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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is NOT an interface design problem?
A)inconsistent problem-solving approaches
B)excessive use of computer jargon and acronyms
C)the use of black background on a screen form
D)design inconsistency
E)less than intuitive design
Which kind of menu is designed primarily for expert users because there is no visual clue to its presence?
E)none of the above
Which of the following instruction-driven interfaces allows a customer to enter a question about a given product?
C)natural language
E)none of the above
Which of the following is(are) human engineering guideline(s)?
A)Users should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
B)The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
C)Anticipate the errors users might make.
D)Use display attributes sparingly.
E)All of the above
In which of the following user interface steps do the designers use a state transition diagram to show the sequence and variations of screens that can occur when the system user sits at the terminal?
A)prototype the dialogue
B)test the dialogue
C)prototype user interface
D)chart the dialogue
E)re-design the dialogue
Which of the following is important in user interface design?
A)practice iterative design
B)understand your users and their tasks
C)use automated tools in designing user interface
D)test the system on a limited number of actual users
E)both (a) and (b)
With respect to the tone of a dialogue, which of the following should not be used?
A)use abbreviations so that users can read them more quickly
B)use simple terms
C)use appropriate action verbs
D)be consistent in the use of terminology
E)use simple, grammatically correct sentences
Which of the following instruction-driven interfaces is built around a widely accepted command language that can be used by the user to invoke actions?
A)a mnemonic syntax
B)a command-control syntax
C)a language-based syntax
D)a natural language syntax
E)none of the above
Which of the following is the first step in user interface design process?
A)prototype the dialogue and the user interface
B)chart the dialogue
C)test the dialogue
D)re-design the dialogue
E)none of the above
Which of the following is a tool used to depict the sequence and variation of screens that occur during a user session?
A)sequence diagram
B)data flow diagram
C)object-oriented diagram
D)environmental diagram
E)state transition diagram

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