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Multiple Choice Quiz
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An "end run" can best be described as
A)union withdrawal of its demands.
B)management side stepping the union by talking directly to employees.
C)union officials side stepping the formal management team and taking the proposals to another party.
D)employer giving up its demands.
What are some of the arguments against public interest arbitration?
A)Public employees will not use it so long as they know that such decisions are binding.
B)It may cause a chilling effect on the process of collective bargaining.
C)Negotiators would be forced to propose low settlements for the fear of going to arbitration.
D)There will be increased bargaining.
Researchers have found that interest arbitration leads to
A)lower wage settlements and less favorable contract terms.
B)lower wage settlements but much more generous fringe benefit packages.
C)higher wage settlements and less favorable contract terms.
D)moderately higher wage settlements and more favorable contract terms.
The well publicized report 'A Nation at Risk' claimed that
A)poor primary and secondary schools contributed to the weakening economic performance of America.
B)poor economic performance contributed to the demise of primary and secondary education in the United States.
C)poor college education contributed to the cause of America's poor economic performance.
D)poor economic performance was caused by the socio economic structures that blacks and other minorities found themselves in.
Wellington and Winter's hypothesis rests on the assumption that
A)government's main responsibility is to prevent collective bargaining in the private sector, but to allow it in the public sector.
B)that government's main responsibility is to allow collective bargaining to reach all employees.
C)that government's main responsibility is to prevent collective bargaining in both sectors of the economy.
D)economic and political factors give public employee unions enormous potential power.

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