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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which company is expecting to gain the majority of its returns on existing investments?
A)Dell Computer
B)Phillips Petroleum
C)Procter & Gamble
D)Johnson & Johnson
Which company handles 75 percent of its sales online and 45 percent of its online orders for networking equipment never touch employees' hands?
A)Cisco Systems
What is information richness?
A)A global public network of computer networks that pass information from one to another using common computer protocols
B)Occurs when those with access to technology have great advantages over those without access to technology
C)Refers to the number of people a business can communicate with, on a global basis
D)Refers to the depth and breadth of information transferred between customers and businesses
What is a protocol?
A)The standards that specify the format of data as well as the rules to be followed during transmission
B)A global public network of computer networks that pass information from one to another using common computer protocols
C)A global hypertext system that uses the Internet as its transport mechanism
D)The Internet standard that support the exchange of information on the WWW

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