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coronary [KOR-o-når-e]  Blood vessel that supplies oxygen-rich blood to the heart.
coronary artery disease  Condition that reduces the flow of blood and nutrients through the arteries of the heart.
coronary bypass surgery  See bypass.
corpus callosum [KOR-p9s kå-LO-s9m]  Bridge of nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the cerebrum.
corpus luteum [KOR-p9s LU-te-um]  Structure formed after the graafian follicle fills with a yellow substance that secretes estrogen and progesterone.
cortex [KOR-t6ks] {corteza}  Outer portion of the kidney.
corticosteroid [KOR-t7-ko-ST1R-8yd] {corticosteroide}  Agent with anti-inflammatory properties.
corticosteroids [KOR-t7-ko-ST1R-8ydz]  Steroids produced by the adrenal cortex.
cortisol [KOR-t7-sol] {cortisol}  Hydrocortisone.
cosmetic  Designed to improve the appearance of an exterior body part.
Cowper's [K3W-p6rs] gland  One of two glands below the prostate that secrete a fluid to lubricate the inside of the urethra.
crackles [KR0K-ls]  Popping sounds heard in lung collapse or other conditions; rales.
cranial [KRA-ne-ål] cavity  Space in the head that contains the brain.
cranial [KRA-ne-ål] nerves  Any of 12 pairs of nerves that carry impulses to and from the brain.
craniectomy [kra-ne-1K-to-me] {cranietomía}  Removal of a part of the skull.
craniotomy [kra-ne-3T-o-me] {craneotomía}  Incision into the skull.
cranium [KRA-ne-9m] {cráneo}  Bony structure that the brain sits in.
creatine [KRE-å-ten] {creatina}  Substance found in urine; elevated levels may indicate muscular dystrophy.
creatinine [kre-0T-7-nen] {creatinina}  A component of creatine.
crepitation, crepitus [kr6p-7-TA-sh9n, KR1P-7-t9s]  Noise made by rubbing together of bones.
crest {cresta}  Bony ridge.
Crohn's [kronz] disease  Type of irritable bowel disease with no ulcers.
cross-sectional plane  Imaginary line that intersects the body horizontally.
croup [krup] {crup}  Acute respiratory syndrome in children or infants accompanied by seal-like coughing.
crown [kr8wn]  Part of the tooth projecting above the jawline.
crust {costar}  Hard layer, especially one formed by dried pus, as in a scab.
cryogenic [kri-o-J1N-7k]  Destroying tissue by freezing.
cryoretinopexy [kri-o-r6-t7n-no-P1KS-e]  Fixing of a torn retina using extreme cold.
cryosurgery [kri-o-S1R-j6r-e] {criocirugía}  1. Surgery that removes tissue by freezing it with liquid nitrogen. 2. Destruction by freezing.
cryptorchism [kr7p-TOR-k7zm]  Birth defect with the failure of one or both of the testicles to descend into the scrotal sac.
CT (computed tomography) scan  CAT scan.
culdocentesis [K4L-do-s6n-te-s7s]  Taking of a fluid sample from the base of the pelvic cavity to see if an ectopic pregnancy has ruptured.
culdoscopy [k9l-D3S-ko-pe]  Examination of the pelvic cavity using an endoscope.
curettage [kyu-r6-T0HZH]  Removal of tissue from an area, such as a wound, by scraping.
curette [kyu-R1T]  Sharp instrument for scraping tissue.
Cushing's [K4SH-7ngs] syndrome  Group of symptoms caused by overactivity of the adrenal glands.
cusp [k9sp]  Sharp-pointed tooth projection.
cuspid [K4S-p7d]  Third tooth from the median of the jawline with a cusp.
cuticle [KYU-t7-kl] {cutícula}  Thin band of epidermis that surrounds the edge of nails, except at the top.
cyanosis [si-å-NO-s7s] {cianosis}  Bluish or purplish coloration, as of the skin, caused by inadequate oxygenation of the blood.
cyst [s7st] {quiste}  Abnormal sac containing fluid.
cystectomy [s7s-T1K-to-me] {cistectomía}  Surgical removal of the bladder.
cystic [S2S-t7k]  Filled with fluid.
cystic fibrosis [S2S-t7k fi-BRO-s7s]  Disease that causes chronic airway obstruction and also affects the bronchial tubes.
cystitis [s7s-TI-t7s] {cistitis}  Inflammation of the bladder.
cystocele [S2S-to-sel] {cistocele}  Hernia of the bladder.
cystolith [S2S-to-l7th] {cistolito}  Bladder stone.
cystopexy [S2S-to-p6k-se]  Surgical fixing of the bladder to the abdominal wall.
cystoplasty [S2S-to-plås-te]  Surgical repair of the bladder.
cystorrhaphy [s7s-TOR-å-fe] {cistorrafia}  Suturing of a damaged bladder.
cystoscope [S2S-to-skop] {cistoscopio}  Tubular instrument for examining the interior of the bladder.
cystoscopy [s7s-T3S-ko-pe]  The insertion of a cystoscope to examine the bladder with light.
cytoplasm [SI-to-plåzm]  Outer portion of a cell surrounding the nucleus.
cytotoxic [si-to-T3K-s7k] cell T`  cell that helps in destruction of infected cells throughout the body.
dacryoadenitis [D0K-re-o-åd-6-NI-t7s]  Inflammation of the lacrimal glands.
dacryocystectomy [dåk-re-o-s7s-T1K-to-me]  Removal of a lacrimal sac.
dacryocystitis [D0K-re-o-s7s-TI-t7s]  Inflammation of a tear duct.
deafness  Loss or absence of hearing.
debridement [da-bred-M3N]  Removal of dead tissue from a wound.
decibel [D1S-7-b6l] {decibel}  Measure of the intensity of sound.
deciduous [d6-S2D-yu-9s] teeth  Primary teeth.
decongestants [de-k8n-J1ST-ånts]  Agents that relieve mucus congestion of the upper respiratory tract.
decubitus (pl., decubiti) [d6-KYU-bi-t9s (d6-KYU-b7-ti)] {decubiti} ulcer  Chronic ulcer on skin over bony parts that are under constant pressure; pressure sore.
dedifferentiated [de-D2F-6r-6n-she-A-t6d]  Lacking in normal orderly cell arrangement.
deep  Away from the surface (of the body).
deep vein thrombosis [thr8m-BO-s7s]  Formation of a thrombus (clot) in a deep vein, such as a femoral vein.
defecation [d6-f6-KA-sh9n] {defecación}  Release of feces from the anus.
