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English Glossary (pericarditis through thyroid-stimulating hormone)
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pericarditis [P1R-7-kår-DI-t7s] {pericarditis}  Inflammation of the pericardium.
pericardium [p6r-7-K0R-de-9m] {pericardio}  Protective covering of the heart.
perilymph [P1R-7-l7mf]  Liquid secreted by the walls of the osseus labyrinth.
perimenopause [p6r-7-M1N-o-påws]  Three- to five-year period of decreasing estrogen levels prior to menopause.
perimetrium [p6r-7-ME-tre-9m] {perimetrio}  Outer layer of the uterus.
perineum [P1R-7-NE-9m] {perineo}  Space between the labia majora and the anus; area between the penis and the anus.
periodontist [P1R-e-o-D3N-t7st]  Dentist who specializes in the treatment of gum disease.
periosteum [p6r-e-3S-te-9m] {periostio}  Fibrous membrane covering the surface of bone.
peripheral vascular disease  Vascular disease in the lower extremities, usually due to blockages in the arteries of the groin or legs.
peristalsis [p6r-7-ST0L-s7s] {peristaltismo}  Coordinated, rhythmic contractions of smooth muscle that force food through the digestive tract.
peritoneal [P1R-7-to-NE-ål] dialysis  Type of dialysis in which liquid that extracts substances from blood is inserted into the peritoneal cavity and emptied outside the body.
peritoneoscopy [P1R-7-to-ne-3S-ko-pe] {peritoneoscopia}  Examination of the abdominal cavity using a peritoneoscope.
peritonitis [P1R-7-to-NI-t7s] {peritonitis}  Inflammation of the peritoneum.
permanent teeth  Second set of teeth that erupt at regular intervals starting at around age six.
pertussis [p6r-T4S-7s] {pertussis}  Severe infection of the pharynx, larynx, and trachea caused by bacteria; whooping cough.
PET (positron emission tomography) scan [P3Z-7-tr8n e-M2-sh9n to-M3G-rå-fe] {TEP}  Imaging of the brain using radioactive isotopes and tomography; a series of images that shows the distribution of substances through tissue.
petechia (pl., petechiae) [p6-TE-ke-å, p6-T1K-e-å (p6-TE-kee,e,p6-T1K-e-e)] {petequia}  A tiny hemorrhage beneath the surface of the skin; minute hemorrhages in the skin.
petit mal [P1-te måhl] seizure  See absence seizure.
Peyronie's [på-RON-ez] disease  Abnormal curvature of the penis caused by hardening in the interior of the penis.
pH  Measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution such as urine.
phacoemulsification [FA-ko-e-m9ls-7-f7-KA-sh9n]  Use of ultrasound to break up and remove cataracts.
phagocytosis [F0G-o-si-TO-s7s] {fagocitosis}  Ingestion of foreign substances by specialized cells.
phalanges (sing., phalanx) [få-L0N-jez (F0-långks)] {falange}  Long bones of the fingers and toes.
phantom limb, phantom pain  Pain felt in a paralyzed or amputated limb.
pharmacist [F0R-må-s7st]  Person licensed to dispense medications.
pharmacodynamics [F0R-må-ko-di-N0M-7ks]  Study of how drugs affect the body.
pharmacokinetics [F0R-må-ko-k7-N1T-7ks]  Study of how the body absorbs, metabolizes, and excretes drugs.
pharmacology [får-må-K3L-o-je] {farmacología}  Science that studies, develops, and tests new drugs.
pharyngeal tonsils [få-R2N-je-ål T3N-s7lz]  Adenoids.
pharyngitis [får-7n-JI-t7s] {faringitis}  Inflammation of the pharynx.
pharynx [F0R-7ngks] {faringe}  Passageway at back of mouth for air and food; throat; tube through which food passes to the esophagus.
phenylketones [FEN-7l-KE-tons]  Substances that, if accumulated in the urine of infants, indicate phenylketonuria (PKU), a disease treated by diet.
phimosis [f7-MO-s7s] {fimosis}  Abnormal narrowing of the opening of the foreskin.
phlebitis [fl6-BI-t7s] {flebitis}  Inflammation of a vein.
phlebography [fl6-B3G-rå-fe] {flebografía}  Viewing of a vein by x-ray after injection of a contrast medium.
phlebotomy [fl6-B3T-o-me] {flebotomía}  Drawing blood from a vein via a small incision; See venipuncture.
phobia [FO-be-å]  Irrational or obsessive fear of something.
phosphorus [F3S-for-9s] {fósforo}  Mineral important to the formation of bone.
photophobia [fo-to-FO-be-å] {fotofobia}  Extreme sensitivity to light.
physical therapy  Movement therapy to restore use of damaged areas of the body.
pia mater [PI-å, PE-å MA-t6r, M0H-t6r)] {piamadre}  Innermost layer of meninges.
pica [P2-kå]  Eating disorder in which the patient compulsively eats nonnutritive substances, such as clay and paint.
pilonidal [pi-lo-NI-dål] cyst  Cyst containing hair, usually found at the lower end of the spinal column.
pineal [P2N-e-ål] gland  Gland located above pituitary gland; secretes melatonin.
pinkeye  Conjunctivitis.
pinna [P2N-å]  Auricle.
pituitary [p7-TU-7-tår-e] gland  Major endocrine gland; secretes hormones essential to metabolic functions.
placenta [plå-S1N-tå] {placenta}  Nutrient-rich organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy; supplies nutrients to the fetus.
placenta previa [plå-S1N-tå PRE-ve-å]  Placement of the placenta so it blocks the birth canal.
plantar [PL0N-tår] wart  Wart on the sole of the foot.
plaque [plåk] {placa}  Microorganisms that grow on the crowns along the roots of teeth causing decay of teeth and breakdown of gums; see patch; buildup of solid material, such as a fatty deposit, on the lining of an artery.
plasma [PL0Z-må]  Liquid portion of unclotted blood.
plasma [PL0Z-må] {plasma} cell  Specialized lymphocyte that produces immunoglobulins.
plasmapheresis [PL0Z-må-fo-RE-s7s] {plasmaféresis}  plasmaféresis} Process of removing blood from a person, centrifuging it, and returning only red blood cells to that person.
plastic surgery  Repair or reconstruction (as of the skin) by means of surgery.
