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Acronyms and Abbreviations
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"Techno-speak" is an impediment to all beginners. The list below includes most of the popular acronyms and abbreviations that have invaded the language of technicians, engineers and programmers. Students are advised to peruse this list of common acronyms and abbreviations, determine how many of them they already know, and then begin learning the others. Sometimes the pivotal point in an interview centers on the response to a single question that may include acronyms and/or abbreviations.

Other useful resources for electronic abbreviations can be found at

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z



A  Ampere
AC  Alternating Current
ACK  Acknowledge (logic or protocol signal)
ACIA  Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter
ACL  Advanced CMOS Logic (as in 74ACL245)
A/D  Analog to Digital
AF  Audio Frequency
AFC  Automatic Frequency Control
AGC  Automatic Gain Control
AH  Ampere-Hour (capacity rating for cells and batteries)
AI  Artificial Intelligence
AKA  Also Known As
ALC  Automatic Level Control
ALU  Arithmetic Logic Unit
A/N  Alphanumeric
ANSI  American National Standards Institute
ARRL  American Radio Relay League
AS  Advanced Schottky (as in 74AS245)
ASCII  American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC  Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASK  Amplitude Shift Keying
ATC  Air Traffic Control
AV  Audio/Visual
AVC  Automatic Volume Control



BASIC  Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BBD  Bucket Brigade Device
BCE  Binary Coded Decimal
BEV  Billion Electron Volts
BIFET  Bipolar Field-Effect Transistor
BJT  Bipolar Junction Transistor
BNC  Baby N Connector
BPI  Bits Per Inch
BPS  Bits Per Second
BTW  By The Way
B&W  Black & White (TV)
BW  BandWidth



C  Capacitance
CAD  Computer Assisted Design or Computer Aided Drafting
CADA  Computer Assisted Design and Analysis
CADD  Computer Assisted Design and Development
CAE  Computer Assisted Engineering
CAM  Computer Assisted Manufacturing
CAS  Column Address Strobe (logic signal)
CATV  CAble TeleVision
CB  Citizens Band
CBI  Complementary BInary or Computer Based Instruction
CBT  Computer Based Training
CC  Constant Current
CCD  Charge Coupled Device (light sensitive types used in cameras)
CCITT  International Telegraphy and Telephony Consultative Committee
CCTV  Closed Circuit TeleVision
CCW  Counter Clock Wise
CD  Compact Disk
CD-I  Compact Disk - Interactive
CDR  Compact Disk Recordable
CDROM  Compact Disk Read Only Memory
CDRW  Compact Disk ReWriteable
CECL  Cascode Emitter Coupled Logic
CEMA  Consumer Electronics Manufacturers Association
CEMF  Counter ElectroMotive Force
CERDIP  CERamic Dual Inline Package
CES  Consumer Electronics Show
CF  Center Frequency or Cubic Feet
CFM  Cubic Feet per Minute
CIM  Computer Integrated Manufacturing
CISC  Complex Instruction Set Computer (vs RISC)
CL  Current Loop
CMOS  Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CP/M  Control Program for Microcomputers (operating system)
CPI  Characters Per Inch
CPU  Central Processing Unit
CRC  Cyclic Redundancy Check (error detection scheme)
CRT  Cathode Ray Tube
CS  Control Strobe (logic signal)
CSA  Canadian Standards Association (UL's Canadian counterpart)
CTC  Counter/Timer Circuit
CTS  Clear To Send (protocol signal)
CV  Constant Voltage
CVT  Constant Voltage Transformer
CW  ClockWise
CYMK  Cyan Yellow Magenta blacK (the subtractive primaries plus black; used in color printing)