degenerative arthritis  Arthritis with erosion of the cartilage.
deglutition [de-glu-T2SH-9n] {deglución}  Swallowing.
deliriousness [de-L2R-e-9s-n6s]  Mental confusion, often with hallucinations, usually having a physical cause such as a high fever.
delusional [de-LU-zh9n-ål]  Having false beliefs resulting from disordered thinking.
dementia [de-M1N-she-å] {demencia}  1. Deterioration in mental capacity, usually in the elderly. 2. Disorder, particularly in older adulthood, with multiple cognitive defects.
demyelination [de-MI-6-l7-NA-sh9n] {desmielinación}  Destruction of myelin sheath, particularly in MS.
dendrite [D1N-drit] {dendrita}  A thin branching extension of a nerve cell that conducts nerve impulses toward the cell body.
densitometer [d6n-s7-T3M-6-t6r]  Device that measures bone density using light and x-rays.
dentin [D1N-t7n]  Inner bony layer of the crown of a tooth.
dentist [D1N-t7st]  Practitioner trained in dentistry.
dentures [D1N-tyurs]  Artificial replacement teeth.
depigmentation [de-p7g-m6n-TA-sh9n]  Loss of color of the skin.
depolarization [de-po-lå-ri-ZA-sh9n] {despolarización}  Contracting state of the myocardial tissue in the heart's conduction system.
depression [de-PR1SH-9n]  Disabling condition with a loss of interest and pleasure in almost all activities.
dermabrasion [d6r-må-BRA-zh9n] {dermabrasión}  Removal of wrinkles, scars, tattoos, and other marks by scraping with brushes or emery papers.
dermatitis [d6r-må-TI-t7s] {dermatitis}  Inflammation of the skin.
dermatochalasis [D1R-må-to-kå-LA-s7s] {dermatocalasia}  Loss of elasticity of the eyelid.
dermatology [d6r-må-T3L-o-je]je] {dermatologia}  Medical specialty that deals with diseases of the skin.
dermis [D1R-m7s] {dermis}  Layer of skin beneath the epidermis containing blood vessels, nerves, and some glands.
diabetes [di-å-BE-tez] {diabetes}  See Type I diabetes, Type II diabetes.
diabetes insipidus [7n-S2P-7-d9s]  Condition caused by hyposecretion of antidiuretic hormone.
diabetes mellitus [M1L-i-t9s, m6-LI-t9s]  See Type I diabetes, Type II diabetes.
diabetic nephropathy [di-å-B1T-7k n6-FR3P-å-the]  Kidney disease due to diabetes.
diabetic neuropathy [nu-R3P-å-the]  Loss of sensation in the extremities due to diabetes.
diabetic retinopathy [r6t-7-N3P-å-the]  Gradual loss of vision due to diabetes.
diagnostic [di-åg-N3S-t7k]  Helping to finalize a diagnosis. diagnostic imaging Use of imaging techniques in diagnosing illness.
dialysis [di-0L-7-s7s] {diálisis}  Method of filtration used when kidneys fail.
diaphoresis [DI-å-fo-RE-s7s] {diaforesis}  Excretion of fluid by the sweat glands; sweating.
diaphragm [DI-å-fråm] {diafragma}  Muscle that divides the abdominal and thoracic cavities; membranous muscle between the abdominal and thoracic cavities that contracts and relaxes during the respiratory cycle; contraceptive device that covers the cervix and blocks sperm from entering; used in conjunction with spermicide.
diaphysis [di-0F-7-s7s] {diáfisis}  Long middle section of a long bone; shaft.
diarrhea [di-å-RE-å] {diarrea}  Loose, watery stool.
diarthroses (sing., diarthrosis) [di-år-THRO-sez (di-år-THRO-s7s)]  Freely movable joints.
diastole [di-0S-to-le] {diástole}  Relaxation phase of a heartbeat.
diencephalon [di-6n-S1F-å-l8n] {diencéfalo}  One of the four major structures of the brain; it is the deep portion of the brain and contains the thalamus.
differentiated [d7f-6r-1N-she-a-t6d]  Growing in an orderly fashion.
diffuse [d7-FYUS]  Spreading evenly.
digestion [di-J1S-ch9n] {digestión}  Conversion of food into nutrients for the body and into waste products for release from the body.
digestive [di-J1S-t7v] system  Body system that includes all organs of digestion and waste excretion, from the mouth to the anus.
digital subtraction angiography  Use of two angiograms done with different dyes to provide a comparison between the results.
dilator [DI-la-tor]  Implement used to enlarge an opening.
diopter [di-3P-t6r]  Unit of refracting power of a lens.
diphtheria [d7f-THER-e-å] {difteria}  Acute infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract caused by bacteria.
diplopia [d7-PLO-pe-å] {diplopía}  Double vision.
discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) [D2S-k8yd LU-p9s 6r-7-TH1M-å-to-s9s]  Mild form of lupus.
disk [d7sk] {disco}  See cartilaginous disk.
diskography [d7s-K3G-rå-fe] {discografía}  Radiographic image of an intervertebral disk by injection of a contrast medium into the center of the disk.
dislocation {dislocación}  Movement of a joint out of its normal position as a result of an injury or sudden, strenuous movement.
dissociative [d7-so-se-0-t7v] disorder  Condition with a gradual or sudden loss of the ability to integrate memory, identity, and other mental abilities with the environment.
distal [D2S-tål]  Away from the point of attachment to the trunk.
diuretic [di-yu-R1T-7k]  Pharmacological agent that increases urination; medication that promotes the excretion of urine.
diverticula [di-v6r-T2K-yu-lå]  Small pouches in the intestinal walls.
diverticulectomy [di-v6r-t7k-u-L1K-to-me]  Removal of diverticula.
diverticulitis [DI-v6r-t7k-yu-LI-t7s] {diverticulitis}  Inflammation of the diverticula.
diverticulosis [DI-v6r-t7k-yu-LO-s7s] {diverticulosis}  Condition in which diverticula trap food or bacteria.
dopamine [DO-på-men] {dopamina}  Substance in the brain or manufactured substance that helps relieve symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Doppler [D3P-l6r] ultrasound  Ultrasound test of blood flow in certain blood vessels.
dorsal [DOR-sål]  At or toward the back of the body.
dorsal [DOR-sål] cavity  Main cavity on the back side of the body containing the cranial and spinal cavities.
dorsal vertebrae  Thoracic vertebrae.
drilling  Cutting of a decayed area out of a tooth with a small dental drill.
drug [dr9g] {droga}  Biological or chemical agents that can aid or alter body functions.
