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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which statement about adolescence is accurate?
A)Adolescence is a social construction.
B)The concept of adolescence has existed throughout human history.
C)The concept of a period of adolescence exists in only a few societies today.
D)Adolescence is generally considered the beginning of puberty.
The precise time for the burst of hormonal activity that triggers the onset of puberty depends on
A)the presence of estrogen.
C)reaching a critical weight level.
D)the presence of androgens.
The principal sign of sexual maturity in males is the
A)onset of acne.
B)onset of menarche.
C)appearance of facial hair.
D)production of sperm.
Longitudinal studies suggest that pubertal timing for females is related to
A)the amount of dysfunction in the girl's family.
B)girls' relationships with their fathers.
C)girls' relationships with their mothers.
D)the father's Y chromosome.
Rory, 13, joins a friend in having some illegal alcohol after school. Later, when Rory is in trouble at home, his older brother Rajid says, "Didn't you think about how much trouble you would get in? I would have." Brain researchers would suggest that the reason Rory did not think ahead, while Rajid would have, is because Rory's ________ is less fully developed than Rajid's.
A)parietal lobe
C)frontal lobe
Which of the following is a way for adolescents to exercise their brains for better development?
A)long hours sending text messages to their friends
B)vigorous hair washing twice daily
C)frequent visits to amusement parks with thrilling rides
D)learning to understand abstract concepts
Which adolescent is LEAST likely to abuse drugs?
A)Darla, who campaigns with an organization promoting medical uses of marijuana and other drugs
B)Brenda, who has poor impulse control
C)Carlos, who uses aggression to deal with interpersonal conflict
D)Adam, who has serious discussions with his parents about drug use
Based on the research concerning adolescent sleep needs, schools could reduce the negative effects of chronic sleep deprivation and maximize adolescents' ability to concentrate by
A)providing adolescents with coffee when they arrive at school in the morning.
B)encouraging adolescents to "sleep in" on weekends.
C)changing their schedules to start classes later.
D)encouraging adolescents to go to sleep earlier so they can wake up earlier.
Carolyn regularly stuffs herself with large meals, finishing them off with a couple of rich desserts. She then makes herself vomit and follows up with two hours of exercise. Carolyn is most likely suffering from which eating disorder?
C)bulimia nervosa
D)anorexia nervosa
Which of the following would be LEAST effective as an intervention for suicide?
A)programs that identify and treat young people who are at risk of suicide
B)programs to reduce substance abuse, violence, and access to guns
C)school curriculums that teach children coping and problem-solving skills
D)telephone hotlines
Clyde's motor scooter will not start. He considers all of the possible reasons that he knows for this problem, and proceeds to test them one by one, with the most common reason first. Clyde is exhibiting _____ reasoning.
Helmut is at a party with many other teenagers. After he drinks several beers, his friends try to take his car keys so he won't drive drunk. Helmut says, "I know people should never drink and drive. But, I'm not drunk, and even if I am, I'm a good driver. Besides, how will I get home?" This reasoning is consistent with what Elkind calls
B)the imaginary audience.
C)apparent hypocrisy.
Which of the following is a common criticism of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?
A)Kohlberg's theory is oriented toward values more important to women than to men.
B)Kohlberg's theory describes development in nonwestern cultures better than development in most industrialized, Western societies.
C)Kohlberg's progression of stages does not correlate well with increasing age.
D)Kohlberg neglected to consider the relationship between moral reasoning and moral behavior.
Which of the following students is MOST likely to drop out of high school?
A)Lori, whose grades have been improving since her English teacher started calling her mom whenever she cut class
B)Jorge, who has been offered a chance to increase his work hours to full time
C)Jackson, who went to an award-winning preschool
D)Cookie, who is a cheerleader
Claire has high self-efficacy. As a result, she is likely to _____ in high school and have _____ career goals.
A)achieve moderately well; few
B)drop out; gender-stereotyped
C)perform below average; realistic
D)do well; high

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