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Multiple Choice Quiz 8
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Choose the best answer

Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the selection?
A)A high school in San Francisco teaches sex education in unusual ways.
B)Students in Mr. Valverde's sex education class are required to treat sacks of flour like babies, even to the point of finding baby-sitters for them.
C)Some students in Mr. Valverde's sex education class take very good care of their flour-sack babies, while others neglect and abuse them.
D)A class requiring students to care for flour-sack babies makes them realize how much hard work and commitment goes into caring for a real child.
Students who break or lose their five-pound flour sack
A)fail the class.
B)have to admit in front of the class that they would make poor parents.
C)have to help a fellow student care for his or her baby.
D)are given a ten-pound flour sack.
As a result of the flour-sack experiment, Maria Salinis and her boyfriend
A)talked together about important questions.
B)broke up.
C)decided they would never have a baby.
D)got married.
One student got into trouble in an English class for
A)throwing her baby in her locker.
B)leaving her baby on the floor.
C)coming to class without finding a baby-sitter first.
D)refusing to put the baby on the floor.
The author suggests that in Mr. Valverde's class, boys were more likely than girls to decide that they couldn't cope with being a "parent."
Which of the following ideas does not appear in the article?
A)Mr. Valverde makes random calls to students' homes to make sure they're caring for their babies.
B)One student missed baseball practice because he couldn't find a baby-sitter.
C)Students are required to dress their flour sacks in clothes.
D)Students must get up several times each night to check on their babies.
The article implies that the flour-sack program
A)is currently in its first year.
B)is frequently criticized by students' parents.
C)is supported by the school administration.
D)has been discontinued.
From the selection, we might conclude that
A)students who have taken the class have fewer teenage pregnancies than those who haven't.
B)Mr. Valverde became a father himself at a young age and doesn't want others to make the same mistake.
C)Most students consider the flour-sack program silly and quickly forget about it.
D)Having learned a great deal about caring for babies, Mr. Valverde's students are likely to have babies as soon as possible.

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