druggist [DR4G-7st] {boticario}  See pharmacist.
ductless gland  Endocrine gland.
ductus arteriosus [D4K-t9s år-ter-e-O-s9s]  Structure in the fetal circulatory system through which blood flows to bypass the fetus's nonfunctioning lungs.
ductus venosus [v6n-O-s9s]  Structure in the fetal circulatory system through which blood flows to bypass the fetal liver.
duodenal [DU-o-DE-nål] ulcer  Ulcer in the duodenum.
duodenum [du-o-DE-n9m] {duodeno}  Top part of the small intestine where chyme mixes with bile, pancreatic juices, and intestinal juice to continue the digestive process.
dura mater [DU-rå M0-t6r]  Outermost layer of meninges.
duritis [du-RI-t7s]  Inflammation of the dura mater.
dwarfism [DW3RF-7zm] {enanismo}  Abnormally stunted growth caused by hyposecretion of growth hormone, congenital lack of a thyroid gland, or a genetic defect.
dyscrasia [d7s-KRA-ze-å] {discrasia}  Any disease with abnormal particles in the blood.
dysentery [D2S-6n-t6r-e] {disentería}  Irritation of the intestinal tract with loose stools.
dysmenorrhea [d7s-m6n-or-E-å] {dismenorrea}  Painful menstruation.
dyspareunia [d7s-på-RU-ne-å] {dispareunia}  Painful sexual intercourse due to any of various conditions, such as cysts, infection, or dryness, in the vagina.
dyspepsia [d7s-P1P-se-å] {dispepsia}  Indigestion.
dysphagia [d7s-FA-je-å] {disfagia}  Difficulty in swallowing.
dysphasia [d7s-FA-ze-å] {disfasia}  Speech difficulty.
dysphonia [d7s-FO-ne-å] {disfonía}  Hoarseness usually caused by laryngitis.
dysplasia [d7s-PLA-ze-å]  Abnormal tissue growth.
dysplastic [d7s-PL0S-t7k]  Abnormal in cell appearance.
dyspnea [d7sp-NE-å] {disnea}  Difficult breathing.
dysrhythmia [d7s-R2TH-me-å] {disritmia}  Abnormal heart rhythm.
dystonia [d7s-TO-ne-å] {distonia}  Abnormal tone in tissues.
dysuria [d7s-YU-re-å] {disuria}  Painful urination.
ear [er] {oreja, oído}  Organ of hearing.
eardrum [ER-dr9m] {tambor de oído}  Oval, semitransparent membrane that moves in response to sound waves and produces vibrations.
ecchymosis (pl., ecchymoses) [6k-7-MO-s7s (6k-7-MO-sez)] {equimosis}  Purplish skin patch (bruise) caused by broken blood vessels beneath the surface.
eccrine [1K-r7n] glands {glándulas ecrinas}  Sweat glands that occur all over the body, except where the apocrine glands occur.
echocardiography [6k-o-kår-de-3G-rå-fe] {ecocardiografía}  Use of sound waves to produce images showing the structure and motion of the heart.
eczema [1K-z6-må] {eccema}  Severe inflammatory condition of the skin, usually of unknown cause.
edema [6-DE-må] {edema}  Retention of water in cells, tissues, and cavities, sometimes due to kidney disease.
efferent [1F-6r-6nt] (motor) neuron  Neuron that carries information to the muscles and glands from the central nervous system.
ejaculation [e-jåk-yu-LA-sh9n] {eyaculación}  Expulsion of semen outside the body.
ejection fraction  Percentage of the volume of the contents of the left ventricle ejected with each contraction.
elbow [1L-bo] {codo}  Joint between the upper arm and the forearm.
electrocardiography [e-l6k-tro-kår-de-3G-rå-fe]  Use of the electrocardiograph in diagnosis.
electrocauterization [e-L1K-tro-C0W-t6r-i-ZA-sh9n]  Destruction by burning tissue.
electroconvulsive [e-L1K-tro-k8n-V4L-s7v] therapy (ECT)  See electroshock therapy.
electrodesiccation [e-L1K-tro-d6-s7-KA-sh9n]  Drying with electrical current.
electroencephalogram (EEG) [e-L1K-tro-6n-S1F-å-lo-gråm] {electroencefalógrafo}  Record of the electrical impulses of the brain.
electrolyte [e-L1K-tro-lit] {electrólito}  Any substance that conducts electricity and is decomposed by it.
electromyogram [e-l6k-tro-MI-o-gråm] {electromiógrafo}  A graphic image of muscular action using electrical currents.
electrophoresis [e-l6k-tro-FOR-e-s7s] {electroforesis}  Process of separating particles in a solution by passing electricity through the liquid.
electroshock [e-L1K-tro-sh8k] therapy (EST)  Passing of electric current through a specific area of the brain to change or “scramble” communication from that area to the thought processes.
elimination [e-l7m-7-NA-sh9n]  The conversion of waste material from a liquid to a semisolid and removal of that material via defecation.
embolectomy [6m-bo-L1K-to-me] {embolectomía}  Surgical removal of an embolus.
embolic [6m-B3L-7k] stroke  Sudden stroke caused by an embolus.
embolus [1M-bo-l9s] {émbolo}  Mass of foreign material blocking a vessel; clot from somewhere in the body that blocks a small blood vessel in the brain.
embryo [1M-bre-o]  Fertilized ovum until about 10 weeks of gestation.
emesis [6-ME-s7s] {emesis}  See regurgitation.
emollient [e-M3L-e-6nt]  Agent that smooths or softens skin.
emphysema [6m-få-SE-må] {enfisema}  Chronic condition of hyperinflation of the air sacs; often caused by prolonged smoking.
empyema [6m-pi-E-må] {empiema}  Pus in the pleural cavity.
emulsification [e-M4L-s7-f7-KA-sh9n]  Breaking down of fats.
enamel [e-N0M-6l]  Glossy, white outer covering of teeth.
encapsulated [6n-K0P-su-la-t6d]  Held within a capsule; benign.
encephalitis [6n-s6f-å-LI-t7s] {encefalitis}  Inflammation of the brain.
encephalogram [6n-S1F-å-lo-gråm] {encefalograma}  Record of the radiographic study of the ventricles of the brain.
endarterectomy [6nd-år-ter-1K-to-me]  Surgical removal of the diseased portion of the lining of an artery.
endocarditis [1N-do-kår-DI-t7s] {endocarditis}  Inflammation of the endocardium, especially an inflammation caused by a bacterial (for example, staphylococci) or fungal agent.
