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English Glossary (hypoxia through perfusion deficit)
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hypoxia [hi-P3K-se-å] {hipoxia}  Deficient amount of oxygen in tissue.
hysterectomy [h7s-t6r-1K-to-me] {histerectomía}  Removal of the uterus.
hysterosalpingography [H2S-t6r-o-sål-p7ng-G3G-rå-f6]  X-ray of the uterus and uterine tubes after a contrast medium has been injected.
hysteroscopy [h7s-t6r-3S-ko-pe] {histeroscopia}  Examination of the uterus using a hysteroscope.
icterus [2K-t6r-9s] {icterus}  Jaundice.
ileitis [2L-e-I-t7s] {ileitis}  Inflammation of the ileum.
ileostomy [2L-e-3S-to-me] {ileostomía}  Creation of an opening into the ileum.
ileum [2L-e-9m] {íleon}  Bottom part of the small intestine that connects to the large intestine.
ileus [2L-e-9s] {íleo}  Intestinal blockage.
iliac [2L-e-åk]  regions Left and right regions of the body near the upper portion of the hip bone.
ilium [2L-e-9m] {ileum}  Wide portion of the hip bone.
imaging [2M-å-j7ng]  Production of a visual output using x-rays, sound waves, or magnetic fields.
immunity [7-MYU-n7-te] {inmunidad}  Resistance to particular pathogens.
immunization [2M-yu-ni-ZA-sh9n]  Vaccination.
immunoglobulin [2M-yu-no-GL3B-yu-l7n] {inmunoglobina}  Antibody.
immunosuppressive [2M-yu-no-s9-PR1S-7v]  Disease that flourishes because of lowered immune response.
impetigo [7m-p6-TI-go] {impétigo}  A type of pyoderma. implant 1. To attach to the lining of the uterus in the first stage of pregnancy. 2. Artificial replacement tooth that has an extension set into bone.
impotence [2M-po-t6ns] {impotencia}  Inability to maintain an erection for ejaculation.
in utero [7n YU-t6r-o]  Within the uterus; unborn.
incisional [7n-S2ZH-sh9n-l]  Removal of a part of a tumor for examination.
incisor [7n-SI-zhur]  First and second tooth next to the median of the jawline. incomplete fracture Fracture that does not go entirely through a bone.
incontinence [7n-K3N-t7-n6ns] {incontinencia}  Inability to prevent excretion of urine or feces.
incus [2N-k9s] {incus}  One of the three auditory ossicles; the anvil.
indwelling [2N-dw6-l7ng]  Of a type of catheter inserted into the body.
infarct [2N-fårkt] {infarto}  Area of necrosis caused by a sudden drop in the supply of arterial or venous blood.
infarction [7n-F0RK-sh9n] {infarto}  Sudden drop in the supply of arterial or venous blood, often due to an embolus or thrombus.
infectious mononucleosis [M3N-o-nu-kle-O-s7s]  Acute infectious disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.
inferior [7n-FER-e-or]  Below another body structure.
inferior lobe [7n-FE-re-or lob]  Bottom lobe of the lung.
inferior vena cava [VE-nå K0-vå, KA-vå]  Large vein that draws blood from the lower part of the body to the right atrium.
infertility [7n-f6r-T2L-7-te] {infertilidad}  Inability to fertilize ova.
inflammatory [7n-FL0M-å-tor-e]  Having an inflamed appearance (red and swollen).
infusion [7n-FYU-zh9n]  Administration of a fluid through an intravenous tube at a slow and steady rate.
inguinal [2N-gw7-nål]  regions Left and right regions of the body near the upper portion of the hip bone.
inhalation [7n-hå-LA-sh9n] {inhalación}  1. Breathing in. 2. Taking in of drugs in a fine spray of droplets.
insertion {inserción}  Point at which a muscle attaches to a movable bone.
inspiration [7n-sp7-RA-sh9n] {inspiración}  Inhalation.
insulin [2N-su-l7n] {insulina}  Substance released by the pancreas to lower blood sugar.
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)  See Type I diabetes.
integument [7n-T1G-yu-m6nt] {integumento}  Skin and all the elements that are contained within and arise from it.
integumentary [7n-t6g-yu-M1N-tå-re]  Body system that includes skin, hair, and nails.
intercostal muscles [7n-t6r-K3S-tål M4S-6lz]  Muscles between the ribs.
interferon [7n-t6r-FER-8n]  Protein produced by T cells and other cells; destroys disease-causing cells with its antiviral properties.
interleukin [7n-t6r-LU-k7n] {interleucina}  Protein produced by T cells; helps regulate immune system.
intermittent claudication  Attacks of limping, particularly in the legs, due to ischemia of the muscles.
interneuron [2N-t6r-NU-r8n] {interneurona}  Neuron that carries and processes sensory information.
interstitial [7n-t6r-ST2SH-ål]  Brachytherapy in which the radioactive substance is placed within the tissue or tumor.
intervertebral [7n-t6r-V1R-t6-brål]  disk See cartilaginous disk.
intra-arterial [2N-trå-år-TE-re-ål]  Injected directly into an artery.
intracardiac [2N-trå-K0R-de-åk]  Injected directly into heart muscle.
intracardiac [7n-trå-K0R-de-åk]  A tumor within one of the heart chambers.
intracavitary [2N-trå-C0V-7-tår-e]  Brachytherapy in which the radioactive substance is placed in a cavity near a cancerous lesion.
intracorporeal electrohydraulic lithotripsy [2N-trå-kor-PO-re-ål e-L1K-tro-hi-DR3-l7k L2TH-o-tr7p-se]  Use of an endoscope to break up stones.
intracutaneous [2N-trå-kyu-TA-ne-9s]  Injected just beneath the outer layer of skin.
intradermal [2N-trå-D1R-mål] {intradérmico}  From within the skin, particularly from the dermis; See intracutaneous.
intradermal [2N-trå-D1R-mål]  Test that injects antigen or protein between layers of skin.
intramuscular [2N-trå-M4S-kyu-lår]  Injected deep into muscle tissue.
intraosseus [2N-trå-3S-e-9s]  Injected directly into bone.
intraspinal [2N-trå-SPI-nål]  Injected directly into spinal spaces.
intrathecal [2N-trå-THE-kål]  See intraspinal.
intrauterine [2N-trå-YU-t6r-7n]  Contraceptive device consisting of a coil placed in the uterus to block implantation of a fertilized ovum.
intravascular stent  Stent placed within a blood vessel to allow blood to flow freely.
intravenous (IV) [2N-trå-VE-n9s] {intravenoso (IV)}  Administered through a tube into a vein.
