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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The process of determining, through observation and study, the pertinent information regarding a specific job is referred to as a(n)
A)job analysis.
B)job ability.
C)job effort.
D)job descriptions.
E)performance appraisal.
Which of the following is a benefit of a sound performance appraisal system to the organization?
A)Allows the employee to present ideas for improvement
B)Provides the supervisor with a clearer picture of the employee's understanding of what is expected on the job
C)Helps to identify future training needs
D)Improves employee morale
E)Lets the employee know how the supervisor feels about his or her performance
With the _______, the supervisor is asked to evaluate an individual on such factors as initiative, dependability, cooperativeness, and quality of work.
A)essay appraisals
C)graphic rating scale
D)ranking methods
The supervisor keeps a written record of unusual incidents that show both positive and negative actions by an employee when using
A)forced-choice ratings.
B)work-standards approaches.
C)alternation ranking.
D)essay appraisals.
E)critical-incident appraisals.
The major advantage of the _______ is that it bases the performance appraisal on factors that are generally more objective than those used in other methods.
A)forced-distribution ranking
B)work-standards approach
C)forced-choice approach
D)critical-incident appraisals
One problem with _______ is that a bell-shaped distribution of performance may not be applicable to small groups of employees.
A)alternation ranking
B)work-standards appraisals
D)graphic rating scale
E)forced-distribution ranking
All of the following are common supervisor biases have been identified in performance appraisals except
B)halo effect.
C)central tendency.
D)personal preferences and prejudices.
E)first impressions.
A more promising approach to overcoming biases in performance appraisals is to
A)have multiple supervisors do the appraisals, then take the highest of all the appraisals.
B)get outside raters.
C)improve the skills of raters.
D)have multiple supervisors do the appraisals, then take the lowest of all the appraisals.
E)none of these.
Which of the following is not a suggestion that has been offered for making performance appraisal systems more legally acceptable?
A)Ensuring that employees are allowed to give feedback during the appraisal interview
B)Deriving the content of the appraisal system from job analyses
C)Emphasizing personal traits rather than work behaviors
D)Training managers in how to conduct proper evaluations
E)Ensuring that the results of appraisals are communicated to the employees
_______ consists of the extrinsic rewards offered by the organization and includes the base wage or salary, any incentives or bonuses, and any benefits employees receive in exchange for their work.
E)a & b only

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