Puntos en breve
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The Second Edition
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Puntos en breve: A Brief Course, 2/e

Marty Knorre
Thalia Dorwick
Ana María Pérez-Gironés, Wesleyan University
William R. Glass
Hildebrando Villarreal, California State University, Los Angeles

ISBN: 0073123862
Copyright year: 2007

Are you looking for a four-skills approach in an incredibly manageable and brief book? Then look no further! The material in Puntos en breve has been classroom-tested over more than two decades and is presented in this briefer version of the original Puntos de partida. This text contains the essentials of vocabulary and grammar, a reduced number of chapters than the original, and an integrated focus on culture. A wealth of ancillary print, audio, and multimedia materials round out this exciting new program. For this new edition, the authors and editors of Puntos en breve have turned to those very instructors to help formulate a plan that would respond to the needs of a changing discipline. We reached out to more than 160 students and instructors across the country, and the result is a thoroughly revised edition, both in appearance and content.

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