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Multiple Choice Quiz
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According to your textbook, middle age is a
A)shrinking subset of the United States population.
B)time not only of decline and loss, but also of growth.
C)stable period with little change until the onset of old age.
D)universal concept seen in most societies around the world.
With respect to physical changes in the middle adult years, research supports which of the following sayings?
A)"My age is as a lusty winter, frosty but kindly."
B)"Age, I do abhor thee."
C)"For each age is a dream that is dying."
D)"Use it or lose it!"
Which of the following is true about hearing loss in middle age?
A)At least half of people aged 45 to 64 have some hearing loss.
B)For many people, losses could be reduced by avoiding loud concerts or earphones, and by wearing ear protection in noisy environments.
C)Hearing loss proceeds twice as quickly in women as in men.
D)The pitch range involved in human speech is, unfortunately, the range most commonly lost to hearing.
Cross-cultural research on menopause suggests that
A)most societies see menopause as an illness.
B)declining levels of estrogen in menopausal women result in markedly diminished sexual desire.
C)in many cultures, women view menopause positively.
D)symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats are universal.
Which of the following should people avoid in middle age if they want to increase their chances of living long lives?
A)social relationships
B)cigarette smoking
According to research on stress, which of the following men will have the most difficult time coping with job loss?
A)Jerry, who has an understanding family
B)Joe, who feels he has no control over his employment status
C)Jack, who gets most of his sense of status from his work as a volunteer minister at his church
D)Jim, who feels he has control over his employment status
Now that Michelle is past menopause, she should
A)avoid mammograms because they rarely help detect breast cancer in women over age 50.
B)get a hysterectomy to prevent benign fibroid tumors in her uterus.
C)include plenty of calcium and vitamin D in her diet to lower her risk of osteoporosis.
D)definitely get hormone replacement therapy, since the risks are overrated.
Longitudinal studies suggests that an effective way to remain mentally sharp as we age is to
A)retire early.
B)marry someone who isn't as good a thinker as you are.
C)have lots of social contacts.
D)develop less flexible habits.
Opal has learned a lot about housing construction in her 20 years as a realtor. Recalling facts about siding and insulation would be an example of Opal's _____ intelligence.
A key difference between experts and novices is that experts
A)are limited to a small group of occupations, whereas people can be novices at just about anything.
B)score higher on tests of general intelligence.
C)have encapsulated their experience to aid them in judgment tasks.
D)rely on simplified reasoning to make quick judgments.
Greg knows that perhaps the most efficient way to get a new project done would be to ask everyone is his department to work overtime this weekend, but he chooses to pursue other options because he is concerned about the long-term morale effects of too much weekend work. By combining logic and emotions, Greg is showing _____ thinking.
Creativity research suggests that, to have high creative production, a person should have
A)emotional attachment to his or her creative work.
B)all of these.
C)intrinsic motivation.
D)deep knowledge of the subject.
Based on developmental research, who would be expected to be most productive at age 50?
A)Maya, a poet
B)Richard, a research psychologist
C)Philip, a theoretical physicist
D)Sancho, a philosopher
During early retirement, people in middle adulthood are increasingly likely today to make transitions in and out of paid work. A key reason for this is that
A)most early retirees actually do not have the qualifications necessary to hold a job for very long.
B)many have a greater need for income or health insurance than anticipated.
C)employers have embraced the practice of "calling back" early retirees to work periodically.
D)baby boomers are a particularly indecisive generation.
Professor Andersen is teaching a new class and she expects most of the students to be adult learners who are trying to improve their skills for work. From which of the following types of learning methods will Professor Andersen's students get the most benefit?
A)reading and taking exams
B)self-generated project assignments
C)attending lectures and taking exams
D)writing assigned research reports

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