal background and statistics on gambling casinos from the point of view of state governments.

Here is an analysis of the legal implications of Indian gaming from a prominent conservative policy analysis and research organization.

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