endocardium [6n-do-K0R-de-9m] {endocardio}  Membranous lining of the chambers and valves of the heart; the innermost layer of heart tissue.
endocrine [1N-do-kr7n] gland {glándula endocrina}  Gland that secretes substances into the bloodstream instead of into ducts.
endocrine [1N-do-kr7n] system  Body system that includes glands which secrete hormones to regulate certain body functions.
endodontist [6n-do-D3N-t7st]  Dentist who specializes in root canal work.
endolymph [1N-do-l7mf] {endolinfa}  Fluid inside the membranous labyrinth.
endometriosis [1N-do-me-tre-O-s7s] {endometriosis}  Abnormal condition in which uterine wall tissue is found in the pelvis or on the abdominal wall.
endometrium [1N-do-ME-tre-9m] {endometrio}  Inner mucous layer of the uterus.
endoscope [1N-do-skop] {endoscopio}  Tube used to view a body cavity.
endosteum [6n-D3S-te-9m] {endostio}  Lining of the medullary cavity.
endothelium [6n-do-THE-le-9m] {endotelio}  Lining of the arteries that secretes substances into the blood.
endotracheal intubation [6n-do-TRA-ke-ål 7n-tu-BA-sh9n] (ET)  Insertion of a tube through the nose or mouth, pharynx, and larynx and into the trachea to establish an airway.
endovascular [6n-do-V0S-kyu-lår] surgery  Any of various procedures performed during cardiac catheterization, such as angioscopy and atherectomy.
end-stage renal disease (ESRD)  The last stages of kidney failure.
energy therapy  Therapy using energy fields.
enteric-coated [6n-TER-7k]  Having a coating (as on a capsule) that prevents stomach irritation.
enteritis [6n-t6r-I-t7s] {enteritis}  Inflammation of the small intestine.
enucleation [e-nu-kle-A-sh9n] {enucleación}  Removal of an eyeball.
enuresis [6n-yu-RE-s7s] {enuresis}  Urinary incontinence.
enzyme [1N-zim] {enzima}  Protein that causes chemical changes in substances in the digestive tract.
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA, ELISA)  Test used to screen blood for the presence of antibodies to different viruses or bacteria.
eosinophil [e-o-S2N-o-f7l] {eosinófilo}  Type of granulocyte.
eosinophilia [E-o-s7n-o-F2L-e-å] {eosinofilia}  Condition with an abnormal number of eosinophils in the blood.
epicardium [6p-7-K0R-de-9m] {epicardio}  Outermost layer of heart tissue.
epidermis [6p-7-D1RM-9s] {epidermis}  Outer portion of the skin containing several strata.
epidermoid [6p-7-D1R-m8yd]  Resembling epithelial cells.
epididymectomy [1P-7-d7d-7-M1K-to-me]  Removal of an epididymis.
epididymis [6p-7-D2D-7-m7s] {epidídimo}  Group of ducts at the top of the testis where sperm are stored.
epididymitis [6p-7-d7d-7-MI-t7s] {epididimitis}  Inflammation of the epididymis.
epidural [6p-7-DUR-ål] space  Area between the pia mater and the bones of the spinal cord.
epigastric [6p-7-G0S-tr7k] region  Area of the body immediately above the stomach.
epiglottis [6p-7-GL3-t7s] {epiglotis}  Cartilaginous flap that covers the larynx during swallowing to prevent food from entering the airway; movable flap of tissue that covers the trachea.
epiglottitis [6p-7-gl8t-I-t7s] {epiglotitis}  Inflammation of the epiglottis.
epilepsy [1P-7-L1P-se]  Chronic recurrent seizure activity.
epinephrine [1P-7-N1F-r7n] {epinefrina}  Hormone released by the adrenal medulla in response to stress; adrenaline.
epiphora [6-P2F-o-rå] {epífora}  Excessive tearing.
epiphyseal [6p-7-F2Z-e-ål] plate  Cartilaginous tissue that is replaced during growth years, but eventually calcifies and disappears when growth stops.
epiphysitis [6-p7f-7-SI-t7s] {epifisitis}  Inflammation of the epiphysis.
epispadias [6p-7-SPA-de-ås] {epispadias}  Birth defect with abnormal opening of the urethra on the top side of the penis.
epistaxis [1P-7-ST0K-s7s]  Bleeding from the nose, usually caused by trauma or a sudden rupture of the blood vessels of the nose.
epithalamus [1P-7-TH0L-å-m9s] {epitálamo}  One of the parts of the diencephalon; serves as a sensory relay station.
epithelial [6p-7-THE-le-ål] tissue  Tissue that covers or lines the body or its parts.
equilibrium [e-kw7-L2B-re-9m] {equilibrio}  Sense of balance.
erosion {erosion}  Wearing away of the surface of the skin, especially when caused by friction.
eructation [e-r9k-TA-sh9n] {eructación}  Belching.
erythroblastosis fetalis [6-R2TH-ro-blås-TO-s7s fe-T0L-7s]  Incompatibility disorder between a mother with Rh negative and a fetus with Rh positive.
erythrocyte [6-R2TH-ro-sit] {eritrocito}  Mature red blood cell.
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)  Test for rate at which red blood cells fall through plasma.
erythropenia [6-r7th-ro-PE-ne-å] {eritropenia}  Disorder with abnormally low number of red blood cells.
erythropoietin [6-r7th-ro-P3Y-6-t7n] {eritropoyetina}  Hormone released by the kidneys to stimulate red blood cell production.
esophagitis [6-s8f-å-JI-t7s] {esofagitis}  Inflammation of the esophagus.
esophagoplasty [6-S3F-å-go-plås-te] {esofagoplastia}  Repair of the esophagus.
esophagoscopy [6-s8f-å-G3S-ko-pe] {esophagoscopia}  Examination of the esophagus with an esophagoscope.
esophagus [6-S3F-å-g9s] {esófago}  Part of the alimentary canal from the pharynx to the stomach.
esotropia [6s-o-TRO-pe-å] {esotropía}  Deviation of one eye inward.
essential hypertension  High blood pressure without any known cause.
estrogen [1S-tro-j6n] {estrógeno}  One of the primary female hormones produced by the ovaries.
ethmoid [1TH-m8yd] bone  Irregular bone of the face attached to the sphenoid bone.
ethmoid sinuses  Sinuses on both sides of the nasal cavities between each eye and the sphenoid sinus.
eupnea [yup-NE-å, YUP-ne-å] {eupnea}  Normal breathing.
eustachian [yu-STA-sh9n, yu-STA-ke-ån] tube  Tube that connects the middle ear to the pharynx.