introitus [7n-TRO-i-t9s] {introito}  External opening or entrance to a hollow organ, such as a vagina.
intussusception [2N-t9s-s9-S1P-sh9n]  Prolapse or collapse of an intestinal part into a neighboring part. One section collapses into another like a telescope.
invasive [7n-VA-s7v]  Infiltrating other organs; spreading.
iodine [I-o-din]  Substance used in radiopharmaceuticals for contrast medium and radiation therapy.
ion [I-8n]  Positively charged particle used to ionize tissue.
ionize [I-on-iz]  To destroy cells by changing neutral particles to ions using x-rays.
iridectomy [7r-7-D1K-to-me] {iridectomía}  Removal of part of the iris.
iridotomy [7r-7-D3T-o-me]  Incision into the iris to relieve pressure.
iris [I-r7s] {iris}  Colored part of the eye; contains muscles that expand and contract in response to light.
iritis [i-RI-t7s] {iritis}  Inflammation of the iris.
irradiated [7-RA-de-at-6d]  Treated with radiation.
ischemia [7s-KE-me-å] {isquemia}  Localized blood insufficiency caused by an obstruction.
ischium [2S-ke-9m] {isquión}  One of three fused bones that form the pelvic girdle.
islets of Langerhans [L0N-g6r-hånz]  Specialized cells in the pancreas that release insulin and glucagon.
isthmus [2S-m9s] {istmo}  Narrow region at the bottom of the uterus opening into the cervix; narrow band of tissue connecting the two lobes of the thyroid gland.
jaundice [J0WN-d7s] {ictericia}  Excessive bilirubin in the blood causing yellowing of the skin.
jejunum [j6-JU-n9m] {yeyuno}  Middle section of the small intestine.
joint [j8ynt] {empalme}  Place of joining between two or more bones.
Kaposi's sarcoma [K0-po-sez sår-KO-må]  Skin cancer associated with AIDS.
Kegel [KE-g6l]  Exercises to strengthen pubic muscles.
keloid [KE-l8yd] {queloide}  Thick scarring of the skin that forms after an injury or surgery.
keratin [K1R-å-t7n] {queratina}  Hard, horny protein that forms nails and hair.
keratitis [k6r-å-TI-t7s] {queratitis}  Inflammation of the cornea.
keratolytic [K1R-å-to-L2T-7k]  Agent that aids in the removal of warts and corns.
keratoplasty [K1R-å-to-plås-te] {queratoplastia}  Corneal transplant.
keratosis [k6r-å-TO-s7s] {queratosis}  Lesion on the epidermis containing keratin.
ketoacidosis [KE-to-å-s7-DO-s7s] {cetoacidosis}  Condition of high acid levels caused by the abnormal release of ketones in the body.
ketone [KE-ton] {cetona}  Substance that results from the breakdown of fat; indicates diabetes or starvation when present in the urine.
ketonuria [ke-to-NU-re-å] {cetonuria}  Increased urinary excretion of ketones, usually indicative of diabetes or starvation.
ketosis [ke-TO-s7s] {cetosis}  Condition caused by the abnormal release of ketones in the body.
kidney [K2D-ne] {riñón}  Organ that forms urine and reabsorbs essential substances back into the bloodstream.
kyphosis [ki-FO-s7s] {cifosis}  Abnormal posterior spine curvature.
labia majora [LA-be-å må-JOR-å]  Two folds of skin that form the borders of the vulva.
labia minora [mi-NOR-å]  Two folds of skin between the labia majora.
labor [LA-bor]  Process of expelling the fetus and placenta from the uterus.
labyrinthitis [L0B-7-r7n-THI-t7s] {laberintitis}  Inflammation of the labyrinth.
lacrimal [L0K-r7-mål]  Thin, flat bone of the face.
lacrimal [L0K-r7-mål] glands  Glands that secrete liquid to moisten the eyes and produce tears.
lacrimation [låk-r7-MA-sh9n] {lagrimeo}  Secretion of tears, usually excessively.
lactation [låk-TA-sh9n] {lactación}  Production of milk from the breasts following delivery.
lactiferous [låk-T2F-6r-9s] {lactifero}  Producing milk.
lamina (pl., laminae) [L0M-7-nå (L0M-7-ne)] {lámina}  Thin, flat part of either side of the arch of a vertebra.
laminectomy [L0M-7-N1K-to-me]  Removal of part of an intervertebral disk.
laparoscopy [låp-å-R3S-ko-pe] {laparoscopia}  Use of a lighted tubular instrument inserted through a woman's navel to perform a tubal ligation or to examine the fallopian tubes.
large intestine  Passageway in the intestinal tract for waste received from the small intestine to be excreted through the anus; also, the place where water reabsorption takes place.
laryngectomy [L0R-7n-J1K-to-me]  Removal of the larynx.
laryngitis [lår-7n-JI-t7s] {laringitis}  Inflammation of the larynx.
laryngocentesis [lå-r7ng-go-s6n-TE-s7s]  Surgical puncture of the larynx.
laryngopharynx [lå-R2NG-go-får-7nks]  Part of the pharynx below and behind the larynx.
laryngoplasty [lå-R2NG-go-plås-te] {laringoplastia}  Repair of the larynx.
laryngoscopy [L0R-7ng-G3S-ko-p6] {laringoscopia}  Visual examination of the mouth and larynx using an endoscope.
laryngospasm [lå-R2NG-go-spåsm]  Sudden contraction of the larynx, which may cause coughing and may restrict breathing.
laryngostomy [L0R-7ng-G3S-to-me] {laringostomía}  Creation of an artificial opening in the larynx.
laryngotracheobronchitis [lå-R2NG-go-TRA-ke-o-br8ng-KI-t7s]  Inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi.
laryngotracheotomy [lå-R2NG-go-tra-ke-3T-o-me]  Incision into the larynx and trachea.
larynx [L0R-7ngks] {laringe}  Organ of voice production in the respiratory tract, between the pharynx and the trachea; voice box.
lateral [L0T-6r-ål]  To the side.
lateral incisor  Second tooth from the median of the jawline.
lateral plane  Imaginary line that divides the body perpendicularly to the medial plane.
laxative [L0X-å-t7v]  Agent that induces bowels to move in order to relieve constipation.
left atrium  Upper left heart chamber.
left lower quadrant  Quadrant on the lower left anterior side of the patient's body.
left upper quadrant  Quadrant on the upper left anterior side of the patient's body.
left ventricle  Lower left heart chamber.
leiomyoma [LI-o-mi-O-må]  Benign tumor of smooth muscle.