platelet [PLAT-l6t] {plaqueta}  Thrombocyte; part of a megakaryocyte that initiates clotting.
platelet count (PLT)  Measurement of number of platelets in a blood sample.
play therapy  Revealing of feelings through play with a trained therapist.
pleomorphic [ple-o-MOR-f7k]  Having many types of cells.
pleura (pl., pleurae) [PLUR-å (PLUR-e)] {pleura}  Double layer of membrane making up the outside of the lungs.
pleural cavity [PLUR-ål K0V-7-te]  Space between the two pleura.
pleural effusion [PLUR-ål 6-FYU-zh9n]  Escape of fluid into the pleural cavity.
pleuritis, pleurisy [plu-RI-t7s, PLUR-7-se] {pleuritis}  Inflammation of the pleura.
pleurocentesis [PLUR-o-s6n-TE-s7s]  Surgical puncture of pleural space.
pleuropexy [PLUR-o-P1K-se]  Fixing in place of the pleura surgically, usually in case of injury or deterioration.
pneumobronchotomy [NU-mo-br8ng-K3T-o-me]  Incision of the lung and bronchus.
pneumoconiosis [NU-mo-ko-ne-O-s7s] {neumoconiosis}  Lung condition caused by inhaling dust.
pneumonectomy [NU-mo-N1K-to-me] {neumonectomía}  Removal of a lung.
pneumonia [nu-MO-ne-å] {neumonía}  Acute infection of the alveoli.
pneumonitis [nu-mo-NI-t7s] {neumonitis}  Inflammation of the lung.
pneumothorax [nu-mo-THOR-åks] {neumotórax}  Accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity.
podagra [po-DAG-rå] {podagra}  Pain in the big toe, often associated with gout.
podiatrist [po-DI-å-tr7st] {podiatra}  Medical specialist who examines, diagnoses, and treats disorders of the foot.
poikilocytosis [P3Y-k7-lo-si-TO-s7s] {poiquilocitosis}  Disorder with irregularly shaped red blood cells.
polarization [po-lår-i-ZA-sh9n] {polarización}  Resting state of the myocardial tissue in the conduction system of the heart.
polycystic [p8l-e-S2S-t7k] kidney disease  Condition with many cysts on and within the kidneys.
polycythemia [P3L-e-si-THE-me-å] {policetemia}  Disorder with an abnormal increase in red blood cells and hemoglobin.
polydipsia [p8l-e-D2P-se-å] {polydipsa}  Excessive thirst.
polyp [P3L-7p] {pólipo}  Bulging mass of tissue that projects outward from the skin surface.
polypectomy [p8l-7-P1K-to-me] {polipectomía}  Removal of polyps.
polypoid [P3L-7-p8yd]  Containing polyps.
polyposis [P3L-7-PO-s7s] {poliposis}  Condition with polyps, as in the intestines.
polysomnography (PSG) [P3L-e-s8m-N3G-rå-fe]  Recording of electrical and movement patterns during sleep.
polyuria [p8l-e-YU-re-å] {poliuria}  Excessive urination; excessive amount of water in the urine.
pons [p8nz] {pons}  Part of the brainstem that controls certain respiratory functions.
popliteal [p8p-L2T-e-ål] artery  An artery that supplies blood to the cells of the area behind the knee.
pore {poro}  Opening or hole, particularly in the skin.
positron emission tomography [to-M3G-rå-fe] (PET) scan  Type of nuclear image that measures movement of areas of the heart.
posterior  At or toward the back side (of the body).
postprandial [post-PR0N-de-ål] blood sugar  Test for glucose in blood, usually about two hours after a meal.
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)  Condition of extreme traumatic stress that may occur and last for years after a traumatic time or incident.
PPD  Purified protein derivative of tuberculin.
preeclampsia [pre-6-KL0MP-se-å]  Toxic infection during pregnancy.
premature [PRE-må-chur]  Born before 37 weeks gestation.
premature atrial contractions (PACs)  Atrial contractions that occur before the normal impulse; can be the cause of palpitations.
premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)  Ventricular contractions that occur before the normal impulse; can be the cause of palpitations.
premolar [pre-MO-lår]  Molar in primary teeth.
presbyacusis [pr6z-be-å-KU-s7s] {presbiacusia}  Age-related hearing loss.
presbyopia [pr6z-be-O-pe-å] {presbiopía}  Age-related diminished ability to focus or accommodate.
prescription [pre-SKR2P-sh9n] {prescripción}  Order given by a doctor for medication dosage, route, and timing of administration.
pressure sore  See decubitus ulcer.
preventative [pre-V1N-tå-t7ve]  Designed to stop or prevent disease.
preventive medicine  Medical specialty concerned with preventing disease.
priapism [PRI-å-p7zm] {priapismo}  Persistent, painful erection of the penis.
primary teeth  First set of teeth that erupt at regular intervals between six months and age four.
probe  Sharp device for exploring body cavities or clearing blockages.
process [PR3-s6s, PR3S-6s]  Bony outgrowth or projection.
proctitis [pr8k-TI-t7s] {proctitis}  Inflammation of the rectum and anus.
proctoplasty [PR3K-to-plås-te]  Repair of the rectum and anus.
proctoscopy [pr8k-T3S-ko-pe] {proctoscopia}  Examination of the rectum and anus using a proctoscope.
progesterone [pro-J1S-t6r-8n] {progesterona}  One of the primary female hormones.
prone  Lying on the stomach with the face down.
proprietary [pr8-PRI-6-tår-e] name  See trade name.
prostate [PR3S-tat] {próstata} gland  Gland surrounding the urethra that emits a fluid to help the sperm move and contracts its muscular tissue during ejaculation to help the sperm exit the body.
prostatectomy [pr8s-tå-T1K-to-me] {prostatectomía}  Removal of the prostate.
prostate-specific antigen [0N-t7-j6n] (PSA) test  Blood test for prostate cancer.
prostatitis [pr8s-tå-TI-t7s] {prostatitis}  Inflammation of the prostate.
prosthetic [pr8s-TH1T-7k] device  Artificial device used as a substitute for a missing or diseased body part.
proteinuria [pro-te-NU-re-å]  Abnormal presence of protein in the urine.
