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In Defense of Book Burning

by Will Manley



Should book burning be considered a protected exercise of free speech? Read this balanced commentary from the First Amendment Center:

Is the burning of books in the United States less threatening than the same act would be in other political contexts? This article from Reason On-line echoes makes some of the same points as does Manley’s piece, and points out that the difference in context is a very big difference indeed.

“The Harry Potter Controversy: Dark Fantasy or Gateway to the Occult?” by Steve Eighinger



So, if Harry Potter is corrupting, what about The Lord of the Rings? Here is an analysis of and comparison of the two works from the February 2002 Journal of the American Family Association, an advocacy organization promoting Christian-based family values.

For a more pointed view from the same organization of a religion-based argument against the Harry Potter books, click here.

The Catholic church does not appear to see Harry Potter as posing an ethical or moral or theological threat. Here is a second article on the same topic.

Both the Anglican and Episcopalian churches find Harry Potter to be rather benign, or maybe even a bit positive

A number of articles reflecting moderate to conservative protestant Christian views of the Harry Potter phenomenon can be found by clicking on this link and entering “Harry Potter” into the site search box.

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