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The Great Enigma of Our Times

from Progress and Poverty by Henry George



Here is a biography by George’s granddaughter, Agnes de Mille, the acclaimed choreographer, that explains his background, discusses his philosophies, and provides a bibliography of his writings.


To read more of George's theories and ideas, here are links to the notes, diaries, writings of George. This New York City web site provides a rich documentation of nearly every phase of Henry George's life. A collection of his personal correspondence reflects his habit of writing constantly to his family and his closest political allies.


To understand the history of the writing of Progress and Poverty, the San Francisco museum archives offer insights.

Explore the division between American socio-economic classes through perusing these links and statistics on Labor. Also on this site, you'll find pictures from the industrial age in the United States, as well as discussion of the economic disparities between the rich and the poor.

Here is some fascinating advice to women in “The Gilded Age." These links to articles and art show the way that economics and industrialization shaped and changed the American woman. This site links to documents by Mark Twain and advice columnist Sarah Hale. The links to “Marriage” are especially poignant, from Emily Dickinson’s poetry to Hills Social manual which instructs, "Whatever have been the cares of the day, greet your husband with a smile when he returns. Make your personal appearance just as beautiful as possible. Let him enter rooms so attractive and sunny that all the recollections of his home, when away from the same, shall attract him back."

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