prothrombin [pro-THR3M-b7n] {protrombina}  Type of plasma protein that aids in clotting.
prothrombin time (PT)  Test for ability of blood to coagulate.
protocol [PRO-to-kol]  Course of treatment.
proximal [PR3K-s7-mål]  At or near the point of attachment to the trunk.
pruritus [pru-RI-t7s] {prurito}  Itching.
pseudophakia [su-do-FA-ke-å] {seudofaquia}  Eye with an implanted lens after cataract surgery.
psoriasis [so-RI-å-s7s] {psoriasis}  Chronic skin condition accompanied by scaly lesions with extreme pruritus.
psychiatry [si-KI-å-tre]  Medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
psychoanalysis [si-ko-å-N0L-7-s7s]  Therapy that attempts to have patients bring unconscious emotions to the surface to deal with them.
psychology [si-K3L-o-je]  Profession that studies human behavior and treats mental disorders.
psychopharmacology [si-ko-F0R-må-K3L-o-j6]  Science that deals with medications that affect the emotions.
psychosis [si-KO-s7s]  Extreme disordered thinking.
psychotherapy [si-ko-TH0R-å-pe]  Treatment of mental disorders with verbal and nonverbal communication.
puberty [PYU-b6r-te] {pubertad}  Pre-teen or early teen period when secondary sex characteristics develop and menstruation begins.
pubes [PYU-b7s] {pubis}  Anteroinferior portion of the hip bone.
pubic symphysis [PYU-b7k S2M-få-s7s]  Joint between the two pubic bones.
pulmonary abscess [P4L-mo-når-e 0B-s7s]  Large collection of pus in the lungs.
pulmonary [PUL-mo-når-e] artery {arteria pulmunar}  One of two arteries that carry blood that is low in oxygen from the heart to the lungs.
pulmonary artery stenosis  Narrowing of the pulmonary artery, preventing the lungs from receiving enough blood from the heart to oxygenate.
pulmonary edema  Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the lungs.
pulmonary edema [P4L-mo-når-e 6-DE-må]  Fluid in the air sacs and bronchioles usually caused by failure of the heart to pump enough blood to and from lungs.
pulmonary function tests  Tests that measure the mechanics of breathing.
pulmonary valve  Valve that controls the blood flow between the right ventricle and the pulmonary arteries.
pulmonary vein  One of four veins that bring oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium.
pulp [p9lp]  Connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves that fill the pulp cavity.
pulp cavity  Center portion of a tooth.
pulse [p9ls] {pulso}  Rhythmic expansion and contraction of a blood vessel, usually an artery.
pupil [PYU-p7l] {pupila}  Black circular center of the eye; opens and closes when muscles in the iris expand and contract in response to light.
purpura [P4R-pu-rå] {púrpura}  Skin condition with extensive hemorrhages underneath the skin covering a wide area.
pustule [P4S-tul] {pústula}  Small elevation on the skin containing pus.
pyelitis [pi-6-LI-t7s] {pielitis}  Inflammation of the renal pelvis.
pyeloplasty [PI-6-lo-PL0S-te]  Surgical repair of the renal pelvis.
pyelotomy [pi-6-L3T-o-me]  Incision into the renal pelvis.
pylorus [pi-LOR-9s] {píloro}  Narrowed bottom part of the stomach.
pyoderma [pi-o-D1R-må] {pioderma}  Any inflammation of the skin that produces pus.
pyrogenic [pi-ro-J1N-7k] meningitis  Meningitis caused by bacteria; can be fatal; bacterial meningitis.
pyuria [pi-YU-re-å] {piuria}  Pus in the urine.
rad [råd] (radiation absorbed dose)  Unit of radioactive substance that can be absorbed in a particular period of time.
radiation [RA-de-A-sh9n]  Bombarding of tumors with rays that damage the DNA of cells.
radiation [RA-de-A-sh9n]  Energy carried by a stream of particles from a substance.
radiation therapy  Treatment of cancer that uses ionizing radiation to destroy malignant cells.
radiculitis [rå-d7k-yu-LI-t7s] {radiculitis}  Inflammation of the spinal nerve roots.
radioactive immunoassay (RIA)  Test for measuring hormone levels in plasma; taken after radioactive solution is ingested
radioactive iodine therapy  Use of radioactive iodine to eliminate thyroid tumors.
radioactive iodine uptake  Test for how quickly the thyroid gland pulls in ingested iodine.
radiography [R0-de-3G-rå-fe]  Production of diagnostic images.
radioimmunoassay (RIA) [RA-de-o-2M-u-no-0S-sa]  In vitro test to determine the amount of drugs or medication left in the body.
radiology [RA-de-3L-o-je]  Medical specialty in diagnostic imaging and radiation treatment.
radiolucent [RA-de-o-LU-s6nt]  Able to be easily penetrated by x-rays.
radionuclide [RA-de-o-NU-klid]  Radioactive substance.
radiopaque [RA-de-o-PAK]  Not able to be easily penetrated by x-rays.
radiopharmaceutical [RA-de-o-får-må-SU-t7-kål]  Chemical substance containing radioactive material.
radioresistant [RA-de-o-re-Z2S-tånt]  Not greatly affected by radiation.
radiosensitive [RA-de-o-S1N-s7-t7v]  Easily affected by radiation.
radius [RA-de-9s]  Shorter bone of the forearm.
rales [rahlz] {rales}  See crackles.