euthanasia [yu-thå-NA-ze-å]  Assisting in the suicide of or putting a person with an curable or painful disease to death.
evoked potentials [e-VOKT po-T1N-shåls]  Record of the electrical wave patterns observed in an EEG.
exanthematous [6ks-zån-TH1M-å-t9s] viral disease  Viral disease that causes a rash on the skin.
excisional biopsy [6k-S2ZH-sh9n-l BI-8p-se]  Removal of tumor and surrounding tissue for examination.
excitability [6k-SI-tå-B2L-7-te] {excitabilidad}  Ability to respond to stimuli.
excoriation [6ks-KO-re-A-sh9n] {excoriación}  Injury to the surface of the skin caused by a scratch, abrasion, or burn, usually accompanied by some oozing.
excrete [6ks-KRET]  To separate out and expel.
exenteration [6ks-6n-t6r-A-sh9n]  Removal of an organ, tumor, and surrounding tissue.
exfoliative biopsy  The scraping of skin cells from the skin surface for examination.
exhalation [6ks-hå-LA-sh9n] {exahalación}  Breathing out.
exocrine [1K-so-kr7n] gland {exocrine}  1. Any gland that releases substances through ducts to a specific location. 2. Gland that secretes through ducts toward the outside of the body.
exophthalmos, exophthalmus [6k-s8f-TH0L-mos] {exoftalmía}  Abnormal protrusion of the eyeballs; abnormal protrusion of the eyes typical of Graves' disease.
exostosis [6ks-os-TO-s7s] {exostosis}  Abnormal bone growth capped with cartilage.
exotropia [6k-so-TRO-pe-å]  Deviation of one eye outward.
expectorants [6k-SP1K-to-rånts]  Agents that promote the coughing and expelling of mucus.
expiration [6ks-pi-RA-sh9n] {espiración}  Exhalation.
external fixation device  Device applied externally to hold a limb in place.
external nares [N0R-ez]  See nostrils.
external respiration  Exchange of air between the body and the outside environment.
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)  Breaking of kidney stones by using shock waves from outside the body.
exudate [1KS-yu-dat] {exudado}  Any fluid excreted out of tissue, especially fluid excreted out of an injury to the skin.
eye [i] {ojo}  Organ of sight.
eyebrow [I-br8w] {ceja}  Clump of hair, usually about a half an inch above the eye, that helps to keep foreign particles from entering the eye.
eyelashes [I-låsh-6z] {pestaña}  Group of hairs protruding from the end of the eyelid; helps to keep foreign particles from entering the eye.
eyelid [I-l7d] {párpado}  Moveable covering over the eye.
eyestrain {vista fatigada}  Asthenopia.
eyetooth [I-tuth]  Cuspid.
fainting  See syncope.
fallopian [få-LO-pe-ån] tube  One of the two tubes that lead from the ovaries to the uterus; uterine tube.
farsightedness {hiperopía}  Hyperopia.
fascia (pl., fasciae) [F0SH-e-å (F0SH-e-e)] {fascia}  Sheet of fibrous tissue that encloses muscles.
fasting blood sugar  Test for glucose in blood following a fast of 12 hours.
fatty acid  Acid derived from fat during the digestive process.
feces [FE-sez] {heces}  Semisolid waste that moves through the large intestine to the anus, where it is released from the body.
femoral [F1M-o-rål, FE-mo-rål] artery  An artery that supplies blood to the thigh.
femur [FE-mur] {fémur}  Long bone of the thigh.
fertilization [F1R-t7l-i-ZA-sh9n]  Union of an egg cell(s) with sperm.
fetus [FE-t9s]  Developing product of conception from 8 weeks to birth.
fever blister  Eruption around the mouth or lips; herpes simplex virus Type 1.
fibrillation [f7-br7-LA-sh9n] {fibrilación}  Random, chaotic, irregular heart rhythm.
fibrin [FI-br7n] clot  Clot-forming threads formed at the site of an injury during coagulation where platelets clump together with various other substances.
fibrinogen [fi-BR2N-o-j6n] {fibrinógeno}  Protein in plasma that aids in clotting.
fibroid [FI-br8yd] {fibroide}  Benign tumor commonly found in the uterus.
fibula [F2B-yu-lå] {peroné}  Smallest long bone of the lower leg.
filtration [f7l-TRA-sh9n] {filtración}  Process of separating solids from a liquid by passing it through a porous substance.
fimbriae [F2M-bre-e] {fimbrias}  Hairlike ends of the uterine tubes that sweep the ovum into the uterus.
first bicuspid  Fourth tooth from the median of the jawline.
first molar  Sixth tooth from the median of the jawline.
first-degree burn  Least severe burn, causes injury to the surface of the skin without blistering.
fissure [F2SH-ur] {fisura}  1. Deep slit in the skin. 2. Deep furrow or slit (as in bone). 3. One of many indentations of the cerebrum; sulcus.
fistula [F2S-tyu-lå] {fistula}  Abnormal opening in tissue.
flaccid [FL0K-s7d] {fláccido}  Without tone; relaxed.
flagellum [flå-J1L-9m] {flagelo}  Tail at the end of a sperm that helps it move.
flat bones  Thin, flattened bones that cover certain areas, as of the skull.
flatulence [FL0T-yu-l6ns] {flatulencia}  Gas in the stomach or intestines.
flatus [FL0-t9s] {flato}  Gas in the lower intestinal tract that can be released through the anus.
fluoride [FLUR-id]  Substance given as a mouth wash to prevent tooth decay.
fluoroscopy [flur-3S-ko-pe]  X-ray in which the image is projected onto a fluorescent screen.
flutter {aleteo}  Regular but very rapid heartbeat.
Foley catheter  Indwelling catheter held in place by a balloon that inflates inside the bladder.
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)  Hormone necessary for maturation of oocytes and ovulation; hormone released by the anterior pituitary to aid in production of ova and sperm.
follicular [f8l-L2K-yu-lår]  Containing glandular sacs.
