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channel  The mode of communication delivery.
connotation  The subjective meaning of words.
decoding  The act of understanding messages.
denotation  The objective meaning of words.
encoding  The act of producing messages.
gesture  A motion of the limbs or body made to convey a message to someone else.
hearing  A physiological sensory process in which auditory sensations are received by the ears and transmitted by the brain.
interpersonal communication  An ongoing transactional process that involves at least two individuals, each of whom acts as both sender and receiver, encoding and decoding messages, sometimes simultaneously. The messages can be sent through verbal or nonverbal channels with noise and context possibly influencing their accuracy.
Johari Window  A model of self-disclosure that helps us understand the proportion of information about ourselves that we and others are aware of.
listening  The psychological process of interpreting and understanding what someone says.
message  The information being delivered from the sender to the receiver.
noise  Environmental, physiological, and psychological factors that decrease the likelihood a message will be accurately encoded or decoded.
nonverbal communication  Messages that are transmitted from one person to another by other than linguistic means, including body communication, spatial communication, and paralanguage.
nonverbal leakage  The communication of true emotions through nonverbal channels even when the person tries to conceal the truth verbally.
paralanguage  The nonlinguistic aspects of verbal communication, such as the rapidity of speech, the volume of speech, and the pitch of speech.
paraphrasing  A concise restatement of the essence of the speaker's own words.
proxemics  The study of the communicative function of space, especially how people unconsciously structure their space.
rapport talk  Conversation aimed at establishing connections and negotiating relationships.
reflective listening  A strategy in which the listener restates the feelings or content of the speaker's message in a way that indicates acceptance and understanding.
report talk  Talk that is designed to give information, which includes public speaking.
self-disclosure  The communication of intimate details about ourselves.
transactional  Means that communication is an ongoing process between sender and receiver that unfolds over time, and that it is not unusual for information to be communicated almost simultaneously between the participants.

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