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Macroeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies, 17/e

Campbell R. McConnell, University of Nebraska
Stanley L. Brue, Pacific Lutheran University

ISBN: 0073273082
Copyright year: 2008

Table of Contents

    1. Limits, Alternatives, and Choices
    2. The Market System and the Circular Flow
    3. Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium
    4. The U.S. Economy: Private and Public Sectors
    5. The United States in the Global Economy
    6. Measuring Domestic Output and National Income
    7. Introduction to Economic Growth and Instability
    8. Basic Macroeconomic Relationships
    9. The Aggregate Expenditures Model
    10. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
    11. Fiscal Policy, Deficits, and Debt
    12. Money and Banking
    13. Money Creation
    14. Interest Rates and Monetary Policy
    14W. Financial Economics
    15. Extending the Analysis of Aggregate Supply
    16. Economic Growth
    16W. The Economics of Developing Countries
    17. Disputes over Macro Theory and Policy
    18. International Trade
    19. Exchange Rates, the Balance of Payments, and Trade Deficits

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