Fontan's [F3N-tånz] operation  Surgical procedure that creates a bypass from the right atrium to the main pulmonary artery; Fontan's procedure.
fontanelle [F3N-tå-n6l] {fontanela}  Soft, membranous section on top of an infant's skull.
foramen [fo-R0-m6n] {agujero}  Opening or perforation through a bone.
foramen magnum [M0G-n9m]  Opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes.
foramen ovale [o-V0-l6]  Opening in the septum of the fetal heart that closes at birth.
forceps [FOR-s6ps]  Surgical implement used to grasp and remove something.
foreskin [FOR-sk7n] {prepucio}  Fold of skin at the top of the labia minora; flap of skin covering the glans penis; removed by circumcision in many cultures.
fossa (pl., fossae) [FOS-å (FOS-e)] {fosa}  Depression, as in a bone.
fovea centralis [FO-ve-å s6n-TR0L-7s]  Depression in the center of the macula lutea; perceives sharpest images.
fracture [FR0K-chur] {fractura}  A break, especially in a bone.
frenulum [FR1N-yu-l9m] {frenillo}  Mucous membrane that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth.
frontal [FR4N-tål] bone  Large bone of the skull that forms the top of the head and forehead.
frontal lobe  One of the four parts of each hemisphere of the cerebrum.
frontal [FR4N-tål] plane  Imaginary line that divides the body into anterior and posterior positions.
frontal sinuses  Sinuses above the eyes.
fulguration [f9l-gu-RA-sh9n] {fulguración}  Destruction of tissue using electric sparks or by high-frequency current.
full [f9l]  Complete (set of dentures).
fundus [F4N-d9s] {fondo}  Top portion of the uterus; upper portion of the stomach.
fungating [F4NG-at-7ng]  Growing in a mushroomlike pattern.
furuncle [FY4-r9ng-kl]{furúnculo}  Localized skin infection, usually in a hair follicle and containing pus; boil.
gait [gat] {marcha}  Manner of walking.
gallbladder [G0WL-blåd-6r] {vesícula biliar}  Organ on lower surface of liver; stores bile.
gallop {galope}  Triple sound of a heartbeat, usually indicative of serious heart disease.
gallstones {cálculo biliar}  Calculi in the gallbladder.
gamete [G0M-et] {gameto}  Sex cell; see ovum.
gamma globulin [G0-må GL3B-yu-l7n]  1. Globulin that arises in lymphatic tissue and functions as part of the immune system. 2. Antibodies given to prevent or lessen certain diseases.
gamma rays  Commonly used radioactive particles with high penetrating ability.
gangliitis [gång-gle-I-t7s] {ganglitis}  Inflammation of a ganglion.
ganglion (pl., ganglia, ganglions) [G0NG-gle-8n (-å, -8ns)]{ganglion}  Any group of nerve cell bodies forming a mass or a cyst in the peripheral nervous system; usually forms in the wrist.
gangrene [G0NG-gren] {gangrena}  Death of an area of skin, usually caused by loss of blood supply to the area.
gastrectomy [gås-TR1K-to-me] {gastrectomia}  Removal of part or all of the stomach.
gastric bypass  See gastric resection.
gastric resection or gastric bypass  Removal of part of the stomach and repair of the remaining part.
gastritis [gås-TRI-t7s] {gastritis}  Inflammation of the stomach.
gastroenteritis [G0S-tro-6n-t6r-I-t7s] {gastroenteritis}  Inflammation of the stomach and small intestine.
gastroscopy [gås-TR3S-ko-pe] {gastrocopia}  Examination of the stomach using an endoscope.
gene therapy  Method of treatment using genetically changed cells to cure or lessen the symptoms of disease.
generic [j6-N0R-7k] {genérico}  Shortened version of a chemical name.
genetics [j6-N1T-7ks]  Science of biological inheritance.
geriatric [J1R-e-0-tr7k]  Of or relating to old age.
gerontology [J1R-8n-T3L-o-je]  Medical specialty that diagnoses and treats disorders of old age.
gestation [j6s-TA-sh9n] {gestación}  Period of fetal development from fertilization until delivery; usually about 40 weeks.
gigantism [JI-gån-t7zm] {gigantismo}  Abnormally fast and large growth caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone.
gingivae [J2N-j7-ve]  Gums.
gingivitis [j7n-j7-VI-t7s]  Inflammation of the gums.
gland {glándula}  Any organized mass of tissue secreting or excreting substances.
glans penis [glånz PE-n7s]  Sensitive area at the tip of the penis.
glaucoma [glåw-KO-må] {glaucoma}  Any of various diseases caused by abnormally high eye pressure.
glioblastoma multiforme [GLI-o-blås-TO-må M4L-t7-f8rm]  Most malignant type of glioma.
glioma [gli-O-må] {glioma}  Tumor that arises from neuroglia.
globin [GLO-b7n] {globina}  Protein molecule; in the blood, a part of hemoglobin.
globulin [GL3B-yu-l7n] {globulina}  Any of a family of proteins in blood plasma.
glomerulonephritis [glo-M0R-yu-lo-n6f-RI-t7s]  Inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidneys.
glomerulus (pl., glomuleri) [glo-M0R-yu-l7s (glo-M0R-yu-li)]{glomérulo}  Group of capillaries in a nephron.
glossectomy [gl8-S1K-to-me]  Removal of the tongue.
glossitis [gl8-SI-t7s] {glositis}  Inflammation of the tongue.
glossorrhaphy [gl8-SOR-å-fe]  Suture of the tongue.
glottis [GL3T-7s] {glotis}  Part of the larynx consisting of the vocal folds of mucous membrane and muscle.
glucagon [GLU-ko-g8n] {glucagon}  Hormone released by the pancreas to increase blood sugar.
glucocorticoids [glu-ko-KOR-t7-k8ydz]  Hormones released by the adrenal cortex.
glucose [GLU-kos] {glucosa}  Form of sugar found in the blood; may indicate diabetes when found in the urine; sugar found in fruits and plants and in various parts of the body.
glucose tolerance test (GTT)  Blood test for body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates; taken after a 12-hour fast, then repeated every hour for 4 to 6 hours after ingestion of a sugar solution.
glucosuria [glu-ko-SU-re-å]  Glucose in the urine.
glycated hemoglobin  Blood test for an average of glucose levels over the previous 2-3 months.
glycogen [GLI-ko-j6n] {glucógeno}  Converted glucose stored in the liver for future use; starch that can be converted into glucose.
glycosuria [gli-ko-SU-re-å]  Glucose in the urine.
goiter [G3Y-t6r] {bocio}  Abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland as a result of its overactivity or lack of iodine in the diet.
gonad [GO-nåd] {gónada}  Male or female sex organ; see ovary.
goniometer [g8-ne-3M-6-t6r] {goniómetro}  Instrument that measures angles or range of motion in a joint.
gonorrhea [g8n-o-RE-å] {gonorrea}  Sexually transmitted inflammation of the genital membranes.
gouty arthritis, gout [G3WT-e, g8wt]  Inflammation of the joints, present in gout; usually caused by uric acid crystals.
graafian follicle [grå-FE-ån F3L-7-kl]  Follicle in the ovary that holds an oocyte during development and then releases it.
grade  Maturity of a tumor.
graft  Any tissue or organ implanted to replace or mend damaged areas.
grand mal [måhl] seizure  See tonic-clonic seizure.
granulocyte [GR0N-yu-lo-sit]  Leukocyte with granular cytoplasm.
granulocytosis [GR0N-yu-lo-si-TO-s7s] {granulocitosis}  Condition with an abnormal number of granulocytes in the bloodstream.
