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Multiple Choice Quiz
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All of the following elements were common in colonial education EXCEPT
A)home schooling.
B)elementary girls' schools called dame schools.
C)religion-based instruction.
School desegregation progressed rapidly as a result of
A)Plessy v. Ferguson.
B)Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.
C)Hopwood v. State of Texas.
D)the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
How successful were Native American legal challenges to the federal government for tribal and educational rights that began after 1920?
A)The federal government restricted Native American rights further, continuing to take tribal lands and breach older federal treaties.
B)Both federal and state courts were unresponsive and little gain was made until the 1970s.
C)Federal courts relented and granted tribes wide rights to public education and funding for tribal schools.
D)Federal courts were unresponsive, but gains were made at the state level and some Native Americans won the right to attend public schools.
Benjamin Franklin established the Franklin Academy to
A)train future political leaders to serve in public office.
B)provide vocational training through the study of practical subjects.
C)emphasize the continued need for a classical education in modern times.
D)offer basic education to the masses to secure their rights as citizens in a democracy by understanding earlier democratic governments in Rome and Greece.
How did the early American high school at the end of the nineteenth century differ from its European counterpart?
A)American state and local governments were not allowed to use taxation to support the secondary school.
B)It failed to emphasize college preparation like European high schools.
C)It did not emphasize vocational training like European high schools.
D)The rigid European tracking system was less pronounced, and early decisions did not predetermine a child's destiny.
Proponents of the common school movement argued that free, universal public education would accomplish all of the following EXCEPT
A)produce a better-educated workforce in an increasingly industrialized society.
B)assimilate the growing number of culturally diverse immigrants to American values and culture.
C)equalize economic conditions between the rich and poor to reduce social disharmony.
D)establish a shared religion to repair the fractured spirit of a nation with peoples of many faiths.
The common school movement encountered opposition in the form of
A)business interests concerned that the labor pool of children would disappear.
B)taxpayers willing to pay higher taxes to create school choice.
C)teacher labor unions sponsoring their own schools.
D)All these answers are correct.
Which of the following statements accurately describes the legal responsibility for education in the United States?
A)The constitution specifically assigns responsibility for education to the federal government.
B)The constitution specifically assigns the responsibility for education to the states, but they can receive funding and guidance from the federal government.
C)Education is a state responsibility and the federal government is not to be involved.
D)Education is the priority of local governments, though they can receive funding and guidance from state governments.
In addition to fighting for public schools, Horace Mann promoted other ideas toward education and social practices, such as
A)the teaching of pedagogy, or the best ways to teach children.
B)emphasis on classical subjects such as the mastery of Greek or Latin.
C)the establishment of for-profit religious schools.
D)the teaching of a common cultural canon through free public schools to make the nation a more culturally cohesive unit.
Which of the following statements best characterizes trends in desegregation during the last twenty years?
A)Court cases such as Hopwood and Michigan have pushed integration efforts into higher education by mandating that colleges put admissions policies into effect to increase diversity on campus.
B)Due to the increasing racial diversity of school-age children in the United States, most students—although not all students—across the nation now attend integrated schools.
C)Desegregation efforts such as magnet programs have been effective in integrating schools, as well as the academic and social lives of students.
D)Court decisions have reduced school busing and firm racial set-asides in college, significantly increasing racial segregation in the nation's schools.
According to the tenets of progressive education, the most effective learning strategy involves the teacher
A)allowing students to do whatever activities they choose, as long as they are not disruptive.
B)encouraging students to be employed part-time to get real-world experience.
C)identifying student needs and interests and building upon them.
D)employing direct instruction to ensure high scores on standardized tests.
Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in schools. Which of the following statements about Title IX is true?
A)The law details protection of females but offers no mention of protections for males.
B)Most schools train teachers in the provisions of the law and strictly enforce its provisions.
C)The law does not mention athletics, one of the more prominent areas in which sex discrimination occurs.
D)No school has ever been financially penalized by the federal government for violation of Title IX.
The second wave of criticism of progressive education argued that
A)teacher training would be impossible under the progressive education system.
B)progressive education represented an atheistic, un-American force.
C)the school curriculum was not academically sound.
D)it caused a further segregation of education and loss of educational opportunities for African Americans.
In the early 20th century, the education of Mexican American children was hurt by
A)the complete absence of any Mexican American schools.
B)the frequent migration of Mexican American families.
C)the refusal of the federal government to allow full citizenship to Mexicans that decided to stay in the U.S. after the Mexican-American war.
D)the inability of Mexican Americans to find sufficient cheap labor in the American Southwest to pay for schooling.
Second-generation segregation refers to
A)within-school segregation caused by tracking and administrator and teacher attitudes.
B)the striking down of desegregation programs and laws by the Supreme Court.
C)de facto segregation that occurs as a result of residential patterns.
D)the de jure segregation of schools that occurred before the Civil Rights Act.

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