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Reel to Real teaching related movie summaries
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Run Time: 108 minutes

Synopsis: The true story of Homer Hickam, a high school student seemingly destined to repeat his father's harsh life in the West Virginia coal mines, until the Soviet launch of Sputnik in 1957 sparks his own scientific aspirations. With the encouragement of a science teacher, Homer and his fellow "Rocket Boys" venture to launch their own homemade rockets.

  1. This Chapter emphasizes the financing and governing of schools. How did these two factors shape students' lives in Coalwood? Give examples from the film. How did your schooling reflect educational governance and financing?
  2. Consider how inequitable funding is related to geography. How does school finance impact educational opportunities in rural, suburban, and urban schools?
  3. October Sky is set in the late 1950s, prior to many of the landmark legal rulings on educational funding discussed in this chapter. How might these court decisions have altered educational opportunities at Coalwood High?
  4. What student expectations are revealed in the principal's comment to Ms. Riley: "Our job is to give these kids an education, not false hopes. Once in a while a lucky one gets out on a football scholarship. The rest work in the mines."
  5. What academic and social purposes do events such as science fairs, spelling bees, and music festivals play in schools and communities? How do these differ in wealthy and poor schools? Interview classmates who attended rural, suburban, and urban schools to learn about these differences.
Follow-up Activity:October Sky is a "coming of age" film. Homer Hickam wrestles with accepting life in the mines and pursuing his own dreams. It is a common theme not only in film, but also in life. Interview older friends or family members about whether they were ever expected to "follow in the footsteps" of others. How did they feel about it? Why did they choose to follow tradition or make a new path? Was their decision influenced by a pivotal schooling experience, a motivating teacher, or inspiring hero? What do they think now of the decisions they made then? Capture their stories by audiotaping, video recording, or taking notes on the interviews.

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