Graves' [gravz] disease  Overactivity of the thyroid gland.
gravida [GR0V-7-då] {grávida}  Pregnant woman.
gray (gy)  Unit of measure equal to 100 rads.
greenstick fracture  Fracture with twisting or bending of the bone but no breaking; usually occurs in children.
group therapy  Talk therapy under the leadership of a psychotherapist in which the members of the group discuss their feelings and try to help each other improve.
growth hormone (GH)  Hormone released by the anterior pituitary.
gums [g9mz] {encía}  Dense fibrous tissue that forms a protective covering around the sockets and the part of the jawline inside the oral cavity; fleshy sockets that hold the teeth.
gynecologist [gi-n6-K3L-o-j7st] {ginecólogo}  Specialist who diagnoses and treats the processes and disorders of the female reproductive system.
gyrus (pl., gyri) [JI-r9s (JI-r7)] {circunvolución}  See convolution.
hair follicle [F3L-7-kl]  Tubelike sac in the dermis out of which the hair shaft develops.
hair root {raiz de pelo}  Portion of the hair beneath the skin surface.
hair shaft  Portion of the hair visible above the skin surface.
hairline fracture  Fracture with no bone separation or fragmentation.
halitosis [hål-7-TO-s7s] {halitosis}  Foul mouth odor.
hard palate [P0L-åt]  Hard anterior portion of the palate at the roof of the mouth; hardening of the arteries.
hearing {audición}  Ability to perceive sound.
heart [hårt] {corazón}  Muscular organ that receives blood from the veins and sends it into the arteries.
heart block  See atrioventricular block.
heart transplant  Implantation of the heart of a person who has just died into a person whose diseased heart cannot sustain life.
heel [hel] {talon}  Back, rounded portion of the foot.
helper cell  T cell that stimulates the immune response.
hematemesis [he-må-T1M-e-s7s] {hematemesis}  Blood in vomit.
hematochezia [HE-må-to-KE-ze-å]  Red blood in stool.
hematocrit [HE-må-to-kr7t, H1M-å-to-kr7t] {hematócrito}  Measure of the percentage of red blood cells in a blood sample.
hematocytoblast [HE-må-to-SI-to-blåst] {hematocitoblasto}  Most immature blood cell.
hematuria [he-må-TU-re-å] {hematuria}  Blood in the urine.
heme [hem]  Pigment containing iron in hemoglobin.
hemochromatosis [HE-mo-kro-må-TO-s7s]  Hereditary condition with excessive iron buildup in the blood.
hemodialysis [HE-mo-di-0L-7-s7s] {hemodiálisis}  Dialysis performed by passing blood through a filter outside the body and returning filtered blood to the body.
hemoglobin [he-mo-GLO-b7n] {hemoglobina}  Protein in red blood cells essential to the transport of oxygen.
hemolysis [he-M3L-7-s7s] {hemolisis}  Disorder with breakdown of red blood cell membranes.
hemophilia [he-mo-F2L-e-å] {hemofilia}  Hereditary disorder with lack of clotting factor in the blood.
hemoptysis [he-M3P-t7-s7s]  Lung or bronchial hemorrhage resulting in the spitting of blood.
hemorrhagic [h6m-o-R0J-7k] stroke  Stroke caused by blood escaping from a damaged cerebral artery.
hemorrhoidectomy [H1M-o-r8y-D1K-to-me]{hemorroidectomía}  Surgical removal of hemorrhoids.
hemorrhoids [H1M-o-r8ydz] {hemorroides}  Varicose condition of veins in the anal region; swollen, twisted veins in the anus.
hemostatic [he-mo-ST0T-7k]  Agent that stops bleeding.
hemothorax [he-mo-TH3-råks] {hemotórax}  Blood in the pleural cavity.
heparin [H1P-å-r7n] {heparina}  Anticoagulant present in the body; also, synthetic version administered to prevent clotting; substance in blood that prevents clotting.
hepatic lobectomy [h6-P0T-7k lo-B1K-to-me]  Removal of one or more lobes of the liver.
hepatitis [h6p-å-TI-t7s] {hepatitis}  Inflammation or disease of the liver.
hepatomegaly [H1P-å-to-M1G-å-le] {hepatomegalia}  Enlarged liver.
hepatopathy [h6p-å-T3P-å-the] {hepatopatía}  Liver disease.
hernia [H1R-ne-å] {hernia}  Abnormal protrusion of tissue through muscle that contains it.
herniated [H1R-ne-a-t6d] disk  Protrusion of an intervertebral disk into the neural canal.
herpes [H1R-pez] {herpes}  An inflammatory skin disease caused by viruses of the family Herpesviridae.
herpes simplex virus Type 1  Herpes that recurs on the lips and around the area of the mouth, usually during viral illnesses or states of stress.
herpes simplex virus Type 2  Herpes that recurs on the genitalia; can be easily transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact.
herpes zoster [Z3S-t6r]  Painful herpes that affects nerve roots; shingles.
heterograft [H1T-6r-o-gråft] {heterinjerto}  Skin graft using donor skin from one species to another; xenograft.
heteroplasia [H1T-6r-o-PLA-ze-å]  Dysplasia.
hiatal hernia [hi-A-tål H1R-ne-å]  Protrusion of the stomach through an opening in the diaphragm.
high blood pressure {presión arterial alta}  See hypertension.
hilum (also hilus) [HI-l9m (HI-l9s)] {hilio}  1. Portion of the kidney where blood vessels and nerves enter and exit. 2. Midsection of the lung where the nerves and vessels enter and exit.
hirsutism [H1R-su-t7zm] {hirsutismo}  Abnormal hair growth due to an excess of androgens.
histamine [H2S-tå-men] {histamine}  Substance released by basophils and eosinophils; involved in allergic reactions.
histiocytic [H2S-te-o-S2T-7k] lymphoma  Lymphoma with malignant cells that resemble histiocytes.
hives {urticaria}  See urticaria.
Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease  Type of lymph cancer of uncertain origin that generally appears in early adulthood.