leiomyosarcoma [LI-o-MI-o-sår-KO-må]  Malignant tumor of smooth muscle.
lens [l6nz] {lens, lente}  Colorless, flexible transparent body behind the iris.
lesion [LE-zh9n] {lesión}  Wound, damage, or injury to the skin.
leukemia [lu-KE-me-å]  General term for a number of disorders with excessive white blood cells in the bloodstream and bone marrow.
leukocyte [LU-ko-sit]  Mature white blood cell.
leukoderma [lu-ko-D1R-må] {leucoderma}  Absence of pigment in the skin or in an area of the skin.
leukoplakia [lu-ko-PLA-ke-å] {leucoplaquia}  White patch of mucous membrane on the tongue or cheek.
leukorrhea [lu-ko-RE-å] {leucorrea}  Abnormal vaginal discharge; usually whitish.
ligament [L2G-å-m6nt] {ligamento}  Sheet of fibrous tissue connecting and supporting bones; attaches bone to bone.
lingual tonsils [L2NG-gwål T3N-s7ls]  Two mounds of lymph tissue at the back of the tongue.
lipase [L2P-as] {lipasa}  Enzyme contained in pancreatic juice.
lipid [L2P-7d] profile  Laboratory test that provides the levels of lipids, triglycerides, and other substances in the blood.
lipid-lowering  Helpful in lowering cholesterol levels.
lips {labio}  Two muscular folds formed around the outside boundary of the mouth.
lithotomy [l7-TH3T-o-me]  Surgical removal of bladder stones.
liver [L2V-6r] {hígado}  Organ important in digestive and metabolic functions; secretes bile.
liver biopsy  Removal of a small amount of liver tissue to examine for disease.
lobectomy [lo-B1K-to-me] {lobectomía}  1. Removal of one of the lobes of a lung. 2. Removal of a portion of the brain to treat certain disorders.
lobotomy [lo-B3T-o-me] {lobotomía}  Incision into the frontal lobe of the brain.
long bone  Any bone of the extremities with a shaft.
lordosis [lor-DO-s7s] {lordosis}  Abnormal anterior spine curvature resulting in a sway back.
Lou Gehrig's disease  See amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
low blood pressure {presión arterial baja}  See hypotension.
lumbar [L4M-bår] (spinal) puncture  Withdrawal of cerebrospinal fluid from between two lumbar vertebrae.
lumbar [L4M-bår] regions  Left and right regions of the body near the abdomen.
lumbar [L4M-bår] vertebrae  Five vertebrae of the lower back.
lumen [LU-m6n] {lumen}  Channel inside an artery through which blood flows.
lumpectomy [l9m-P1K-to-me] {nodulectomía}  Surgical removal of a localized breast tumor.
lung [l9ng] {pulmón}  One of two organs of respiration (left lung and right lung) in the thoracic cavity where oxygenation of blood takes place.
lunula (pl., lunulae) [LU-nu-lå (LU-nu-le)] {lúnula}  Half-moon shaped area at the base of the nail plate.
luteinizing [LU-te-7n-IZ-7ng] hormone (LH)  Hormone essential to ovulation; hormone released to aid in maturation of ova and ovulation.
lymph [l7mf] {linfa}  Fluid that contains white blood cells and other substances and flows in the lymphatic vessels.
lymphadenectomy [l7m-få-d8-N1K-to-me] {linfadenectomía}  Removal of a lymph node.
lymphadenopathy [l7m-fåd-6-N3P-å-the] {linfadenopatía}  Swollen lymph nodes.
lymphadenotomy [l7m-få-d6-N3-to-me]  Incision into a lymph node.
lymphatic [l7m-F0T-7k] and immune [7-MYUN] system  Body system that includes the lymph, glands of the lymphatic system, lymphatic vessels, and the specific and nonspecific defenses of the immune system.
lymph node  Specialized organ that produces lymphocytes and filters harmful substances from the tissues and assists in the immune response.
lymph node dissection  Removal of a cancerous node for microscopic examination.
lymphocyte [L2M-fo-sit] {linfocito}  Type of agranulocyte; white blood cells made in the bone marrow that are crucial to the body's defense against disease and infection.
lymphocytic [l7m-fo-S2T-7k] lymphoma  Lymphoma with malignant cells that resemble large lymphocytes.
lymphoma [l7m-FO-må] {linfoma}  Cancer of the lymph nodes.
macrocytosis [M0K-ro-si-TO-s7s] {macrocitosis}  Disorder with abnormally large red blood cells.
macrophage [M0K-ro-faj] {macrófago}  Special cell that devours foreign substances.
macula [M0K-yu-lå] {mácula}  Inner ear structure containing hairlike sensors that move to maintain equilibrium.
macula lutea [lu-TE-å]  Small, yellowish area located in the center of the retina, which has a depression called the fovea centralis.
macular [M0K-yu-lår] degeneration  Gradual loss of vision caused by degeneration of tissue in the macula.
macule [M0K-yul]  Small, flat, noticeably colored spot on the skin.
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)  Imaging produced by tracking the magnetic properties in the nuclei of various cells.
malaise [må-LAZ]  General feeling of illness.
malignant [må-L2G-nånt]  Growing uncontrollably.
malignant melanoma [m6l-å-NO-må]  Virulent skin cancer originating in the melanocytes, usually caused by overexposure to the sun.
malleolus (pl., malleoli) [må-LE-o-l9s (må-LE-o-li)]  Rounded protrusion of the tibia or fibula on either side of the ankle.
malleus [M0L-e-9s] {malleus}  One of the three auditory ossicles; the hammer.
malocclusions [mål-o-KLU-zh9ns]  Abnormal closures of the top teeth in relation to the bottom teeth.
mammary [M0M-å-re] glands  Glandular tissue that forms the breasts, which respond to cycles of menstruation and birth.
mammography [må-M3G-rå-fe]{mamografía}  X-ray imaging of the breast as a cancer screening method.
mammoplasty [M0M-o-plås-te] {mamoplastia}  Plastic surgery to reconstruct the breast, particularly after a mastectomy.
mandible [M0N-d7-bl] {mandíbula}  U-shaped bone of the lower jaw.
mandibular [mån-D2B-yu-lår] bone  Mandible.
manic [M0N-7k]  Having a dangerously elevated mood.
manic-depressive [M0N-7k de-PR1-s7v] disorder  See bipolar disorder.
manipulative [må-N2P-u-la-t7v]  Done without an incision, as in the reduction of a fracture.
manipulative therapy  Therapy that uses manipulation of the body to treat patients.
