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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The typical definition of rape, following current laws in many states, includes:
A)only nonconsensual vaginal penetration.
B)nonconsensual oral and anal penetration only.
C)oral, anal, or vaginal penetration when the victim is incapable of giving consent, perhaps because of being drunk, unconscious, or high on drugs.
D)only penetration obtained through the threat of bodily harm, such as as knifepoint or gunpoint.
Research dating to the 1970s on the reactions to and consequences of rape has found that:
A)the effects of rape tend to last for less than three months.
B)emotional reactions immediately after a rape (the acute phase) are often severe.
C)the experience of self-blame among women is rare.
D)women who have been sexually or physically assaulted at some time in the past visit their physician less often than nonvictimized women.
New research suggests that people who were raped:
A)will always experience post-traumatic stress disorder.
B)may experience positive life changes and a greater concern for others.
C)always feel suicidal between 1 to 3 years later.
D)will want to harm loved ones 3 to 6 months after the rape.
Research on marital rape indicates that:
A)it occurs in most marriages.
B)the man who batters his wife is less likely to rape her.
C)the response of most women was anger toward the husband.
D)it is impossible.
Which of the following was found to reduce a man's likelihood of raping?
A)violent home environment
C)sexual promiscuity
D)a hostile masculine personality
Which of the following was the most frequent suggestion made by inmates for ending prison sexual violence?
A)to segregate those who are most vulnerable
B)to increase the availability of pornography
C)to disallow conjugal visits
D)provide group counseling to all new inmates
Which of the following is NOT a strategy for preventing rape recommended in your text?
A)Avoid situations in which there is a high risk of rape.
B)Be polite to avoid unpleasant scenes.
C)Set sexual limits.
D)Trust your gut-level feelings.
What is believed to be the MOST common form of incest?
Pedophiles tend to:
A)be repeat offenders, and their patterns of preference tend to be stable over time.
B)vary their patterns of preference in a short period of time.
C)score high on measures of interpersonal skills to function well in adult relationships.
D)have intense sexual fantasies over a period of 1 to 2 months.
Which of the following treatments has been demonstrated to be MOST effective in reducing the recidivism rate of sex offenders?
A)cognitive-behavioral interventions
C)psychodynamic therapy
D)antidepressant medications
Each year thousands of children are sexually abused and the vast majority of these cases go unreported. Recent research, however, suggests that:
A)a few cases are false and the product of suggestion.
B)all reported cases of sex abuse are eventually proven in a court of law.
C)legal authorities prefer to squelch new reports of sex abuse against children.
D)perpetrators are never punished.
Dissociative amnesia is:
A)a fixation with memories of a traumatic experience.
B)an inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic nature.
C)an inability to recall happy memories, while fixating on unpleasant ones.
D)the inability to recall events that happened before two years of age.
According to the theory proposed by Fiske and Glick (1995), which type of harassment may be particularly insidious because the man thinks of himself as acting benevolently toward the woman?
A)hostile harassment
B)paternalistic-ambivalent harassment
C)earnest harassment
D)competitive-ambivalent harassment
Which of the following is true about sexual relations between psychotherapists and their clients?
A)They are considered ethical by the American Psychological Association.
B)The number of such incidents is probably overestimated.
C)They are situations of unequal power.
D)They have little potential for serious emotional damage to the client.

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