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The Historical Approach to Research
Provides information about the steps for conducting historical research.
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Manuscripts Research Tutorial
This online, interactive tutorial guides you through the process of locating and analyzing historical manuscripts. The guide includes information about how to decipher documents; interpret the content; handle fragile material; cite manuscripts; and follow copyright law.
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Using Primary Sources on the Web
Learn more about how to locate historical sources on the Internet and how to evaluate the quality of primary materials that can be found online.
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Historical Research on the Internet
This directory of resources links to history departments, libraries, history journals, and discussion groups.
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Library of Congress
Includes a vast collection of historical materials, including film, photos, world culture resources, and research.
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National Center for Education Statistics: Dropout Rates
The National Center for Educational Statistics provides an example of historical research in a publication of a study of national high school dropout rates from 1972 to 1998.
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National Center for Education Statistics: Electronic Catalog
The National Center for Educational Statistics provides an electronic catalog of publications and data products that can be used as historical data.
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Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS)
The Arts and Humanities Data Service preserves and supplies historical social science and arts/humanities data to researchers and teachers. This historical data source is based in the United Kingdom.
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Design and Evaluate ResearchOnline Learning Center with Powerweb

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