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Employee Earnings Records

Employee Earnings Records

Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:

  1. Explain the value and use of the employee earnings record.

  2. Complete the top portion of an employee earnings record.

  3. Post data to an employee earnings record.

  4. Total and balance employee earnings records at the end of the quarter and at the end of the year.

  5. Compute the new year-to-date earnings figure in an employee earnings record.

  6. Make required, authorized corrections to personal data on employee earnings records.

  7. Answer questions based on information contained in an employee earnings record.

  8. Explain the relationship between the payroll register and the employee earnings record.

  9. Explain the purpose and use of the Year-to-Date Earnings column of the employee earnings record.

  10. Explain how long payroll records must be retained within a company.

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