Raynaud's phenomenon [ra-NOZ]  Spasm in the arteries of the fingers causing numbness or pain.
reabsorption [re-åb-S3RB-shun]  Process of returning essential elements to the bloodstream after filtration.
receptor [re-S1P-tor] {receptor}  Tissue or organ that receives nerve impulses; part of a target cell with properties compatible with a particular substance (hormone).
reconstructive [r6-c8n-STR4C-t7v]  Designed to restore a body part to its original state or appearance.
rectum [R1K-t9m] {recto}  Bottom portion of large intestine; connected to anal canal.
red blood cell  One of the solid parts of blood formed from stem cells and having hemoglobin within; erythrocyte.
red blood cell count  Measurement of red blood cells in a cubic millimeter of blood.
red blood cell morphology  Observation of shape of red blood cells.
reduction {reducción}  Return of a part to its normal position.
reflex [RE-fl6ks] {reflejo}  Involuntary muscular contraction in response to a stimulus.
reflux [RE-fl9ks] {reflujo}  See regurgitation.
refraction [re-FR0K-sh9n] {refracción}  Process of bending light rays.
regurgitation [re-G4R-j7-TA-sh9n] {regurgitación}  Backward flow from the normal direction.
reiki [RE-ki]  Therapy that uses touch from a healer.
relapse [RE-låps]  Recurrence of a disease.
releasing factor  Substance in a hormone that allows secretion of other hormones.
remission [r6-M2SH-9n]  Disappearance of a disease for a time.
renal pelvis  Collecting area for urine in the center of the kidney.
renin [R1-n7n] {renina}  Enzyme produced in the kidneys to regulate the filtration rate of blood by increasing blood pressure as necessary.
renogram [RE-no-gråm] {renograma}  Radioactive imaging of kidney function after introduction of a substance that is filtered through the kidney while it is observed.
repolarization [re-po-lår-i-ZA-sh9n] {repolarización}  Recharging state; transition from contraction to resting that occurs in the conduction system of the heart.
reproductive [RE-pro-D4K-t7v] system  Either the male or female body system that controls reproduction.
resectioning [re-S1K-sh9n-7ng]  Removal of a tumor and a large amount of surrounding tissue.
resectoscope [re-S1K-to-skop] {resectoscopio}  Type of endoscope for removal of lesions.
respiratory [R1S-p7-ra-tor-e, r6-SPIR-å-tor-e] system  Body system that includes the lungs and airways and performs breathing; body's system for breathing.
respiratory [R1S-p7-rå-tor-e, r6-SPIR-å-tor-e] tract  Passageways through which air moves into and out of the lungs.
reticular [r6-T2K-u-lår] layer  Bottom sublayer of the dermis containing reticula (network of structures with connective tissue between).
reticulocytosis [r6-T2K-yu-lo-si-TO-s7s] {reticulocitosis}  Disorder with an abnormal number of immature erythrocytes.
retina [R1T-7-nå] {retina}  Oval, light-sensitive membrane in the interior layer of the eye; decodes light waves and transmits information to the brain.
retinitis [r6t-7-NI-t7s] {retinitis}  Inflammation of the retina.
retinitis pigmentosa [p7g-m6n-TO-så]  Progressive, inherited disease with a pigmented spot on the retina and poor night vision.
retractor [re-TR0K-tor]  An instrument used to hold back edges of tissue and organs to expose other tissues or body parts; especially used in surgery.
retroflexion [r6-tro-FL1K-sh9n] {retroflexión}  Bending backward of the uterus.
retrograde pyelogram [R1T-ro-grad PI-6l-o-gråm] (RP)  X-ray of the bladder and ureters after a contrast medium is injected into the bladder.
retroperitoneal [R1-tro-P1R-7-to-ne-ål] {retroperitoneal}  Posterior to the peritoneum.
retroversion [re-tro-V1R-sh9n] {retroversión}  Backward turn of the uterus.
retrovirus [re-tro-VI-r9s] {retrovirus}  Type of virus that spreads by using DNA in the body to help it replicate its RNA.
Rh factor  Type of antigen in blood that can cause a transfusion reaction.
rhabdomyoma [R0B-do-mi-O-må] {rabdomioma}  Benign tumor in striated muscle.
rhabdomyosarcoma [R0B-do-mi-o-sår-KO-må] {rabdomiosarcoma}  Malignant tumor in striated muscle.
rheumatic heart disease  Heart valve and/or muscle damage caused by an untreated streptococcal infection.
rheumatoid [RU-må-t8yd] arthritis  Autoimmune disorder affecting connective tissue.
rheumatoid factor test  Test used to detect rheumatoid arthritis.
rheumatologist [ru-må-T3L-o-j7st] {reumatólogo}  Physician who examines, diagnoses, and treats disorders of the joints and musculoskeletal system.
rhinitis [ri-NI-t7s] {rinitis}  Nasal inflammation.
rhinoplasty [RI-no-plås-te] {rinoplastia}  Surgical repair of the nose.
rhinorrhea [ri-no-RE-å] {rinorrea}  Nasal discharge.
Rh-negative  Lacking Rh factor on surface of blood cells.
rhonchi [R3NG-ki] {ronquidos}  See wheezes.
Rh-positive  Having Rh factor on surface of blood cells.
rib {costilla}  One of twenty-four bones that form the chest wall.
rickets [R2K-6ts] {raquitismo}  Disease of the skeletal system, usually caused by vitamin D deficiency.
right atrium  Upper right chamber of the heart.
right lower quadrant  Quadrant on the lower right anterior side of the patient's body.
right upper quadrant  Quadrant on the upper right anterior side of the patient's body.
right ventricle  Lower right chamber of the heart.
rigidity {rigidez}  Stiffness.
rigor [R2G-or] {rigor}  Stiffening.
ringworm {tiña}  Fungal infection; tinea.
risk factor  Any of various factors considered to increase the probability that a disease will occur; for example, high blood pressure and smoking are considered risk factors for heart disease.
rods [r8dz] {bastoncillos}  Specialized receptor cells in the retina that perceive black to white shades.
roentgenology [R1NT-g6n-3L-o-je]  Radiology.
root [rut]  Portion of the tooth that lies below the jawline.
root canal  Tubular structure holding blood vessels and nerves between the pulp cavity and the jawline.
rosacea [ro-ZA-she-å] {rosácea}  Vascular disease that causes blotchy, red patches on the skin, particularly on the nose and cheeks.
roseola [ro-ZE-o-lå]  Skin eruption of small, rosy patches, usually caused by a virus.
rub {roce}  Frictional sound heard between heartbeats, usually indicating a pericardial murmur.
rubella [ru-B1L-å] {rubéola}  Disease that causes a viral skin rash; German measles.
rubeola [ru-BE-o-lå] {rubéola}  Disease that causes a viral skin rash; measles.
rugae [RU-ge] {rugae}  Folds in stomach lining.
sacrum [SA-kr9m] {sacro}  Next-to-last spinal vertebra made up of five fused bones; vertebra that forms part of the pelvis.
sagittal [S0J-7-tål] plane  Imaginary line that divides the body into right and left portions.