Mantoux [mån-TU] test  Test for tuberculosis in which a small dose of tuberculin is injected intradermally with a syringe.
marrow [M0R-o] {médula}  Connective tissue filling the medullary cavity, often rich in nutrients.
mastectomy [mås-T1K-to-me] {mastectomía}  Removal of a breast.
mastication [mås-t7-KA-sh9n] {masticación}  Chewing.
mastitis [mås-TI-t7s] {mastitis}  Inflammation of the breast.
mastoid [M0S-t8yd] process  Protrusion of the temporal bone that sits behind the ear.
mastoiditis [mås-t8y-DI-t7s]  Inflammation of the mastoid process.
mastopexy [M0S-to-p6k-se]  Surgical procedure to attach sagging breasts in a more normal position.
maxillary [M0K-s7-lår-e] bone  Bone of the upper jaw.
maxillary sinus  Sinus on either side of the nasal cavity below the eyes.
meatotomy [me-å-T3T-o-me]  Surgical enlargement of the meatus.
meatus [me-0-t9s] {meato}  External opening of a canal, such as the urethra.
medial [ME-de-ål]  At or near the middle (of the body).
medial plane  Imaginary line that divides the body into equal left and right halves.
mediastinoscopy [ME-de-ås-t7-N3S-ko-pe]  Visual examination of the mediastinum and all the organs within it using an endoscope.
mediastinum [ME-de-ås-TI-n9m] {mediastino}  Median portion of the thoracic cavity; septum between two areas of an organ or cavity.
medication, medicine [m6d-7-KA-sh9n, M1D-7-s7n] {medicación,medecina}  Drug that serves a therapeutic purpose.
medulla [m6-DUL-å] {médula}  Soft, central portion of the kidney.
medulla oblongata [m6-DUL-å 8b-l8ng-G0-tå]  Part of the brain stem that regulates heart and lung functions, swallowing, vomiting, coughing, and sneezing.
medullary [M1D-u-lår-e]  Large and fleshy.
medullary [M1D-u-lår-e] cavity  Soft center cavity in bone that often holds marrow.
megakaryocyte [m6g-å-K0R-e-o-sit] {megacariocito}  Large cell in red bone marrow that forms platelets.
melanin [M1L-å-n7n] {melanina}  Pigment produced by melanocytes that determines skin, hair, and eye color.
melanocyte [M1L-å-no-sit] {melanocito}  Cell in the epidermis that produces melanin.
melanocyte-stimulating [m6-L0N-o-sit, M1L-å-no-sit] hormone (MSH)  Hormone released by the pituitary gland.
melatonin [m6l-å-TON-7n]  Hormone released by the pineal gland; affects sexual function and sleep patterns.
melena [m6-LE-nå] {melena}  Old blood in the stool.
membranous labyrinth  One of the two tubes that make up the semicircular canals.
menarche [m6-N0R-ke] {menarca}  First menstruation.
Meniere's [m6n-Y1RZ] disease  Elevated pressure within the cochlea.
meninges (sing., meninx) [m6-N2N-jez (M1-n7nks)] {meninges}  Three layers of membranes that cover and protect the brain and spinal cord.
meningioma [m6-N2N-je-O-må] {meningioma}  Tumor that arises from the meninges.
meningitis [m6n-7n-JI-t7s] {meningitis}  Inflammation of the meninges.
meningocele [m6-N2NG-o-sel] {meningocele}  In spina bifida cystica, protrusion of the spinal meninges above the surface of the skin.
meningomyelocele [m6-n7n-jo-MI-6-lo-sel] {meningomielocele}  In spina bifida cystica, protrusion of the meninges and spinal cord above the surface of the skin.
menometrorrhagia [M1N-o-m6-tro-RA-je-å]  Irregular or excessive bleeding between or during menstruation.
menopause [M1N-o-påwz] {menopausia}  Time when menstruation ceases; usually between ages 45 and 55.
menorrhagia [m6n-o-RA-je-å] {menorragia}  Excessive menstrual bleeding.
menstruation [m6n-stru-A-sh9n] {menstruación}  Cyclical release of uterine lining through the vagina; usually every 28 days.
mental retardation  Condition with below average intellectual functioning.
mesentery [M1S-6n-t6r-e, M1Z-6n-t6r-e] {mesenterio}  Membranous tissue that attaches small and large intestines to the muscular wall at the dorsal part of the abdomen.
mesothelioma [M1Z-o-the-le-O-må] {mesotelioma}  Rare cancer of the lungs associated with asbestosis.
metabolism [m6-T0B-o-l7zm]  The chemical changes in cells that provide energy or vital processes and activities and through which new material is assimilated.
metabolize [m6-T0B-o-liz]  To change chemically or physically so as to make useful.
metacarpal [M1T-å-K0R-pål] {metacarpiano}  One of five bones of the hand between the wrist and the fingers.
metaphysis [m6-T0F-7-s7s] {metáfisis}  Section of a long bone between the epiphysis and diaphysis.
metastasis [m6-T0S-tå-s7s] {metastasis}  Spread of malignant cells to other parts of the body; spread of a cancer from a localized area.
metatarsal [M1T-å-tår-sål] bones  Bones of the foot between the instep (arch) and the toes.
metrorrhagia [m6-tro-RA-je-å] {metrorragia}  Uterine bleeding between menstrual periods.
microcytosis [MIK-ro-si-TO-s7s] {microcitosis}  Disorder with abnormally small red blood cells.
microglia [mi-KROG-le-å] {microglia}  A type of neuroglia that removes debris.
microphage [MIK-ro-faj] {micrófago}  Small phagocytic cell that devours foreign substances.
midbrain {cerebro medio}  Part of the brainstem involved with visual reflexes.
middle lobe  Middle section of the right lung.
midsagittal [m7d-S0J-7-tål] plane  plane See medial plane.
mind-body intervention  Therapy that uses the power of the mind to affect the body.
mineralocorticoid [M2N-6r-ål-o-KOR-t7-k8yd]  Steroid secreted by adrenal cortex.
minimally invasive  Done with the smallest incision possible, such as the clearing of arterial blockages with tiny probes that use lasers.
miotic [mi-3T-7k]  Agent that causes the pupil to contract.
miscarriage [m7s-K0R-7j] {aborto espontáneo}  Spontaneous, premature ending of a pregnancy.
mitosis [mi-TO-s7s]  Cell division.
mitral [MI-trål] insufficiency or reflux  Backward flow of blood due to a damaged mitral valve.
mitral stenosis  Abnormal narrowing at the opening of the mitral valve.
mitral [MI-trål] valve  See bicuspid valve.
mitral valve prolapse  Backward flow of blood into the left atrium due to protrusion of one or both mitral cusps into the left atrium during contractions.
mixed-episode disorder  See bipolar disorder.
modality [mo-D0L-7-te]  Method of treatment.