D/A  Digital to Analog
DAC  Digital to Analog Converter or Data Acquisition and Control
DARPA  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DAV  Data AValiable or DatA Valid (protocol or logic signals)
DB  Data Base
dB  DeciBel
dBA  DeciBel - Adjusted (weighted to human hearing)
dBK  DeciBel (1 kilowatt reference)
DBM  Data Base Management
dBm  DeciBel (1 milliwatt reference)
dBV  DeciBel (1 volt reference)
dBX  DeciBel - above reference
DC  Direct Current
DCD  Data Carrier Detect (protocol signal)
DDS  Direct Digital Synthesis
DES  Data Encryption Standard
DIAC  Bilateral trigger diode (two terminal TRIAC)
DIL  Dual In Line
DIN  Deutsche Industrie Normenausschuss (the German Standards Institute)
DIP  Dual Inline Package
DLC  Dual Layer Capacitor
DMA  Direct Memory Access
DMM  Digital MultiMeter
DOD  Department of Defense
DOS  Disk Operating System
DOT  Department of Transportation
DP  Data Processing
DPDT  Double Pole Double Throw (as in a switch)
DPI  Dots Per Inch (as in resolution)
DPST  Double Pole Single Throw (as in a switch)
DRAM  Dynamic Random Access Memory
DS  Data Strobe (logic signal)
DSO  Digital Storage Oscilloscope
DSP  Digital Signal Processing
DSR  Data Set Ready (protocol signal)
DTL  Diode Transistor Logic (predecessor of TTL)
DTMF  Dual Tone Multi Frequency (often called Touch Tone)
DTR  Data Terminal Ready (protocol signal)
DVM  Digital Volt-Meter



E2PROM  Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EAROM  Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory
EBCDIC  Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
ECC  Error Checking and Correction
ECL  Emitter Coupled Logic
EEPROM  Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EGA  Enhanced Graphics Adapter
EHF  Extremely High Frequency
EIA  Electronics Industries Association
EL  ElectroLuminescent
ELF  Extremely Low Frequency
EMF  ElectroMotive Force
EMI  ElectroMagnetic Interference
EMP  ElectroMagnetic Pulse
ENIAC  Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (the first computer)
EOT  End Of Transmission (protocol signal)
EPLD  Electrically Programmable Logic Device
EPROM  Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory (ultraviolet erase)
EQ  EQualizer
ESA  European Space Agency
ESD  Electrostatic Sensitive Device or ElectroStatic Discharge
ESR  Equivalent Series Resistance
EV  Electron Volt



F  Farad (measure of capacitance)
FAA  Federal Aviation Administration
FAST  Fairchild Advanced Schottky TTL (as in 74F245)
FAX  Facsimile
FCC  Federal Communications Commission
FDC  Floppy Disk Controller
FDX  Full DupleX
FET  Field Effect Transistor
FF  Flip Flop
FFT  Fast Fourier Transform
FIFO  First In First Out (memory or shift register)
FILO  First In Last Out
FM  Frequency Modulation
FORTRAN  FORmula TRANslator (programming language)
FP  Floating Point
FPGA  Field Programmable Gate Array
FPLA  Field Programmable Logic Array
FPP  Floating Point Processor
FPU  Floating Point Unit
FSK  Frequency Shift Keying
FTP  File Transfer Protocol
FUBAR  Fouled Up Beyond Any Repair
FVC  Frequency to Voltage Converter



GA  Gate Array
GAL  Generic Array Logic
GCS  Gate Controlled Switch
GFCI  Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
GFI  Ground Fault Interrupter
GFLOPS  Billions of FLOating Point operations per Second
GIGO  Garbage In Garbage Out
GPIB  General Purpose Interface Bus (evolved from HPIB by Hewlett Packard)
GPS  Global Positioning System
GUI  Graphical User Interface (software)



HAL  Hardwired Array Logic
HC  High speed CMOS (as in 74HC245)
HCT  High speed CMOS with TTL thresholds (as in 74HCT245)
HD  High Density
HDC  Hard Disk Controller
HDTV  High Definition TeleVision
HDX  Half DupleX
HER  High Efficiency Red (as in a LED)
HET  Heterodyne (non-linear frequency mixing)
HF  High Frequency
HFS  Hierarchical File System
HIC  Hybrid Integrated Circuit
HP  Hewlett Packard (company) or Horse Power
HPIB  Hewlett Packard Interface Bus (evolved into GPIB)
HPIL  Hewlett Packard Interface Loop (as in HP41CX calculator)
HTL  High Threshold Logic
HVDC  High Voltage Direct Current
HVPS  High Voltage Power Supply
Hz  Hertz (frequency in cycles per second)