saliva [så-LI-vå] {saliva}  Fluid secreted by salivary glands; contains amylase.
salivary [S0L-7-vår-e] glands  Glands in the mouth that secrete fluids that aid in breaking down food.
salpingectomy [sål-p7n-J1K-to-me] {salpingectomía}  Removal of a fallopian tube.
salpingitis [sål-p7n-JI-t7s] {salpingitis}  Inflammation of the fallopian tubes.
salpingotomy [sål-p7ng-G3T-o-me]  Incision into the fallopian tubes.
saphenous [så-FE-n9s] vein  Any of a group of veins that transport deoxygenated blood from the legs.
sarcoidosis [sår-k8y-DO-s7s] {sarcoidosis}  Inflammatory condition with lesions on the lymph nodes and other organs.
sarcoma [sår-KO-må]  Relatively rare tumor that originates in muscle, connective tissue, and lymph.
scabies [SKA-bez] {sarna}  Skin eruption caused by a mite burrowing into the skin.
scale {escala, costra}  Small plate of hard skin that falls off.
scalpel [SK0L-pl]  Knife used in surgery or dissection.
scan  Image obtained from the interior of the body.
scapula [SK0P-yu-lå] {escápula}  Large flat bone that forms the shoulder blade.
Schick [sh7k] test  Test for diphtheria.
schizophrenia [sk7z-o-FRE-ne-å]  Condition with recurring psychosis, often with hallucinations.
sciatica [si-0T-7-kå] {ciática}  1. Pain in the lower back, usually radiating down the leg, from a herniated disk or other injury or condition. 2. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
scirrhous [SK2R-9s]  Hard, densely packed.
sclera (pl., sclerae) [SKLER-å (SKLER-e)] {esclerótica}  Thick, tough membrane in the outer eye layer; supports eyeball structure.
scleritis [skl6-RI-t7s] {escleritis}  Inflammation of the sclera.
scleroderma [skl6r-o-D1R-må] {esclerodermia}  Thickening of the skin caused by an increase in collagen formation.
scoliosis [sko-le-O-s7s] {escolisis}  Abnormal lateral curvature of the spinal column.
scotoma [sko-TO-må] {escotoma}  Blind spot in vision.
scratch test  Test for allergic sensitivity in which a small amount of antigen is scratched onto the surface of the skin.
scrotum [SKRO-t9m] {escroto}  Sac outside the body containing the testicles.
sebaceous [s6-BA-sh9s] cyst  Cyst containing yellow sebum.
sebaceous [s6-BA-sh9s] glands  Glands in the dermis that open to hair follicles and secrete sebum.
seborrhea [s6b-o-RE-å] {seborrea}  Overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands.
sebum [SE-b9m] {sebo}  Oily substance, usually secreted into the hair follicle.
second bicuspid  Fifth tooth from the median of the jawline.
second molar  Second to last tooth at the back of the mouth.
secondary hypertension  Hypertension having a known cause, such as kidney disease.
secondary teeth  Permanent teeth.
second-degree burn  Moderately severe burn that affects the epidermis and dermis; usually involves blistering.
sedative [S1D-å-t7v]  Agent that relieves feelings of agitation.
sedimentation rate (SR)  See erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
sella turcica [S1L-å T4R-s7-kå] {silla turcica}  Bony depression in the sphenoid bone where the pituitary gland is located.
semen [SE-m6n] {semen}  Thick, whitish fluid containing spermatozoa and secretions from the seminal vesicles, Cowper's glands, and prostate; ejaculated from the penis.
semen analysis  Observation of semen for viability of sperm.
semicircular canals  Structures in the inner ear important to equilibrium.
semilunar [s6m-e-LU-når] valve  One of the two valves that prevent the backflow of blood flowing out of the heart into the aorta and the pulmonary artery.
seminoma [s6m-7-NO-må]  Malignant tumor of the testicle.
sensory receptors  Specialized tissue containing cells that can receive stimuli.
sensory [S1N-so-re] system  Body system that includes the eyes and ears and those parts of other systems involved in the reactions of the five senses; organs or tissue that perceive and receive stimuli from outside or within the body.
septal defect  Congenital abnormality consisting of an opening in the septum between the atria or ventricles.
septoplasty [S1P-to-plås-te] {septoplastia}  Surgical repair of the nasal septum.
septostomy [s6p-T3S-to-me] {septostomía}  Creation of an opening in the nasal septum.
septum (pl., septa) [S1P-t9m (S1P-tå)] {tabique}  1. Partition between the left and right chambers of the heart. 2. Cartilaginous division, as in the nose or mediastinum.
sequestrum [s6-KW1S-tr9m] {secuestro}  Piece of dead tissue or bone separated from the surrounding area.
serum [SER-9m] {suero}  The liquid left after blood has clotted. serum calcium Test for calcium in the blood.
serum creatine phosphokinase [KRE-å-ten f8s-fo-KI-nås]  Enzyme active in muscle contraction; usually phosphokinase is elevated after a myocardial infarction and in the presence of other degenerative muscle diseases.
serum enzyme tests  Laboratory tests performed to detect enzymes present during or after a myocardial infarction; cardiac enzyme studies.
serum phosphorus [F3S-for-9s]  Test for phosphorus in the blood.
sesamoid [S1S-å-m8yd] bone  Bone formed in a tendon over a joint.
sessile [S1S-il] polyp  Polyp that projects upward from a broad base.
shin [sh7n] {espinilla}  Anterior ridge of the tibia.
shingles [SH2N-glz] {culebrilla}  Viral disease affecting the peripheral nerves and caused by herpes zoster.
short bones  Square-shaped bones with approximately equal dimensions on all sides.
sialoadenitis [SI-å-lo-åd-6-NI-t7s]  Inflammation of the salivary glands.
sight {vista}  Ability to see.
sigmoid [S2G-m8yd] colon  S-shaped part of large intestine connecting at the bottom to the rectum.
sigmoidoscopy [S2G-m8y-D3S-ko-pe] {sigmoidoscopia}  Examination of the sigmoid colon using a sigmoidoscope.
silicosis [s7l-7-KO-s7s]  Lung condition caused by silica dust from grinding rocks or glass or other materials used in manufacturing.
simple fracture  Fracture with no open skin wound.
singultus [s7ng-G4L-t9s] {singulto}  Hiccuping.
sinoatrial [si-no-A-tre-ål] (SA) node  Region of the right atrium containing specialized tissue that sends electrical impulses to the heart muscle, causing it to contract.
sinus [SI-n9s] {seno}  1. Hollow cavity, especially either of two cavities on the sides of the nose. 2. Space between the lactiferous ducts and the nipple.
sinusitis [si-nu-SI-t7s] {sinusitis}  Inflammation of the sinuses.
sinusotomy [sin-u-S3T-o-me] {sinusotomía}  Incision of a sinus.
sinus rhythm  Normal heart rhythm.
skeleton [SK1L-6-t8n] {esqueleto}  Bony framework of the body.
skin graft  Placement of fresh skin over a damaged area.