Moh's [moz] surgery  1. Removal of thin layers of malignant tissue until nonmalignant tissue is found. 2. Removal of a carcinoma after mapping with a chemical to establish the narrowest possible margin of affected tissue.
molar [MO-lår]  Any of the three teeth at the back of the mouth furthest from the median of the jawline.
monocyte [M3N-o-sit] {monocito}  Type of agranulocyte.
mons pubis [m8nz pyu-B2S]  Mound of soft tissue in the external genitalia covered by pubic hair after puberty.
morning-after pill  See abortifacient.
mouth {boca}  Cavity in the face in which food and water are ingested.
multiple-gated acquisition (MUGA) angiography  Radioactive scan showing heart function.
multiple myeloma [mi-6-LO-må]  Malignant tumor of the bone marrow.
multiple sclerosis [M4L-t7-p9l skl6-RO-s7s] (MS)  Degenerative disease with loss of myelin, resulting in muscle weakness, extreme fatigue, and some paralysis.
murmur {soplo}  Soft heart humming sound heard between normal beats.
muscle [M4S-6l] {músculo}  Contractile tissue that plays a major role in body movement.
muscle relaxant  Agent that relieves muscle stiffness.
muscle [M4S-6l] tissue  Tissue that is able to contract and relax.
muscular dystrophy [M4S-kyu-lår D2S-tro-fe] {distrofia muscular}  Progressive degenerative disorder affecting the musculoskeletal system and, later, other organs.
musculoskeletal [M4S-kyu-lo-SK1L-6-tål] system {musculoesquelético}  Body system that includes muscles, bones, and cartilage.
mutation [myu-TA-sh9n]  Alteration in DNA to produce defective cells.
myalgia [mi-0L-je-å] {mialgia}  Muscle pain.
myasthenia gravis [mi-ås-THE-ne-å GR0V-7s]  Disease involving overproduction of antibodies that block certain neurotransmitters; causes muscle weakness.
mydriatic [m7-dre-0T-7k]  Agent that causes the pupil to dilate.
myelin sheath [MI-6-l7n sheth]  Fatty tissue that covers axons. myelitis [mi-6-LI-t7s] Inflammation of the spinal cord.
myeloblast [MI-6-lo-blåst] {mieloblasto}  Immature granulocytes.
myelogram [MI-6-lo-gråm] {mielograma}  X-ray of the spinal cord after a contrast medium has been injected.
myelography [MI-6-L3G-rå-fe] {mielografía}  Radiographic imaging of the spinal cord.
myeloma [mi-6-LO-må] {mieloma}  Bone marrow tumor.
myocardial infarction  Sudden drop in the supply of blood to an area of the heart muscle, usually due to a blockage in a coronary artery.
myocarditis [MI-o-kår-DI-t7s] {miocarditis}  Inflammation of the myocardium.
myocardium [mi-o-K0R-de-9m] {miocardio}  Muscular layer of heart tissue between the epicardium and the endocardium.
myodynia [MI-o-din-e-å] {miodinia}  Muscle pain.
myoma [mi-O-må] {mioma}  Benign muscle tumor.
myomectomy [mi-o-M1K-to-me] {miomectomía}  Removal of fibroids from the uterus.
myometrium [MI-o-ME-tre-9m] {miometrio}  Middle layer of muscle tissue of the uterus.
myopia [mi-O-pe-å] {miopía}  Focusing in front of the retina causing vision distortion; nearsightedness.
myoplasty [MI-o-plås-te]  Surgical repair of muscle tissue.
myositis [mi-o-SI-t7s] {miositis}  Inflammation of a muscle.
myringitis [m7r-7n-JI-t7s] {myringitis}  Inflammation of the eardrum.
myringotomy [m7r-7ng-G3T-o-me]  Insertion of a small tube to help drain fluid from the ears (particularly of children).
myxedema [m7k-s6-DE-må] {mixedema}  Advanced adult hypothyroidism.
nail {uña}  Thin layer of keratin that covers the distal portion of fingers and toes.
narcolepsy [N0R-ko-l6p-se] {narcolepsia}  Nervous system disorder that causes uncontrollable, sudden lapses into deep sleep.
narcotic [når-K3T-7k]  Agent that relieves pain by inducing a stuporous or euphoric state.
nasal bones  Bones that form the bridge of the nose.
nasal cavity  1. Cavity on either side of the nasal septum. 2. Opening in the external nose where air enters the body.
nasal septum [S1P-t9m]  Cartilaginous division of the external nose.
nasopharyngitis [NA-zo-få-r7n-JI-t7s]  Inflammation of the nose and pharynx.
nasopharyngoscopy [NA-zo-få-r7ng-G3S-ko-pe]  Examination of the nasal passages and the pharynx using an endoscope.
nasopharynx [NA-zo-F0R-7ngks] {nasofaringe}  Portion of the throat above the soft palate.
natural immunity  Inherent resistance to disease found in a species, race, family group, or certain individuals.
naturopathic medicine  Therapy that uses the body's own healing powers to maintain and restore health.
nausea [N0W-zhe-å] {náusea}  Sick feeling in the stomach.
nearsightedness {miopía}  Myopia.
nebulizers [N1B-yu-liz-6rz]  Devices that deliver medication through the nose or mouth in a fine spray to the respiratory tract.
necrosis [n6-KRO-s7s] {necrosis}  Death of tissue or an organ or part due to irreversible damage; usually a result of oxygen deprivation.
necrotic [n6-KR3T-7k]  Containing dead tissue.
needle biopsy  Removal of cells for examination by aspirating them with a needle.
needle holder  Surgical forceps used to hold and pass a suturing needle through tissue.
neonate [NE-o-nat]  Infant under four weeks old.
neonatology [NE-o-na-T3L-o-je]  Medical specialty that diagnoses and treats disorders of neonates.
neoplasm [NE-o-plåzm] {neoplasma}  Abnormal tissue growth; tumor; new growth.
nephrectomy [n6-FR1K-to-me] {nefrectomía}  Removal of a kidney.
nephritis [n6-FRI-t7s] {nefritis}  Inflammation of the kidneys.
nephroblastoma [N1F-ro-blås-TO-må] {nefroblastoma}  See Wilms' tumor.
nephrolithotomy [N1F-ro-l7-TH3T-o-me]  Surgical removal of a kidney stone.
nephrolysis [n6-FR3L-7-s7s]  Removal of kidney adhesions.
nephroma [n6-FRO-må]  Any renal tumor.
