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Chapter 16: Analyzing Qualitative Data
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Choose the best answer

Analyzing qualitative data often:
A)waits until all data are collected.
B)begins after initial data collection.
C)takes a numeric form.
D)helps the researcher move from general to specific.
E)takes little time.
Analysis is the process of
A)selecting one best interpretation.
B)making sense of or giving meaning to patterns and themes.
C)labeling and breaking down raw data.
D)is best done before a research question is developed.
E)reviewing the most recent data collected.
Techniques for helping the researcher analyze qualitative data include:
A)analytical memos
B)diagramming the data
C)using computers.
D)All of the above.
In coding and categorizing qualitative data, the researcher:
A)is trying to increase the data to a manageable size from which to make interpretations.
B)links statements together regardless of their similarity.
C)never relies on existing categories.
D)often allows themes to emerge from the data.
E)relies on participants to indicate what their data mean.
In using grounded theory, a researcher would:
A)seek to find relationships among participants.
B)seek to find relationships between data and categories.
C)try to code all data in one pass.
D)ignores data that doesn't fit into categories.
E)All of the above.
Metaphor, dramatistic, and theoretical frames are used by researchers to:
A)create categories for grounded theory.
B)translate meaning into categories.
C)translate categories into meaning.
D)translate data into categories.
E)create meaning from raw data.

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