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Internet Exercises
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From the perspective of the middle class, it is often difficult to understand what the lives of poor people are like. Resources on the People Like Us page of the PBS website do an excellent job of giving you a look into the lives of people in various social classes, including those who are poor. Visit the site at

Click on "Resources," and then "you usually have to read between the lines". Read the article entitled "Where to Go When You're Broke" and answer the following questions.
  1. Have you ever paid a 15 percent interest rate on a loan, as with a credit card, for example? How did it make you feel? Did it make it difficult to repay the loan?
  2. For what sorts of expenses do most pawn shop patrons need to acquire loans?
  3. Are you surprised at the small size of the loans made to pawn shop patrons? How desperate would you have to be before you would leave collateral with a pawnshop for such a small loan?
  4. Do pawnshops exploit their customers or provide a valuable service? How would you feel about this issue if you were a pawnshop patron?
  5. What does this article teach you about daily life for an impoverished person in the U.S.? Did it change your view of poverty?

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