nephron [N1F-r8n]  Functional unit of a kidney.
nephropexy [N1F-ro-p6k-se]  Surgical fixing of a kidney to the abdominal wall.
nephrorrhaphy [n6f-ROR-å-fe]  Suturing of a damaged kidney.
nephrosis [n6-FRO-s7s]  Disorder caused by loss of protein in the urine.
nephrostomy [n6-FR3S-to-me]  Establishment of an opening from the renal pelvis to the outside of the body.
nerve [n6rv] {nervio}  Bundle of neurons that bear electrical messages to the organs and muscles of the body.
nerve cell  Basic cell of the nervous system having three parts: cell body, dendrite, and axon; neuron.
nerve conduction velocity  Timing of the conductivity of an electrical shock administered to peripheral nerves.
nerve impulse  Released energy that is received or transmitted by tissue or organs and that usually provokes a response.
nervous [N1R-v9s] system  Body system that includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves and controls most body functions by sending and receiving messages.
nervous tissue  Specialized tissue that forms nerve cells and is capable of transmitting messages.
neural [NUR-ål] canal  Space through which the spinal cord passes.
neurectomy [nu-R1K-to-me] {neurectomía}  Surgical removal of a nerve.
neurilemma [nur-7-L1M-å] {neurilema}  Membranous covering that protects the myelin sheath.
neuritis [nu-RI-t7s] {neuritis}  Inflammation of the nerves.
neuroglia [nu-R3G-le-å], neuroglial [nu-R3G-le-ål] cell  Cell of the nervous system that does not transmit impulses.
neurohypophysis [NUR-o-hi-P3F-7-s7s]  Posterior lobe of pituitary gland.
neuron [NUR-8n] {neurona}  Basic cell of the nervous system having three parts; nerve cell.
neuroplasty [NUR-o-PL0S-te]  Surgical repair of a nerve.
neuroretina [nur-o-R1T-7-nå]  Thick layer of nervous tissue in the retina.
neurorrhaphy [nur-OR-å-fe]  Suturing of a severed nerve.
neurosis (pl., neuroses) [nu-RO-s7s (nu-RO-sez)]  Behavior condition usually involving anxiety that a patient can cope with that does not rise to the level of psychosis.
neurosurgeon [nur-o-S1R-j9n] {neurocirujano}  Medical specialist who performs surgery on the brain and spinal cord.
neurotomy [nu-R3T-o-me]  Dissection of a nerve.
neurotransmitters [NUR-o-tråns-M2T-6rz] {neurotramisor}  Various substances located in tiny sacs at the end of the axon.
neutrophil [NU-tro-f7l] {neutrófilo}  Type of leukocyte; granulocyte.
nevus (pl., nevi) [NE-v9s (NE-vi)] {nevo}  Birthmark.
nipple [N2P-l] {pezón}  Projection at the apex of the breast through which milk flows during lactation.
nitrate [NI-trat]  Any of several medications that dilate the veins, arteries, or coronary arteries; used to control angina.
nitrous oxide [NI-tr9s 3K-sid]  An anesthetic gas inhaled by the patient.
nocturia [n8k-TU-re-å] {nocturia}  Nighttime urination.
nodular [N3D-yu-lår]  Formed in tight clusters.
nodule [N3D-yul] {nódulo}  Small knob of tissue.
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma  Cancer of the lymph nodes with some cells resembling healthy cells and spreading in a diffuse pattern.
noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)  See Type II diabetes.
nonsteroidal [n8n-ST1R-8y-dål] anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) {agentes de antiiflamatorios no esteroideos, AINE}  Agent or drug that reduces inflammation without the use of steroids.
norepinephrine [NOR-6p-7-N1F-r7n] {norepinefrina}  Hormone secreted by adrenal medulla.
nose [noz] {nariz}  External structure supported by nasal bones and containing nasal cavity.
nosebleed {epistaxis}  See epistaxis.
nostrils [N3S-tr7ls] {naris}  External openings at the base of the nose; also called external nares.
Novocaine [NO-vå-kan]  an anesthetic injected near the site being treated.
nuclear medicine  Medical specialty for treating diseases with radioactive substances.
nucleus pulposus [NU-kle-9s p9l-PO-s9s]  Fibrous mass in the center portion of the intervertebral disk.
nyctalopia [n7k-tå-LO-pe-å] {nictalopía}  Night blindness.
nystagmus [n7s-ST0G-m9s] {nistagmo}  Excessive involuntary eyeball movement.
obesity [o-BES-7-te] {obesidad}  Abnormal accumulation of fat in the body.
obsessive-compulsive disorder  Condition with obsessive compulsive feelings.
obstetrician [8b-st6-TR2SH-9n] {obstetra}  Physician who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth care.
obstetrics [8b-ST1T-r7ks]  Medical specialty that guides women throughout fertilization, pregnancy, and birth.
occipital [8k-S2P-7-tål] bone  Bone that forms the lower back portion of the skull.
occipital lobe [8k-S2P-7-tål lob]  One of the four parts of each hemisphere of the cerebrum.
occlusion [8-KLU-zh9n] {oclusión}  Blocking of a blood vessel; the closing of a blood vessel.
odontalgia [o-d8n-T0L-je-å]  Tooth pain.
olecranon [o-L1K-rå-n8n] {olécranon}  Curved end of the ulna to which tendons of the arm muscles attach; bony prominence of the elbow.
olfactory [ol-F0K-to-re] organs  Organs at the top of the nasal cavity containing olfactory receptors.
oligodendroglia [3L-7-go-d6n-DR3G-le-å] {oligodendroglia}  A type of neuroglia that produces myelin and helps to support neurons.
oligodendroglioma [3L-7-go-D1N-dro-gle-O-må] {oligodendroglioma}  Type of glioma formed from oligodendroglia.
oligomenorrhea [3L-7-go-m6n-o-RE-å] {oligomenorrea}  Scanty menstrual period.
oligo-ovulation [3L-7-go-3V-yu-LA-sh9n]  Irregular ovulation.
oligospermia [8l-7-go-SP1R-me-å] {oligospermia}  Scanty production of sperm.
oliguria [8l-7-GU-re-å] {oliguria}  Scanty urine production.
oncogene [3NG-ko-j6n]  DNA fragment that causes malignancies.
onychia, onychitis [o-N2K-e-å, 8n-7-KI-t7s] {oniquia}  Inflammation of the nail.
onychopathy [8n-7-K3P-å-the] {onicopatia}  Disease of the nail.
oocyte [O-o-sit] {oocito}  Immature ovum produced in the gonads.
