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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Homosexuals are similar to other minority groups in that:
A)they suffer from job discrimination.
B)their appearance is an easy indicator of minority group status.
C)they are protected from discrimination by federal law.
D)stereotypes about them rarely lead to discrimination or hate crimes.
Which aspect of the gay social life has created the most controversy within the gay community?
A)gay bars
B)the Metropolitan Community Church
C)gay baths
D)lesbian and gay pride marches
When measuring the incidence of homosexuality:
A)Kinsey's unsystematic sampling methods probably led to overestimates of the incidence of homosexuality.
B)Kinsey proposed conceptualizing homosexuality and heterosexuality along a continuum rather than using a typological conceptualization.
C)a person high on both heteroeroticism and homoeroticism is conceptualized as bisexual with Storms' model.
D)all of these.
Which of the following is true about conversion therapy for gay and lesbian individuals?
A)It is strongly encouraged by the American Psychiatric Association.
B)is ethically questionable, because it rests on the assumption that homosexuality is an illness that should be cured.
C)It has demonstrated high success rates.
D)It is sought by the majority of gay and lesbian people in the United States.
Psychoanalytic theories about sexual orientation:
A)have explained homosexuality as deriving from the negative Oedipus complex.
B)have explained male homosexuality as stemming from a homoseductive mother.
C)are based on assumptions about abnormal adjustment and abnormal gender identity that are not supported by scientific data.
D)all of these.
Which of the following is NOT true of Bem's interactionist theory of sexual orientation?
A)It considers both biological and environmental factors.
B)It is designed to explain both heterosexuality and homosexuality.
C)It is supported by a large body of research evidence.
D)It is consistent with evidence that gay men and lesbians are more likely than heterosexuals to have a childhood history of gender nonconformity.
Which ethnic group appears to have the most negative views about homosexuality?
A)Anglo Americans
B)African Americans
C)Asian Americans
Some African Americans, Mexicans, and Egyptians take the view that a man can engage in which of the following acts without being considered a homosexual?
A)oral sex with another man
B)inserting his penis into the anus of another man
C)adopting the role of "receiver" whose anus is penetrated by another man's penis
D)pledging commitment in a marriage ceremony with another man
Which of the following statements about bisexuality is true?
A)Bisexuality is less common than exclusive homosexuality.
B)Some bisexuals are happy in heterosexual marriages.
C)Scientists know as much about bisexuals as they do heterosexuals and homosexuals.
D)Bisexuals are warmly welcomed by lesbians and gays.
Which of the following statements about ritualized homosexuality in Melanesia is true?
A)It is viewed as a means by which a boy at puberty is incorporated into the adult society of men.
B)It occurs between boys of the same age.
C)It is thought to discourage a boy from entering puberty.
D)It is viewed as a means of immunizing younger men from sexually transmitted diseases.
Which of the following describes the results of research questioning which orientation is the natural state for humans?
A)Heterosexuality is the natural state.
B)Homosexuality is the natural state.
C)Bisexuality is the natural state.
D)Research has not definitively defined a natural state.

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