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AIDS  A sexually transmitted infection that is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which destroys the body's immune system.
androgens  The class of hormones that predominate in males and are produced by the testes in males and by the adrenal glands in both males and females.
bisexual  A person who is sexually attracted to people of both sexes.
chlamydia  A sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomitis.
date or acquaintance rape  Coercive sexual activity directed at someone with whom the victim is at least casually acquainted.
double standard  A belief that many sexual activities are acceptable for males but not females.
estrogens  The class of hormones that predominate in females and are produced by the ovaries.
exhibitionism  A psychosexual disorder in which individuals expose their sexual anatomy to others to obtain sexual gratification.
fetishism  A psychosexual disorder in which an individual relies on inanimate objects or a specific body part for sexual gratification.
genital herpes  A sexually transmitted infection caused by a large family of virus with different strains.
gonorrhea  A sexually transmitted infection that is commonly called the "drip" or the "clap" and is caused by a bacterium from the gonococcus family.
HPV  A virus (human papillomavirus) that causes genital warts.
human sexual response pattern  Masters and Johnson developed this concept to describe four phases of physiological responses as individuals masturbated or had sexual intercourse: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
incest  Sex between people who are close relatives. Incest is virtually a universal taboo.
masochism  A psychosexual disorder in which individuals derive sexual gratification from being subjected to physical pain inflicted by others or themselves.
paraphilias  Psychosexual disorders in which the source of an individual's satisfaction is an unusual object, ritual, or situation.
pedophilia  A psychosexual disorder in which the sex object is a child and the intimacy involves manipulating the child's genitals.
pheromones  Scented substances that are powerful sexual attractants in some animals.
psychosexual dysfunctions  Disorders that involve impairments in the sexual response pattern, either in the desire for gratification or the inability to achieve it.
rape  Forcible sexual intercourse with a person who does not give consent.
romantic script  Sex is synonymous with love. If a person develops a relationship and falls in love, it is acceptable to have sex whether married or not.
sadism  A psychosexual disorder in which individuals derive sexual gratification from inflicting pain on others.
sexual orientation  An enduring attraction toward members of one's own sex (homosexual orientation) or members of the other sex (heterosexual orientation).
sexual scripts  Stereotyped patterns of expectancies for how people should behave sexually.
sexually transmitted infections (STIs)  Diseases that are contracted primarily through sexual intercourse-vaginally as well as through oral-genital and anal-genital contact.
syphilis  A sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema palladium.
traditional religious script  Sex is accepted only within marriage.
transsexualism  A gender identity disorder in which an individual has an overwhelming desire to become a member of the opposite sex.
transvestism  A psychosexual disorder in which an individual obtains sexual gratification by dressing up as a member of the opposite sex.
voyeurism  A psychosexual disorder in which individuals derive sexual gratification from observing the sex organs or sex acts of others, often from a secret vantage point.

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