I2ICE  Integrated Instrumentation and In Circuit Emulation
I2R  Current (I) squared x Resistance (power due to current flow through a resistance)
IA  Instrumentation Amplifier
IC  Integrated Circuit
ICE  In Circuit Emulation
IEEE  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IF  Intermediate Frequency
IGFET  Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor
IMHO  In My Humble Opinion
IMNHO  In My Not so Humble Opinion
I/O  Input/Output
IOP  Input/Output Processor
IP  Interface Processor or Internet Protocol
IR  Current-Resistance (as in IR loss) or InfraRed
IRED  InfraRed Emitting Diode
IRLED  InfraRed Light Emitting Diode
IRQ  Interrupt ReQuest
ISA  Instrument Society of America
ISN  Information Systems Network
ISO  In Search Of



JEDEC  Joint Electron Device Engineering Council
JFET  Junction Field Effect Transistor
JIS  Japanese Industrial Standard
JPL  Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JUG  Joint Users Group



k  Kilo (1000 units)
kA  Kilo Ampere (1000 A)
kbPS  Kilo bits Per Second
kEV  Kilo Electron Volts
kHz  Kilo Hertz (1000 cycles per second)
kVA  Kilo Volt Amperes
kW  Kilo Watts
kWH  Kilo Watt Hours



L  Inductance
L2FET  Logic Level Field Effect Transistor
LAN  Local Area Network
LASCR  Light Activated Silicon Controlled Rectifier
LASER  Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LC  Inductance and Capacitance (as in a tank circuit or filter)
LCD  Liquid Crystal Display
LCM  Least/Lowest Common Multiple
LD  Line Driver
LED  Light Emitting Diode
LF  Low Frequency
LIFO  Last In First Out
LISP  LISt Processing (computer language)
LLFET  Logic Level Field Effect Transistor
LO  Local Oscillator
LORAN  LOng RAnge Navigation
LP  Low Pass
LPC  Linear Predictive Coding
LPM  Lines Per Minute
LPT  Line PrinTer (port - aka parallel port)
LSB  Least Significant Bit or Lower SideBand
LSD  Least Significant Digit
LSI  Large Scale Integration
LUT  Look Up Table
LW  Long Wave



mAH  milliAmpere-Hour (capacity rating of small cells and batteries)
MB  MegaBytes (millions of bytes)
Mb  Megabits (millions of bits)
MBPS  Million Bytes Per Second
MbPS  Million bits Per Second
MCA  Micro Channel Architecture
MCU  Micro Computer Unit
MDAC  Multiplying Digital to Analog Converter
MECL  Motorola Emitter Coupled Logic
MFLOPS  Millions of FLOating Point operations per Second
MFM  Modified Frequency Modulation
MHz  MegaHertz
MIDI  Music Instrument Digital Interface
MIL  MILitary
MILSPEC  MILitary SPECification
MIPS  Millions of Instructions Per Second
MMU  Memory Management Unit
MO  Master Oscillator
MOS  Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MOSFET  Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MOV  Metal Oxide Varistor
MPU  Main Processing Unit
MR  Magnetic Resonance
MSDOS  MicroSoft Disk Operating System
MSB  Most Significant Bit
MSD  Most Significant Digit
MSDS  Material Safety Data Sheet
MSI  Medium Scale Integration
MTBF  Mean Time Between Failures
MTS  Multichannel Television Sound
MUF  Maximum Usable Frequency
MUX  Multiplexer



NASA  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NC  Not Connected (contact or pin) or Normally Closed (switch/relay)
NCO  Numerically Controlled Oscillator (same as DDS)
NEDA  National Electronics Distributors Association
NEG  NEGative
NEMA  National Electrical Manufacturers Association
nF  NanoFarad (common measure of capacitance, 1 x 10-9 Farads)
NFS  Network File Server
NiCad  Nickel Cadmium (rechargeable battery) by Saft, America
NiMH  Nickel Metal Hydride (rechargeable battery)
NMOS  N-channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor
NMR  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NO  Normally Open (switch/relay)
NOAA  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NORAD  NORth American Defense
NPN  Negative Positive Negative (BJT polarity)
NPO  Negative Positive 0 temperature coefficient (some ceramic capacitors)
NPR  Nations Public Radio
NRZ  Non Return to Zero
NRZI  Non Return to Zero Invert
NSB  National Science Board
NSF  National Science Foundation
NSPE  National Society of Professional Engineers
NT  Network Terminator
NTC  Negative Temperature Coefficient
NTSC  National Television Systems Committee (U.S.A. TV/Video standard)