Holter [HOL-t6r] monitor  Portable device that provides a 24-hour electrocardiogram.
homeopathic [ho-me-o-P0TH-7k] medicine  Medical system that uses diluted doses of substances to stimulate immunity.
homograft [HO-mo-gråft] {homoinjerto}  Skin graft using donor skin from one person to another; allograft.
hordeolum [hor-DE-o-l9m] {orzuelo}  Infection of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid; sty.
hormone [HOR-mon] {hormona}  Chemical secretion from glands such as the ovaries; substance secreted by glands and carried in the bloodstream to various parts of the body; chemical substance in the body that forms in one organ and moves to another organ or part on which the substance has an effect; manufactured version of that chemical substance.
hormone replacement therapy (HRT)  Treatment with hormones when the body stops or decreases the production of hormones by itself; ingestion of hormones to replace missing (or increase low levels of needed) hormones.
human growth hormone (HCG)  Naturally occurring substance in the body that promotes growth; synthesized substance that serves the same function.
human immunodeficiency [2M-yu-no-de-F2SH-6n-se]virus (HIV)  Virus that causes AIDS; spread by sexual contact and exchange of body fluids, and shared use of needles.
humerus [HYU-m6r-9s] {húmero}  Long bone of the arm connecting to the scapula on top and the radius and ulna at the bottom.
humoral [HYU-mor-ål] immunity  Resistance to disease provided by plasma cells and antibody production.
Huntington's chorea [kor-E-å]  Hereditary disorder with uncontrollable, jerking movements.
hydrocele [HI-dro-sel] {hidrocele}  Fluid-containing hernia of the testis.
hydrocephalus [hi-dro-S1F-å-l9s] {hidrocefalia}  Overproduction of fluid in the brain.
hydronephrosis [HI-dro-n6-FRO-s7s]  Abnormal collection of urine in the kidneys due to a blockage.
hymen [HI-m6n] {himen}  Fold of mucous membranes covering the vagina of a young female; usually ruptures during first intercourse.
hyperadrenalism [HI-p6r-å-DR1N-å-l7zm]  Overactivity of the adrenal glands.
hyperbilirubinemia [HI-p6r-B2L-7-ru-b7-NE-me-å]  Excessive bilirubin in the blood.
hypercapnia [hi-p6r-K0P-ne-å]  Excessive buildup of carbon dioxide in lungs, usually associated with hypoventilation.
hyperchromatic [HI-p6r-kro-M0T-7k]  Intensely colored.
hyperopia [hi-p6r-O-pe-å]  Focusing behind the retina causing vision distortion; farsightedness.
hyperparathyroidism [HI-p6r-på-rå-THI-r8yd-izm]{hiperparatiroidismo}  Overactivity of the parathyroid glands.
hyperplastic [hi-p6r-PL0S-t7k]  Excessive in development (of cells).
hyperpnea [hi-p6rp-NE-å]  Abnormally deep breathing.
hypersecretion [HI-p6r-se-KRE-sh9n]  Abnormally high secretion, as from a gland.
hypersensitivity [HI-p6r-s6n-s7-T2V-7-te] {hipersensibilidad}  Abnormal reaction to an allergen.
hypersplenism [hi-p6r-SPL1N-7zm]  Overactive spleen.
hypertension [HI-p6r-T1N-sh9n]  Chronic condition with blood pressure greater than 140/90.
hypertensive heart disease  Heart disease caused, or worsened, by high blood pressure.
hyperthyroidism [HI-p6r-THI-r8yd-7zm] {hipertiroidismo}  Overactivity of the thyroid gland.
hypertrophy [hi-P1R-tro-fe]  Abnormal increase as in muscle size.
hyperventilation [HI-p6r-v6n-t7-LA-sh9n] {hiperventilación}  Abnormally fast breathing in and out, often associated with anxiety.
hypnosis [h7p-NO-s7s]  State of semiconsciousness.
hypnotic [h7p-N3T-7k]  Agent that induces sleep.
hypoadrenalism [HI-po-å-DR1N-å-l7zm] {hipoadrenalismo}  Underactivity of the adrenal glands.
hypochondria [hi-po-K3N-dre-å]  Condition of preoccupation with imagined illnesses in the patient's body.
hypochondriac [hi-po-K3N-dre-åk] regions  Left and right regions of the body just below the cartilage of the ribs and immediately above the abdomen.
hypodermis [hi-po-D1R-m7s] {hipodermis}  Subcutaneous skin layer; layer below the dermis.
hypogastric [hi-po-G0S-tr7k] region  Area of the body just below the umbilical region.
hypoglycemia [HI-po-gli-SE-me-å] {hypoglucemia}  Abnormally low level of glucose in the blood.
hypoglycemic [HI-po-gli-SE-m7k] {hipoglucémico}  Agent that lowers blood glucose.
hypoparathyroidism [HI-po-på-rå-THI-r8yd-7zm]{hipoparatiroidismo}  Underactivity of the parathyroid glands.
hypopharynx [HI-po-F0R-7nks] {hipofaringe}  Laryngopharynx.
hypophysectomy [hi-p8f-7-S1K-to-me]  Removal of the pituitary gland.
hypophysis [hi-P3F-7-s7s] {hipófisis}  Pituitary gland.
hypoplastic [HI-p8-PL0S-t7k]  Underdeveloped, as tissue.
hypopnea [hi-P3P-ne-å]  Shallow breathing.
hyposecretion [HI-po-se-KRE-sh9n]  Abnormally low secretion, as from a gland.
hypospadias [HI-po-SPA-de-ås] {hipospadias}  Birth defect with abnormal opening of the urethra on the bottom side of the penis.
hypotension [HI-po-T1N-sh9n] {hipotensión}  Chronic condition with blood pressure below normal.
hypothalamus [HI-po-TH0L-å-m9s] {hipotálamo}  One of the parts of the diencephalon; serves as a sensory relay station; gland in the nervous system that releases hormones to aid in regulating pituitary hormones.
hypothyroidism [HI-po-THI-r8yd-izm] {hipotiroidismo}  Underactivity of the thyroid gland.
hypotonia [HI-po-TO-ne-å]  Abnormally reduced muscle tension.
hypoventilation [HI-po-v6n-t7-LA-sh9n] {hipoventilación}  Abnormally low movement of air in and out of the lungs.
hypoxemia [hi-p8k-SE-me-å] {hipoxemia}  Deficient amount of oxygen in the blood.
filling  An amalgam placed into a drilled space to prevent further tooth decay.
genital herpes  See herpes simplex virus Type 2.

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