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In comparison to a large public-held company, a small, privately-held entity is more likely to
A)Lack adequate oral communications.
B)Lack adequate owner involvement.
C)Lack segregation of duties.
D)Have a written summary of all controls.

For non-public companies with preliminary control risk assessments set at the maximum level, auditors are likely to
A)Use a reliance strategy.
B)Complete little or no tests of controls.
C)Complete interim testing of account balances.
D)Test controls extensively.

Under the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act, reportable conditions must be:
A)Reported to the audit committee orally or in writing and also documented in the audit workpapers.
B)Reported to the audit committee orally and in writing.
C)Reported to senior management and documented in the audit workpapers
D)Reported to senior management orally and in writing.

Which of the following statements regarding auditor documentation of the client's internal control structure is correct?
A)Documentation must include narrative memorandums.
B)No documentation is necessary to satisfy GAAS, however, oral inquiry is required at minimum
C)Internal control questionnaires are specifically tailored to meet the needs of each individual client
D)No one particular form of documentation is necessary, and the extent of documentation may vary.

Which of the following is a proper reason for not conducting tests of controls for non-public companies?
A)The internal control structure appears very strong.
B)The procedures require more audit effort than the projected benefits to be obtained from lowering the control risk.
C)The company does not have any flowcharts of their system available for review.
D)The auditor prefers the control risk to be the minimum

Which of the following is not one of the five major components of internal control?
A)Risk assessment
C)Control procedures/activities
D)Information and communication system

Knowledge obtained while gaining an understanding of the five components of internal control is least useful for:
A)Identifying items to include in the engagement letter.
B)Identify types of potential misstatement.
C)Designing substantive tests.
D)Designing tests of controls.

When a client obtains accounting services such as payroll from a service organization, the auditor may need to obtain a service auditor's report. Which of the followings statements is true regarding this service audit report?
A)It should include an opinion.
B)It provides the client auditor with assurance regarding whether the client's control procedures have been placed in operation.
C)The client auditor need not inquire about the service auditor's professional reputation.
D)The client auditor should perform the procedures at the service organization if the report proves to be inappropriate or unreliable.

Access controls, systems documentation controls, and hardware/software controls are known as _____________; whereas control totals, hash totals, validity & reasonableness tests and other input, processing and output controls are examples of _____________.
A)general controls, application controls.
B)application controls, general controls.
C)general controls, operational controls.
D)application controls, operational controls.

Which of the following statements is true regarding control procedures?
A)They are not required if the control environment is strong.
B)They should generally be all manual.
C)They should generally be all automated.
D)They can be either manual or automated.

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