OBTW  Oh, By The Way
OC  Open Collector
OCR  Optical Character Recognition
OEM  Original Equipment Manufacturer
OO  Object Oriented (programming)
OOP  Object Oriented Programming
OPAMP  OPerational AMPlifier
OS  Operating System
OSCAR  Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio
OSHA  Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OTDR  Optical Time Domain Reflectometry
OTOH  On The Other Hand
OTP  One Time Programmable (as in PROM or plastic EPROM)
OVP  Over Voltage Protection



PA  Power Amplifier or Public Address
PAL  Programmable Array Logic (by Monolithic Memories)
PBX  Private Branch eXchange
PC  Personal Computer or Printed Circuit or Program Counter
PCB  Printed Circuit Board
PCC  Plastic Chip Carrier
PCM  Pulse Code Modulation
PEC  PhotoElectric Cell
PEP  Peak Envelope Power
PF  Power Factor
PG  Power Gain
PGA  Pin Grid Array
PIA  Peripheral Interface Adapter
PIC  Priority Interrupt Controller or Parallax'es microcontroller name
PIV  Peak Inverse Voltage
PIXEL  PI(X)cture ELement
PLA  Programmable Logic Array
PLCC  Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier
PLD  Programmable Logic Device
PLL  Phase Locked Loop
PM  Phase Modulation or Pulse Modulation
PNP  Positive Negative Positive (BJT polarity)
POS  Point Of Sale or POSitive
POV  Peak Operating Voltage
PPI  Pixels Per Inch
PPM  Parts Per Million or Pulse Position Modulation
PPS  Pulses Per Second
PRN  Pseudo Random Noise
PROM  Programmable Read Only Memory
PRV  Peak Reverse Voltage or Peak Repetitive Voltage
PSG  Programmable Sound Generator
PSI  Pounds per Square Inch (pressure)
PSK  Phase Shift Keying
PTC  Positive Temperature Coefficient
PTT  Push To Talk (microphone)
PUT  Programmable Unijunction Transistor
PV  PhotoVoltaic
PWM  Pulse Width Modulation



QA  Quality Assurance
QC  Quality Control
QIC  Quarter Inch Cartridge
QIP  Quad Inline Package
QSM  Quad Surface Mount
QWERTY  Standard keyboard layout (computers, typewriters, etc.)



R  Resistance
R&D  Research and Development
RAD  Radiation Absorbed Dose
RADAR  RAdio Detection And Ranging
RAM  Random Access Memory
RAS  Row Address Strobe (logic signal)
RC  Radio Control or Resistance and Capacitance (as in a RC filter)
RCV  ReCeiVe
RD  Receive Data or ReaD (logic signal)
RDA  Deceive Data
REM  Roentgen Equivalent Man
REP  Roentgen Equivalent Physical
RF  Radio Frequency
RFI  Radio Frequency Interference
RGB  Red Green Blue (the additive primary colors)
RH  Relative Humidity
RHDP  Right Hand Decimal Point
RISC  Reduced Instruction Set Computer (vs CISC)
RLC  Resistance Inductance Capacitance (a circuit with all three)
RLG  Ring Laser Gyroscope
RMI  Radio Magnetic Interference
RMS  Root Mean Square
ROM  Read Only Memory
RPM  Revolutions Per Minute
RPN  Reverse Polish Notation (used in some HP calculators)
RPS  Revolutions Per Second
RS  Reed Solomon (error correction)
RT  Real Time or Rise Time
RTD  Resistance Temperature Detector
RTI  Real Time Interrupt
RTL  Resistor Transistor Logic
RTOS  Real Time Operating System
RTS  Request To Send (protocol signal)



