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The trends affecting job design decisions include:
A)Quality control as part of worker's job
B)Cross-training workers
C)Extensive use of temporary workers
D)Automation of heavy manual work
E)A, B, and D
F)All of the above
The advantage(s) of specialization of labor to management include:
A)Rapid training of workforce
B)Ease in recruiting new workers
C)Greater flexibility to change the production process to produce new or improved products
D)A and B
E)A and C
F)A, B, and C
Which of the following is an advantage of specialization of labor for labor?
B)Frustration and fatigue due to limited or no control
C)Little opportunity to progress
D)Little gratification from work itself
E)Little difficulty in learning job
Which of the following is not a job design principle that individuals or work groups require as a logical integration of work activities?
A)Task variety
B)Skill variety
D)Task identity
E)Work Physiology
The reasons for work measurement standards include:
A)To schedule work and allocate capacity
B)To provide a benchmark for improvement
C)To provide a subjective basis for motivating the workforce and measuring their performance.
D)A and B
E)A and C
F)A, B, and C
In a time study the normal time is equal to:
A)Observed performance time per unit x performance rating
B)Observed performance time per unit + performance rating
C)Observed performance time per unit - performance rating
D)Observed performance time per unit / performance rating
E)None of the above
The primary applications of work sampling include:
A)Ratio delay
B)Time standards
C)Performance measurements
D)Motion time data
E)A, B, and C
F)All of the above
The advantage(s) of work sampling compared to time study include all the following EXCEPT:
A)No timing devices are required
B)Work of long cycle time may be studied with a fewer observer hours
C)The study may be temporarily delayed at any time with little effect
D)Several work-studies may be conducted simultaneously by one observer
E)Provides a complete breakdown of elements
The basic elements of a Scanlon Plan include all but:
A)The ratio
B)The bonus
C)The screening committee
D)Piece rate
E)The production committee
The reward/incentive plan that allows management to target specific output goals is:
A)Merit pay
B)Profit sharing
D)Piece rate

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