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actual self  Your representation of the attributes you believe or you actually possess.
ethnic identity  An enduring aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group, along with the attitudes and feelings related to that membership.
ideal self  Your representation of the attributes you would like to ideally possess-that is, a representation of your hopes, aspirations, and wishes.
identity  A sense of integration of self in which different parts come together in a unified whole.
identity achievement  Marcia's term for the status of individuals when they have undergone an identity crisis and made a commitment.
identity diffusion  Marcia's term for the status of individuals when they have not yet experienced an identity crisis and have not made commitments.
identity foreclosure  Marcia's term for the status of individuals when they have made a commitment but have not experienced an identity crisis.
identity moratorium  Marcia's term for the status of individuals when they are in the midst of an identity crisis but have not made a clear commitment to an identity.
identity versus identity confusion stage  Erikson's fifth of eight developmental stages that occurs during the adolescent and emerging adult years at which time individuals are faced with deciding who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life.
morita therapy  Emphasizes accepting feelings, knowing one's purposes, and most important, doing what needs to be done.
narcissism  A self-centered and self-concerned approach in dealing with others.
ought self  Your representation of the attributes you believe you should possess-that is, a representation of your duties, obligations, and responsibilities.
possible selves  Individuals' conceptions of what they might become, including what they would like to become and what they are afraid of becoming.
psychological moratorium  Erikson's terms for the gap between childhood security and adult autonomy.
self-concept  An individual's perception of his or her abilities, personality, and other attributes; it consists of our overall thoughts and feelings about our characteristics.
self-discrepancy theory  Higgins' theory that problems occur when representations from different viewpoints or from different domains are inconsistent or discrepant. Two types of discrepancies are especially problematic: between the actual and ideal selves (produces dejection-related emotions) and between the actual and ought selves (produces agitated emotions).
self-esteem  The overall evaluation of one's self-worth or self-image.
service learning  A form of education that promotes social responsibility and service to the community, aiming to help adolescents and emerging adults to become less self-centered and more strongly motivated to help others.
value conflict  A clash between values that encourage opposing actions.
values  Standards that we apply to determine the worth of things, ideas, or events. Our values reflect what matters most to us.

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