S/H  Sample and Hold
S/N  Signal to Noise (ratio)
SAW  Surface Acoustic Wave
SBC  Single Board Computer
SCA  SubCarrier Adapter
SCI  Serial Communication Interface
SCL  Serial CLock
SCR  Silicon Controlled Rectifier
SCS  Silicon Controlled Switch
SCSI  Small Computer System Interface
SD  Standard Deviation
SDI  Strategic Defense Initiative
SDRAM  Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SEM  Scanning Electron Microscope
SEMI  Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Institute
SFC  polyStyrene Film Capacitor
SG  Signal Ground
SHF  Super High Frequency
SI  System International (international system of units)
SIMM  Single Inline Memory Module
SIO  Serial Input and Output
SIPO  Serial In Parallel Out
SLC  Single Layer Ceramic (capacitor)
SM  Surface Mount
SMD  Surface Mount Device
SNR  Signal to Noise Ratio
SMT  Surface Mount Technology
SO  Serial Output or Small Outline
SOIC  Small Outline Integrated Circuit
SOJ  Small Outline J-leaded (chip package)
SOLV  SOLenoid Valve
SONAR  SOund NAvigation and Ranging
SOP  Small Outline Package
SP  Signal Processor or Stack Pointer
SPDT  Single Pole Double Throw (switch)
SPI  Serial to Parallel Interface
SPICE  Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis
SPL  Sound Pressure Level
SPST  Single Pole Single Throw (switch)
SQL  Structured Query Language (for databases)
SR  Shift Register
SRAM  Static Random Access Memory
SSB  Single SideBand
SSI  Small Scale Integration
SSR  Solid State Relay
SSTV  Slow Scan TeleVision
SVGA  Superior Versatile Graphics Adapter (800 x 600 pixels)
SW  Short Wave



T/H  Track and Hold
TC  Temperature Coefficient
TCP/IP  Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TD  Tunnel Diode
TDD  Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf
TDR  Time Domain Reflectometry
TEM  Transverse ElectroMagnetic (microwaves/waveguides)
TF  Transfer Function
TFD  Thin Film Detector
TFEL  Thin Film ElectroLuminescent
TFT  Thin Film Transistor
THD  Total Harmonic Distortion
THz  Terra Hertz
TI  Texas Instruments (a company)
TIG  Tungsten Inert Gas
TM  Transverse Magnetic (wave)
TR  Transient Response
TRIAC  TRIode AC switch (bilateral SCR)
TS  Time Sharing
TTL  Transistor Transistor Logic
TV  TeleVision
TWT  Traveling Wave Tube



UART  Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
_F  micro Farad (common unit of capacitance, 1 x 10-6 Farads)
UHF  Ultra High Frequency
UHV  Ultra High Vacuum
UJT  UniJunction Transistor
UL  Underwriters Laboratories
ULSI  Ultra Large Scale Integration
UPC  Universal Product Code
UPS  Uninterruptible Power Supply
USART  Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
USB  Universal Serial Bus or Upper SideBand
UTC  Universal Time Code (same as Coordinated Universal Time)
UV  UltraViolet
UVA  UltraViolet Alpha
UVB  UltraViolet Beta



V  Volt
VA  Volt Ampere
VAC  Volts Alternating Current
VAR  VARiable or Volt Amperes Reactive
VARICAP  VARIable CAPacitance diode
VCC  Supply Voltage (BJT - Collector)
VCD  Variable Capacitance Diode
VCO  Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VCR  Video Cassette Recorder
VDC  Volts Direct Current
VDD  Supply Voltage (FET - Drain)
VEE  Supply Voltage (BJT - Emitter)
VF  Vacuum Fluorescent
VFC  Voltage to Frequency Converter
VFO  Variable Frequency Oscillator
VGA  Versatile Graphics Adapter (640 x 480 pixels)
VHF  Very High Frequency
VLF  Very Low Frequency
VLSI  Very Large Scale Integration
VLT  Video Look up Table
VOM  Volt OhmMeter
VOX  Voice Operated transmit (transmit = X as in "Xmitter")
VR  Voltage Regulator or Virtual Reality
VRAM  Video Random Access Memory
VS  Vertical Sync
VSS  Supply Voltage (FET - Source)
VT  Virtual Terminal
VTM  Voltage Tunable Magnetron
VTO  Voltage Tuned Oscillator
VTVM  Vacuum Tube Volt Meter
VXO  Variable crystal Oscillator



WACK  Wait before ACKnowledge
WDT  Watch Dog Timer
WH  Watt Hour
WHR  Watt HouR
WP  Word Processor
WPM  Words Per Minute
WR  WRite (logic signal)
WV  Working Voltage
WVDC  Working Volts DC
Ww  Wire Wound or Wire Wrap



XGA  eXtended Graphics Adapter (1024 x 768 pixels)
XMT  TransMiT
XOFF  Transmit OFF (protocol signal)
XON  Transmit ON (protocol signal)



YAG  Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (laser)
YIG  Yttrium Iron Garnet



ZD  Zero Defects
ZDT  Zero Defect Tolerance
ZIF  Zero Insertion Force
ZIP  Zigzag Inline Package or software file compression scheme (zip files)

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