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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Consider the following situation: Worker A has recently been dismissed because of his/her absenteeism. The worker then decides to file a grievance against the employer. The filing of the grievance occurs at what level within the three tiered model?
A)External environmental level
B)Strategic level
C)Functional level
D)Workplace level
Conflict within the employment relationship between employers and employees can be characterized as
A)inherent: Workers seek higher pay and job income security while employers seek higher profits and lower costs.
B)pathological: Society must do something to eliminate the employer employee conflict. This is the only way to make all members of society better off.
C)unnatural: Sidney and Beatrice Webb argued that such conflicts need to be controlled because of its "unnatural effects," such as union caused unemployment.
D)extraordinary: Commons and his associates argued that the employment relationship needed to be examined closely, focusing on the conflictual aspects of the relationship.
Why did the institutionalists consider labor "more than a commodity?"
A)Workers receive wages equal to their marginal product.
B)Workers acquire skills that are sometimes firm specific.
C)Workers are not members of their families' communities.
D)Workers can easily be traded away from one firm to another.
According to the three tiered model of industrial relations, the external environment includes
A)rank and file employees.
B)senior union officials.
C)senior management officials.
D)the demographic context.
Consider the following situation: After many years of unsuccessful efforts to win a representation election among the workers in a firm, union leaders decide to launch a corporate campaign against the firm. The decision to launch a corporate campaign takes place at what level within the three tiered model?
A)External environmental level
B)Strategic level
C)Functional level
D)Bargaining outcome level

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