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Conceptual Questions
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What is it about the colors of quasars that makes it easy to distinguish them from most stars and galaxies?
Compare the narrow line and broad line regions of quasars with respect to density and the amounts of material required to produce the emission lines they emit.
What evidence do we have that quasars are a few parsecs or smaller in size?
Suppose a quasar is observed to increase tenfold in brightness in 4 years. Approximately how large can the quasar be?
Describe how we can account for the superluminal motions of quasars without requiring components of quasars that are actually moving apart at speeds greater than the speed of light.
Describe the differences between Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies.
How can viewing angle account for the differences between the two types of Seyfert galaxies?
How do electrons and the energy they carry get into the lobes of radio galaxies?
What is the relationship between jets and the lobes of radio galaxies?
How could a radio galaxy be observed to have two radio-emitting lobes but only a single jet pointing at one of the lobes?
How are blazars similar to quasars, and how are they different?
How can viewing angle account for the differences between quasars and blazars?
How do we know that if black holes power quasars, then those black holes must be very massive?
Explain why, if objects of a particular kind are uniformly distributed through space, we should expect to find about half of them with a V/Vmax less than 0.5 and half with a V/Vmax greater than 0.5.
What is the significance of the observation that the average value of V/Vmax for quasars is greater than 0.5?
How have quasars evolved over the past 10 billion years?
What evidence do we have that there was once a time when there were few, if any, quasars?
What evidence do we have that there may be dead quasars in the centers of normal galaxies today?
Under what circumstances can a gravitational lens produce an Einstein ring rather than multiple images of a distant quasar?

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