oophorectomy [o-8f-or-1K-to-me] {ooforectomía}  Removal of an ovary.
open fracture  Fracture with an open skin wound; compound fracture.
operation  Any surgical procedure, such as the removal, transplant, or manipulation of tissue.
ophthalmologist [8f-thål-M3L-o-j7st] {oftalmólogo}  Medical specialist who diagnoses and treats eye disorders.
ophthalmoscopy [8f-thål-M3S-ko-pe] {oftalmoscopia}  Visual examination of the interior of the eye.
opportunistic [8p-por-tu-N2S-t7k] infection  Infection that takes hold because of lowered immune response.
optic nerve  Nerve that transmits nerve impulses from the eye to the brain.
optician [8p-T2SH-9n]  Technician who makes and fits corrective lenses.
optometrist [8p-T3M-6-tr7st] {optometrista}  Nonmedical specialist who examines the eyes and prescribes lenses.
oral administration  Swallowing of pills or liquids via the mouth.
orchidectomy [or-k7-D1K-to-me] {orquidectomía}  Removal of a testicle.
orchiectomy [or-ke-1K-to-me] {orquiectomía}  Removal of a testicle.
organ [OR-gån]  Group of specialized tissue that performs a specific function.
organ of Corti [KOR-ti]  Structure on the basilar membrane with hairlike receptors that receive and transmit sound waves.
origin {origen}  Point at which muscles attach to stationary bone.
oropharynx [OR-o-F0R-7ngks] {orofaringe}  Back portion of the mouth, a division of the pharynx.
orthodontics [or-tho-D3N-t7ks]  Dental specialty concerned with the correction and prevention of irregularities in the placement and appearance of teeth.
orthopedist [or-tho-PE-d7st] {ortopedista}, orthopedic [or-tho-PED-7k] surgeon  Physician who examines, diagnoses, and treats disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
orthopnea [or-th8p-NE-å, or-TH3P-ne-å] {ortopnea}  Difficulty in breathing, especially while lying down.
orthosis, orthotic [or-THO-s7s, or-TH3T-7k] {ortosis, ortótica}  External appliance used to immobilize or assist the movement of the spine or limbs.
osseous [3S-se-9s] tissue  Connective tissue into which calcium salts are deposited.
osseus [3S-se-9s] labyrinth  One of the two tubes that make up the semicircular canals.
ossification [3S-7-f7-KA-sh9n] {osificación}  Hardening into bone.
ostealgia [8s-te-0L-je-å] {ostealgia}  Bone pain.
osteoarthritis [3S-te-o-år-THRI-t7s] {osteoartritis}  Arthritis with loss of cartilage.
osteoblast [3S-te-o-blåst] {osteoblasto}  Cell that forms bone.
osteoclasis [3S-te-3K-la-s7s] {osteoclasia}  Breaking of a bone in order to repair or reposition it.
osteoclast [3S-te-o-klåst] {osteoclasto}  Large cell that reabsorbs and removes osseous tissue.
osteocyte [3S-te-o-sit] {osteocito}  Bone cell.
osteodynia [8s-te-o-DIN-e-å] {osteodinia}  Bone pain.
osteoma [8s-te-O-må] {osteoma}  Benign tumor, usually on the skull or mandible.
osteomyelitis [3S-te-o-mi-6-LI-t7s] {osteomielitis}  Inflammation of the bone marrow and surrounding bone.
osteopath [3S-te-o-påth] {osteópata}  Physician who combines manipulative treatment with conventional therapeutic measures.
osteoplasty [3S-te-o-plås-te] {osteoplastia}  Surgical replacement or repair of bone.
osteoporosis [3S-te-o-po-RO-s7s] {osteoporosis}  Degenerative thinning of bone.
osteosarcoma [3S-te-o-sår-KO-må] {osteosarcoma}  Malignant tumor of bone.
osteotomy [8s-te-3T-o-me] {osteotomía}  Cutting of bone.
otalgia [o-T0L-je-å] {otalgia}  Pain in the ear.
otitis externa [o-TI-t7s 6ks-T1R-nå] {otitis externa}  Fungal infection of the external ear canal.
otitis media [ME-de-å] {otitis media}  Inflammation of the middle ear.
otoliths [O-to-l7ths] {otolito}  Small calcifications in the inner ear that help to maintain balance.
otologist [o-T3L-o-j7st] {otólogo}  Medical specialist in ear disorders.
otoplasty [O-to-plås-te] {otoplastia}  Surgical repair of the outer ear.
otorhinolaryngologist [o-to-RI-no-lår-r7n-G3L-o-j7st]  Medical doctor who diagnoses and treats disorders of the ear, nose, and throat.
otorrhagia [o-to-RA-je-å] {otorragia}  Bleeding from the ear.
otorrhea [o-to-RE-å] {otorrea}  Purulent discharge from the ear.
otosclerosis [o-to-skl6-RO-s7s] {otosclerosis}  Hardening of bones of the ear.
otoscopy [o-T3S-ko-pe] {otoscopia}  Inspection of the ear using an otoscope.
ovary [O-vå-re] {ovario}  One of two glands that produce ova; one of two female reproductive glands that secrete hormones in the endocrine system.
overdose [O-v6r-dos]  Toxic dose of a substance.
over-the-counter (OTC)  Available for sale without a doctor's prescription.
ovulation [3V-yu-LA-sh9n] {ovulación}  Release of an ovum (or rarely, more than one ovum) as part of a monthly cycle that leads to fertilization or menstruation.
ovum (pl., ova) [O-v9m (O-vå)] {óvulo}  Mature female sex cell produced by the ovaries, which then travels to the uterus. If fertilized, it implants in the uterus; if not, it is released during menstruation to the outside of the body.
oxytocin [8k-s7-TO-s7n] {oxitocina}  Hormone given to induce labor; hormone released by the posterior pituitary gland to aid in uterine contractions and lactation.
pacemaker {marcapaso}  Term for the sinoatrial (SA) node; also, an artificial device that regulates heart rhythm.
palatine [P0L-å-tin] bone  Bone that helps form the hard palate and nasal cavity; located behind the maxillary bones.
palatine tonsils [P0L-å-tin T3N-s7lz]  Lymphatic tissue that works as part of the immune system; mounds of lymphatic tissue on either side of the pharynx.
palpitations [pål-p7-TA-sh9nz] {palpitaciones}  Uncomfortable pulsations of the heart felt as a thumping in the chest.
palsy [P0WL-ze] {parálisis}  Partial or complete paralysis.
pancreas [P0N-kre-ås] {páncreas}  Digestive organ that secretes digestive fluids; endocrine gland that regulates blood sugar; gland of both the endocrine system (blood sugar control) and the digestive system (as an exocrine gland).
pancreatectomy [P0N-kre-å-T1K-to-me] {pancreatectomía}  Removal of the pancreas.
pancreatitis [P0N-kre-å-TI-t7s] {pancreatitis}  Inflammation of the pancreas.
pancytopenia [P0N-si-to-PE-ne-å] {pancitopenia}  Condition with a low number of blood components.
pansinusitis [pån-si-n9-SI-t7s]  Inflammation of all the sinuses.
