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Multiple Choice Quiz
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A)rarely occur in nature.
B)can always be seen.
C)do not involve energy.
D)can sometimes be sensed.

Which of the following statements correctly describe the stretch of a spring?
A)A greater stretching force produces a greater stretch.
B)A greater stretching force produces a greater force tending to return the spring to its original length.
C)If a stretch exceeds a spring's elastic limit, the spring will not return to its original length.
D)all of the above

Which of the following must be satisfied for a vibration to be simple harmonic motion? The restoring force of the vibrating object is
A)inverse to the displacement.
B)proportional to the object's mass.
C)not related to the stretching force.
D)opposite to and proportional to a displacement.

What is the correct expression for the amplitude of a vibrating mass? Amplitude is the
A)sum of the mass displacements over time.
B)value of the mass divided by frequency at the rest position.
C)maximum displacement of the mass from the rest position.
D)maximum velocity of the mass during vibration.

How are frequency and period related?
A)frequency and period are equal
B)frequency and period are reciprocals of each other
C)frequency and period are unrelated
D)additional information is needed

What is a wave? A wave is the propagation of
B)a disturbance.
C)vibrating matter.
D)a medium.

Sound waves may be characterized as
A)the propagation of alternate compressions and rarefactions.
B)a longitudinal wave.
C)molecules moving back and forth in the direction of the sound wave.
D)all of the above.

Which of the following sound waves can be heard by the human ear?
A)infrasonic sound waves
B)sound waves with frequencies between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz
C)ultrasonic sound waves
D)supersonic sound waves

Which of the following is not a term associated with periodic waves?
C)how much space is occupied

How is the velocity of a wave related to its frequency and wavelength?
A)v = fλ
B)v = f/λ
C)v = λ/f
D)v = f + λ

What happens to a sound wave that starts as a spherical wave from a source? A small part of the wave
A)front appears as a linear wave close to the source.
B)front appears as a linear wave at some distance from the source.
C)appears linear at all distances from the source.
D)appears spherical at all distances from the source.

When a sound wave strikes a boundary in its propagation medium, which of the following could occur? The wave could be
D)all of the above could occur.

What conditions are necessary for the human ear to hear reverberations?
A)Sound must be reflected or repeated.
B)Reflected or repeated sound waves must enter ear within 0.10 s of original sound.
C)Only A and B are necessary.
D)A and B must be satisfied and the sound must be low frequency.

Sound travels about 5,000 ft/s in seawater. If a sonar device sent a sound straight down to the bottom of the sea and the returning echo was heard 0.50 s later, how deep was the ocean?
A)2500 ft
B)5000 ft
C)1200 ft
D)1000 ft

What happens when two waves meet at the same place at the same time?
A)The two waves pass through each other without reflecting or refracting.
B)The waves interfere to produce either a larger or smaller amplitude at the point where they meet.
C)Nothing happens.
D)Both A and B occur.

Which types of waves transport energy?
A)sound waves
B)light waves
C)water waves
D)all waves transport energy

The lowest intensity sound that can be heard by the human ear is 10-12 W/m2. The highest intensity sound that the ear can comfortably hear is how many times higher than 10-12 W/m2?
A)one thousand times
B)one million times
C)one thousand million times
D)one million million times

What conditions are necessary to produce resonance in an object?
A)The object must have at least one natural frequency of vibration.
B)The object must be driven by an external vibrating force.
C)The frequency of the external vibrating force must match the object's natural frequency of vibration.
D)All of the above.

Which of the following characterizes noise?
A)A sound vibration consisting of a single frequency and amplitude.
B)Sound vibrations consisting of mixed frequencies all of the same intensity.
C)A sound vibration of a pure tone.
D)Sound vibrations consisting of mixed frequencies and jumbled intensities.

Which of the following does not describe a standing wave?
A)A resonant wave confined within two boundaries.
B)A long wave that is stationary.
C)A wave pattern of nodes and antinodes within boundaries.
D)A reflected wave that interferes with an incoming wave.

The fundamental frequency at which a string vibrates is
A)the frequency that determines the pitch of the basic musical note.
B)one of the frequencies that produce the sound quality characteristic of a particular musical instrument.
C)the first of the overtone frequencies.
D)a frequency whose standing wave contains more than one antinode.

How are the overtones related to the fundamental frequency of a vibrating string? Overtone frequencies
A)all have wavelengths longer than the fundamental.
B)are integral multiples of the fundamental frequency.
C)are fractional multiples of the fundamental frequency.
D)all vibrate with higher intensities than the fundamental frequency.

A jet airplane makes a sonic boom
A)only the instant it accelerates past the speed of sound.
B)continuously at all speeds at or faster than the speed of sound.
C)twice, once as it accelerates past the speed of sound, then again as it slows past the speed.
D)Only the instant it slows from a speed faster than the speed of sound.

You are standing on a street corner when a car drives past you sounding its horn. You hear a higher pitch, then a lower–pitched horn as it passes you. The driver of the car hears
A)the same change of pitch that you hear.
B)a lower pitch, then a higher pitch.
C)no change of pitch.
D)…the answer varies with the situation.

Because of the Doppler effect sounds coming from a moving source
A)seem louder than if the source were not moving.
B)are of a higher frequency if the source is moving away from the observer.
C)have a lower frequency if the source is moving toward the observer.
D)have a higher frequency if the source is moving toward the observer.

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