SMA (sequential multiple analyzer)  Original blood chemistry machine; now a synonym for blood chemistry.
small intestine  Twenty-foot long tube that continues the process of digestion started in the stomach; place where most absorption takes place.
smell {olfacción, oler}  Ability to perceive odors.
smooth muscle  Fibrous muscle of internal organs that acts involuntarily
social worker  Nonmedical professional who is trained as an advocate for people (such as the elderly or children) and may also be trained in the treatment of mental disorders.
sociopathy [SO-se-8-påth-e]  Extreme callous disregard for others.
socket  Space in the jawline out of which teeth erupt above the jawline.
soft palate [P0L-åt]  Soft posterior part of the palate in the mouth; flexible muscular sheet that separates the nasopharynx from the rest of the pharynx.
solid tumor  Carcinoma; most common type of tumor.
somatic [so-M0T-7k] nervous system  Part of the peripheral nervous system that receives and processes sensory input from various parts of the body.
somatoform [SO-må-to-f8rm] disorders  Mental disorders including physical symptoms that have a psychological base.
somatotrophic [SO-må-to-TROF-7k] hormone (STH)  Hormone secreted by anterior pituitary gland; important in growth and development.
somnambulism [s8m-N0M-byu-l7zm] {sonambulismo}  Sleepwalking.
somnolence [S3M-no-l6ns] {somnolencia}  Extreme sleepiness caused by a neurological disorder.
sonogram [S3N-o-gråm]  Ultrasound image.
sonography [s8-N3G-rå-fe] {sonografía}  Production of images based on the echoes of sound waves against structures.
spasm [spåzm] {espasmo}  Sudden, involuntary muscle contraction.
spastic [SP0S-t7k]  Tending to have spasms.
specific gravity  Measurement of the concentration of wastes, minerals, and solids in urine.
SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) brain scan  Brain image produced by the use of radioactive isotopes.
sperm [sp6rm] {esperma}  Male sex cell that contains chromosomes.
spermatogenesis [SP1R-må-to-J1N-6-s7s]  Production of sperm.
spermatozoon(pl., spermatozoa) [SP1R-må-to-ZO-8n (SP1Rmå-to-ZO-å)] {espermatozoo}  See sperm.
spermicide [SP1R-m7-sid] {espermicida}  Contraceptive chemical that destroys sperm; usually in cream or jelly form.
sphenoid [SF1-n8yd] bone  Bone that forms the base of the skull.
sphenoid sinus  Sinus above and behind the nose.
sphygmomanometer [SF2G-mo-må-N3M-6-t6r] {esfigmomanómetro}  Device for measuring blood pressure.
spina bifida [SPI-nå B2F-7-då] {espina bífida}  Congenital defect with deformity of the spinal column.
spinal [SPI-nål] cavity  Body space that contains the spinal cord.
spinal column  Column of vertebrae at the posterior of the body, from the neck to the coccyx.
spinal cord  Ropelike tissue that sits inside the vertebral column and from which spinal nerves extend.
spinal curvature  Abnormal curvature of the spine.
spinal nerves  Any of 31 pairs of nerves that carry messages to and from the spinal cord and the torso and extremities.
spinous [SPI-n9s] process  Protrusion from the center of the vertebral arch.
spirometer [spi-R3M-6-t6r] {espirómetro}  Testing machine that measures the lungs' volume and capacity.
spleen [splen] {bazo}  Organ of lymph system that filters, stores, and removes blood, and activates lymphocytes.
splenectomy [spl6-N1K-to-me] {esplenectomía}  Removal of the spleen.
splenomegaly [spl6n-o-M1G-å-le]  Enlarged spleen.
splinting {ferulización}  Applying a splint to immobilize a body part.
spondylolisthesis [SP3N-d7-lo-l7s-TH1-s7s] {espondilolistesis}  Degenerative condition in which one vertebra misaligns with the one below it; slipped disk.
spondylolysis [sp8n-d7-L3L-7-s7s] {espodilolisis}  Degenerative condition of the moving part of a vertebra.
spondylosyndesis [SP3N-d7-lo-s7n-DE-s7s] {espondilosindesis}  Fusion of two or more spinal vertebrae.
sponge {esponja}  Polyurethane contraceptive device filled with spermicide and placed in vagina near cervix.
spongy bone  Bone with an open latticework filled with connective tissue or marrow.
sprain [spran]  Injury to a joint without dislocation or fracture.
spur [sp9r]  Bony projection growing out of a bone; calcar.
sputum [SPU-t9m] sample or culture  Culture of material that is expectorated (or brought back up as mucus).
squamous cell carcinoma [SKW0-m9s s6l kår-s7n-NO-må]  Cancer of the squamous epithelium.
squamous epithelium [SKW0-m9s 6p-7-THE-le-9m]  Flat, scaly layer of cells that makes up the epidermis.
stage  Degree of tumor spread.
standard precautions  Guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control for preventing the spread of disease.
stapedectomy [sta-p6-D1K-to-m6]  Removal of the stapes to cure otosclerosis.
stapes (pl., stapes, stapedes) [STA-pez (STA-p6-dez)] {estribo}  One of the three auditory ossicles; the stirrup.
staples  Metal devices used to suture surgical incisions.
statins [ST0-t7nz]  A class of lipid-lowering agents that are the most frequently used today.
steatorrhea [STE-å-to-RE-å] {esteatorrea}  Fat in the blood.
stem cell  Immature cell formed in bone marrow that becomes differentiated into either a red or a white blood cell.