Papanicolaou (Pap) [på-på-NE-ko-lu] smear  Gathering of cells from the cervix and vagina to observe for abnormalities.
papilla (pl., papillae) [på-P2L-å (på-P2L-e)] {papilas}  Tiny projection on the superior surface of the tongue that contains taste buds.
papillary [P0P-7-lår-e]  Having papillae projecting from cells.
papillary [P0P-7-lår-e] layer  Thin sublayer of the dermis containing small papillae (nipple-like masses).
papule [P0P-yul] {pápula}  Small, solid elevation on the skin.
para [P0-rå]  Woman who as given birth to one or more viable infants.
paracentesis [P0R-å-s6n-TE-s7s]  Incision into the abdominal cavity to remove fluid or relieve pressure.
paracusis [P0R-å-KU-s7s] {paracusia}  Impaired hearing.
paranasal sinuses [pår-å-NA-sål SI-n9s-6z]  Area of the nasal cavity where external air is warmed by blood in the mucous membrane lining.
paranoia [pår-å-N3Y-å]  Extreme unfounded mistrust of others.
parasiticide [pår-å-S2T-7-sid]  Agent that kills or slows the growth of parasites.
parasympathetic [pår-å-s7m-på-TH1T-7k] nervous system  Part of the autonomic nervous system that operates when the body is in a normal state.
parathormone [pår-å-THOR-mon] (PTH) {parathormona}  Parathyroid hormone.
parathyroid [pår-å-THI-r8yd] gland {paratiroide}  One of four glands located adjacent to the thyroid gland on its dorsal surface that help maintain levels of blood calcium.
parathyroid hormone (PTH)  Hormone released by parathyroid glands to help raise blood calcium levels.
parathyroidectomy [P0-rå-thi-r8y-D1K-to-me]  Removal of one or more of the parathyroid glands.
parenteral [på-R1N-t6r-ål] administration  Administration of a drug by injection.
paresthesia [pår-6s-THE-zhe-å]  Abnormal sensation, such as tingling.
parietal [på-RI-6-tål] bone  Flat, curved bone on either side of the upper part of the skull.
parietal lobe [på-RI-6-tål lob]  One of the four parts of each hemisphere of the cerebrum.
parietal pleura [på-RI-6-tål PLUR-å]  Outer layer of the pleura.
Parkinson's [P0R-k7n-s8nz] disease  Degeneration of nerves in the brain caused by lack of sufficient dopamine.
paronychia [pår-o-N2K-e-å] {paroniquia}  Inflammation, with pus, of the fold surrounding the nail plate.
parotitis, parotiditis [pår-o-TI-t7s, på-r8t-7-DI-t7s]  Inflammation of the parotid gland.
paroxysmal [pår-8k-S2Z-mål] {paroxístico}  Sudden, as a spasm or convulsion.
partial  One or more artificial replacement teeth.
partial thromboplastin time (PTT)  Test for ability of blood to coagulate.
parturition [pår-tur-2SH-9n] {parturición}  Birth.
patch {placa}  Small area of skin differing in color from the surrounding area; plaque.
patch test  Test for allergic sensitivity in which a small dose of antigen is applied to the skin on a small piece of gauze.
patella [på-T1L-å] {rótula}  Large, sesamoid bone that forms the kneecap.
patent ductus arteriosus [P0-t6nt D4K-t9s år-ter-e-O-s7s]  A condition at birth in which the ductus arteriosus, a small duct between the aorta and the pulmonary artery, remains abnormally open.
pathogen [P0TH-o-j6n] {patógeno}  Disease-causing agent.
pathological fracture  Fracture occurring at the site of already damaged bone.
peak flow meter  Device for measuring breathing capacity.
pediatrics [PE-de-0T-r7ks]  Medical specialty that diagnoses and treats disorders in children from infancy through adolescence.
pediculated [p6-D2K-yu-la-t6d] polyp  Polyp that projects upward from a slender stalk.
pediculosis [p6-D2K-yu-lo-s7s] {pediculosis}  Lice infestation. pedodontist [pe-do-D3N-t7st] Dentist specializing in the treatment of children's teeth.
pelvic [P1L-v7k] cavity  Body space below the abdominal cavity that includes the reproductive organs; cup-shaped cavity formed by the large bones of the pelvic girdle; contains female reproductive organs, sigmoid colon, bladder, and rectum.
pelvic girdle  Hip bones.
pelvimetry [p6l-V2M-6-tre]  Measurement of the pelvis during pregnancy.
pelvis [P1L-v7s] {pelvis}  Cup-shaped ring of bone and ligaments at the base of the trunk.
pemphigus [P1M-f7-g9s] {pénfigo}  Autoimmune disease that causes skin blistering.
penis [PE-n7s] {pene}  Male reproductive part that covers the urethra on the outside of the body.
pepsin [P1P-s7n] {pepsina}  Digestive enzyme of gastric juice.
peptic ulcer  Sore on the mucous membrane of the digestive system; stomach ulcer or gastric ulcer.
percussion [p6r-K4SH-9n] {percusión}  Tapping on the surface of the body to see if lungs are clear.
percutaneous transluminal [p6r-kyu-TA-ne-9s tråns-LU-m7n-ål] coronary angioplasty  See balloon catheter dilation.
perfusion deficit  Lack of flow through a blood vessel, usually caused by an occlusion.
impacted fracture  Fracture in which a fragment from one part of the fracture is driven into the tissue of another part.
inhibiting factor  Substance in a hormone that prevents the secretion of other hormones.
internal fixation device  Device, such as a pin, inserted in bone to hold it in place.
internal respiration  Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the cells.
involuntary muscle  Muscle not movable at will.
irregular bones  Any of a group of bones with a special shape to fit into certain areas of the skeleton, such as the skull.
kidney failure  Loss of kidney function.
kidney, ureter, bladder (KUB)  X-ray of three parts of the urinary system.
myelitis [mi-6-LI-t7s]  Inflammation of the spinal cord.
pedodontist [pe-do-D3N-t7st]  Dentist specializing in the treatment of children's teeth.

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