stenosis [st6-NO-s7s] {estenosis}  Narrowing, particularly of blood vessels or of the cardiac valves.
stent [st6nt]  Surgically implanted device used to hold something (as a blood vessel) open.
stereotactic [STER-e-o-T0K-t7k] frame  Headgear worn by patients needing pinpoint accuracy in the treatment of brain anomalies.
stereotaxy [STER-e-o-T0K-se], stereotactic [STER-e-o-T0K t7k] surgery  Destruction of deep-seated brain structures using three-dimensional coordinates to locate the structures.
sternum [ST1R-n9m] {esternón}  Long, flat bone that forms the midline of the anterior of the thorax.
steroid [STER-8yd, ST1R-8yd]  A hormone or chemical substance released by several endocrine glands or manufactured in various medications.
stimulus (pl., stimuli) [ST2M-yu-l9s (ST2M-yu-li)] {estimulo}  Anything that arouses a response.
stomach [ST3M-åk] {estómago}  Large sac between the esophagus and small intestine; place where food is broken down.
stool [stul] {heces}  Feces.
strabismus [strå-B2Z-m9s] {estrabismo}  Eye misalignment.
strain [stran] {distender}  Injury to a muscle as a result of improper use or overuse.
stratified squamous epithelium  Layers of epithelial cells that make up the strata of epithelium of the epidermis.
stratum (pl., strata)[STR0T-9m (STR0-tå)] {estrato}  Layer of tissue, especially a layer of the skin.
stratum corneum [KOR-ne-9m]  Top sublayer of the epidermis.
stratum germinativum [j6r-m7-N0T-7-v9m]  Bottom sublayer of the epidermis.
stress test  Test that measures heart rate, blood pressure, and other body functions while the patient is exercising on a treadmill.
striae [STRI-e] {estrías}  Stretch marks made in the collagen fibers of the dermis layer.
striated [stri-AT-6d] muscle  Muscle with a ribbed appearance that is controlled at will.
stridor [STRI-dor] {estridor}  High-pitched crowing sound heard in certain respiratory conditions.
stroke [strok] {accidente cerebrovascular}  See cerebrovascular accident (CVA).
sty, stye [sti] {orzuelo}  Hordeolum.
styloid [STI-l8yd] process  Peg-shaped protrusion from a bone.
subcutaneous [s9b-kyu-TA-ne-9s]  Injected into the fatty layer of tissue beneath the outer layer of skin.
subcutaneous [s9b-kyu-TA-ne-9s] layer  Bottom layer of the skin containing fatty tissue.
subdural [s9b-DUR-ål] space  Area between the dura mater and the pia mater across which the arachnoid runs.
sublingually [s9b-L2NG-gwå-le]  Under the tongue.
subluxation [s9b-l9k-SA-sh9n] {subluxación}  Partial dislocation, as between joint surfaces.
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)  Death of an infant, usually while sleeping, of unknown cause.
sulcus (pl., sulci) [S4L-k9s (S4L-si)] {surco}  Groove or furrow in the surface of bone; see fissure.
superficial [su-p6r-F2SH-ål]  At or near the surface (of the body).
superior [su-PER-e-or]  Above another body structure.
superior lobe  Topmost lobe of each lung.
superior vena cava  Large vein that transports blood collected from the upper part of the body to the heart.
supine [su-PIN]  Lying on the spine facing upward.
suppository [su-P3Z-7-tor-e] {supositorio}  Drug mixed with a semi-solid melting substance meant for administration by insertion into the vagina, rectum, or urethra.
suppressor [su-PR1S-or] cell  T cell that suppresses B cells and other immune cells.
suprarenal [SU-prå-RE-nål] gland  Adrenal gland.
surgery [S1R-j6r-e]  Removal, transplant, or manipulation of tissue.
surgical scissors  Scissors used for cutting and dissecting tissue during surgery
suture [SU-chur] {sutura}  Joining of two bone parts with a fibrous membrane.
suture [SU-chur] needles  Needles used in closing surgical wounds by sewing.
sweat glands  Coiled glands of the skin that secrete perspiration to regulate body temperature and excrete waste products.
sweat test  Test for cystic fibrosis that measures the amount of salt in sweat.
sympathetic [s7m-på-TH1T-7k] nervous system  Part of the autonomic nervous system that operates when the body is under stress.
sympathomimetic [S2M-på-tho-m7-M1T-7k] {simpatomimético}  Mimicking functions of the sympathetic nervous system.
symphysis [S2M-f7-s7s] {sinfisis}  Type of cartilaginous joint uniting two bones.
synapse [S2N-åps] {sinapsis}  Space over which nerve impulses jump from one neuron to another.
synarthrosis [S2N-år-THRO-s7s] {sinartrosis}  Fibrous joint with no movement.
syncope [S2N-ko-pe] {síncope}  Loss of consciousness due to a sudden lack of oxygen in the brain.
syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH)  Excessive secretion of antidiuretic hormone.
synovectomy [s7n-o-V1K-to-me] {sinovectomía}  Removal of part or all of a joint's synovial membrane.
synovial [s7-NO-ve-ål] fluid  Fluid that serves to lubricate joints.
synovial joint  A joint that moves.
synovial membrane  Connective tissue lining the cavity of joints and producing the synovial fluid.
syphilis [S2F-7-l7s] {sífilis}  Sexually transmitted infection.
syringe [s7-R2NJ] {jeringa}  Instrument used for injection or withdrawal of fluids.
system [S2S-t6m]  Any group of organs and ancillary parts that work together to perform a major body function.
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)  Most severe form of lupus, involving internal organs.
systole [S2S-to-le] {systole}  Contraction phase of the heartbeat.
tachycardia [T0K-7-K0R-de-å] {taquicardia}  Heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute.
tachypnea [tåk-7p-NE-å] {taquipnea}  Abnormally fast breathing.
talipes calcaneus [T0L-7-pez kål-KA-ne-9s]  Deformity of the heel resulting from weakened calf muscles.
talipes valgus [V0L-g9s]  Foot deformity characterized by eversion of the foot.
talipes varus [V0-r9s]  Foot deformity characterized by inversion of the foot.
target cell  Cell with receptors that are compatible with specific hormones.
tarsus, tarsal [T0R-s9s, T0R-sål] bones  Seven bones of the instep (arch of the foot).
taste  Ability to perceive the qualities of ingested matter.
taste buds  Organs that sense the taste of food.
taste cells  Specialized receptor cells within the taste buds.
Tay-Sachs [TA-såks] disease  Hereditary disease that causes deterioration in the central nervous system and, eventually, death.
T cells  Specialized cells that develop in the thymus and are responsible for cellular immunity, and assist with humoral immunity.
tears [t6rz] {lágrimas}  Moisture secreted from the lacrimal glands.
telangiectasia [t6l-0N-je-6k-TA-zhe-å]  A permanent dilation of the small blood vessels.
temporal [T1M-po-rål] bone  Large bone forming the base and sides of the skull.
temporal lobe [T1M-po-rål lob]  One of the four parts of each hemisphere of the cerebrum.
temporomandibular [T1M-po-ro-mån-D2B-yu-lår] joint (TMJ)  Joint of the lower jaw between the temporal bone and the mandible.
temporomandibular [T1M-po-ro-mån-D2B-yu-lår] joint (TMJ) dysfunction  Pain in the jawline due to dislocation of the joint.
tendinitis, tendonitis [t6n-d7n-IT-7s] {tendonitis}  Inflammation of a tendon.
tendon [T1N-d8n] {tendon}  Fibrous band that connects muscle to bone or other structures.
tenotomy [t6-N3T-o-me] {tenotomía}  Surgical cutting of a tendon.
teratoma [t6r-å-TO-må]  Growth containing several types of tissue and various types of cells.
terminal end fibers  Group of fibers at the end of an axon that passes the impulses leaving the neuron to the next neuron.
testicle [T1S-t7-kl] {testículo}  See testis.
testis (pl., testes) [T1S-t7s (T1S-tez)], testicle [TES-ti-kl] {testículo}  Male organ that produces sperm and is contained in the scrotum; one of two male organs that secrete hormones in the endocrine system.
testosterone [t6s-T3S-t6-ron] {testosterona}  Primary male hormone.
tetany [T1T-å-ne] {tetania}  Painfully long muscle contraction. Muscle paralysis, usually due to decreased levels of ionized calcium in the blood.
tetralogy of Fallot [få-LO]  Set of four congenital heart abnormalities appearing together that cause deoxygenated blood to enter the systemic circulation: ventricular septal-defect, pulmonary stenosis, incorrect position of the aorta, and right ventricular hypertrophy.
thalamus [TH0L-å-m9s] {tálamo}  One of the four parts of the diencephalon; serves as a sensory relay station.
thalassemia [thål-å-SE-me-å] {talasemia}  Hereditary disorder characterized by inability to produce sufficient hemoglobin.
therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)  Taking of regular blood or urine tests to track drug use and effectiveness of medication.
therapeutic massage  Stimulates the skin, muscles, and tissue to promote healing.
therapeutic touch  The laying on of hands to promote healing.
therapist [TH0R-å-p7st]  Nonmedical professional trained in the treatment of mental disorders through talk therapy.
third molar  Molar furthest from the median of the jawline.
third-degree burn  Most severe type of burn; involves complete destruction of an area of skin.
thoracic [tho-R0S-7k] cavity  Body space above the abdominal cavity that contains the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels.
thoracic [tho-R0S-7k] surgeon  Surgeon who specializes in surgery of the thorax.
thoracic [tho-R0S-7k] vertebrae  Twelve vertebrae of the chest area.
thoracocentesis [THOR-å-ko-s6n-TE-s7s] {toracocentesis}  Surgical puncture of the chest cavity.
thoracostomy [thor-å-K3S-to-me] {toracostomía}  Establishment of an opening in the chest cavity.
thoracotomy [thor-å-K3T-o-me] {toracotomía}  Incision into the chest cavity.
thorax [THO-råks] {tórax}  Part of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen; chest; chest cavity.
throat [throwt] {garganta}  See pharynx.
throat culture  Test for streptococcal or other infections in which a swab taken on the surface of the throat is placed in a culture to see if certain bacteria grow.
thrombectomy [thr8m-B1K-to-me] {trombectomia}  Surgical removal of a thrombus.
thrombin [THR3MB-7n] {trombina}  Enzyme that helps in clot formation.
thrombocyte [THR3M-bo-sit] {trombocito}  Platelet; cell fragment that produces thrombin.
thrombocytopenia [THR3M-bo-si-to-PE-ne-å]  Bleeding condition with insufficient production of platelets.
thrombolytic [thr8m-bo-L2T-7k]  Agent that dissolves a thrombus; agent that dissolves blood clots.
thrombophlebitis [THR3M-bo-fl6-BI-tis] {tromboflebitis}  Inflammation of a vein with a thrombus.
thromboplastin [thr8m-bo-PL0S-t7n]  Protein that aids in forming a fibrin clot.
thrombosis [thr8m-BO-s7s] {trombosis}  Presence of a thrombus in a blood vessel.
thrombotic [thr8m-B3T-7k] stroke  Stroke caused by a thrombus.
thrombotic [thr8m-B3T-7k] occlusion  Narrowing caused by a thrombus.
thrombus [THR3M-b9s] {trombo}  Blood clot; stationary blood clot in the cardiovascular system, usually formed from matter found in the blood.
thymectomy [thi-M1K-to-me] {timectomía}  Removal of the thymus gland.
thymoma [thi-MO-må] {timoma}  Tumor of the thymus gland.
thymosin [THI-mo-s7n] {timosina}  Hormone secreted by the thymus gland that aids in distribution of thymocytes and lymphoctyes.
thymus [THI-m9s] gland  Soft gland with two lobes that is involved in immune responses; located in mediastinum; gland that is part of the immune system as well as part of the endocrine system; aids in the maturation of T and B cells.
thyroid [THI-r8yd] gland  Gland with two lobes located on either side of the trachea; helps control blood calcium levels and metabolic functions.
thyroid cartilage  See Adam's apple.
thyroid function test or study  Test for levels of TSH, T3, and T4 in blood plasma to determine thyroid function.
thyroid scan  Imaging test for thyroid abnormalities.
thyroidectomy [thi-r8y-D1K-to-me] {tiroidectomía}  Removal of the thyroid.
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)  Hormone secreted by anterior pituitary gland; stimulates release of thyroid hormones.

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