Muller: McGraw-Hill Reader 11e
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The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines, 11/e

Gilbert H. Muller, City University of New York - LaGuardia

ISBN: 0073383945
Copyright year: 2011

Catalyst 2.0 Table of Contents

Contents of Essays by Rhetorical Mode



Chapter 1 Reading and Responding to Texts in the 21st Century

Reading Critically and Actively
Responding to Essays
Engaging in Critical Reading
Thinking Critically
ROBIN LAKOFF, FROM ANCIENT GREECE TO IRAQ, THE POWER OF WORDS IN WARTIME ["Bullets and bombs are not the only tools of war. Words, too, play their part."]
Networking: Engaging with Digital, Hyperlinked Texts
*BENEDICT CAREY, JUDGING HONESTY BY WORDS, NOT FIDGETS ["…psychologists had 38 undergraduates enter a professor's office and either steal an exam or replace it with one that had been stolen.]
MORTIMER J. ADLER, HOW TO MARK A BOOK ["I contend, quite bluntly, that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love."]
Networking: Marking a Text Electronically
Taking Notes
Questioning the Text
ARTHUR M. SCHLESINGER, JR., THE CULT OF ETHNICITY ["Ethnic and racial conflict—far more than ideological conflict—is the explosive problem of our times."] Message-Making: An Interactive Approach
Paraphrasing, Summarizing, Quoting, and Synthesizing
Avoiding Plagiarism
Synthesizing: Drawing Connections from Texts
Case Study for Synthesis: Classic and Contemporary: The Impulse to Compose
*HENRY DAVID THOREAU, ON KEEPING A PRIVATE JOURNAL ["Everyone can think, but comparatively few can write, can express their thoughts in words."]
Networking: Blogging vs. Journaling
Networking: On Keeping a Public Blog
*STEVE MARTIN, WRITING IS EASY ["Writer's block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they can have an excuse to drink alcohol."]
Networking: Engaging with the Author behind the Text
Reading and Responding to Online Texts
Reading and Analyzing Visual Texts
Classic and Contemporary Images: How Do We Communicate?
Joe Rosenthal, Marines Raising the Flag at Iwo Jima Thomas E. Franklin, Fire Fighters Raising the Flag at Ground Zero

Chapter 2 Writing: Process and Communication

Composing in any Medium: Processes for Writing
Considering Purpose and Audience
Choosing an Appropriate Tone
Freewriting and Brainstorming
Developing the Thesis
Writing Introductory Paragraphs
Writing Body Paragraphs
Choosing Strategies for Development
Writing End Paragraphs
Responding to Editorial Comments
A Portfolio on Writing and Communication
*MANUEL MUNOZ, LEAVE YOUR NAME AT THE BORDER ["Spanish was and still is viewed with suspicion."]
Networking: How Many of Me?
AMY TAN, MOTHER TONGUE ["Language is the tool of my trade. And I use them all—all the Englishes I grew up with."]
Networking: Listening and Synthesizing
PETER ELBOW, FREEWRITING ["The most effective way I know to improve your writing is to do freewriting exercises regularly."]
Networking: Paper vs. Screen
DONALD M. MURRAY, THE MAKER'S EYE: REVISING YOUR OWN MANUSCRIPTS ["When a draft is completed, the job of writing can begin."]
Networking: Redefining "Writer"
JOHN HOCKENBERRY, THE BLOGS OF WAR ["The snapshots of Iraqi prisoners being abused at Abu Ghraib were taken by soldiers and shared in the digital military netherworld of Iraq."]
Networking: Investigating Milblogs
DEBORAH TANNEN, SEX, LIES, AND CONVERSATION: WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR MEN AND WOMEN TO TALK TO EACH OTHER? ["Although men tend to talk more than women in public situations, they often talk less at home. And this pattern is wreaking havoc with marriage."]
Networking: Exploring Gender and Online Communication
GEORGE ORWELL, POLITICS AND THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ["In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible."]
Networking: Synthesizing a Graphic / Choosing a Graphic Medium
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies
Classic and Contemporary Images: How do we write?
Edith Wharton writing at her desk
Jennifer Jacobson and Jane Kurz writing on laptops at a coffee shop

Chapter 3 Reading and Writing Effective Arguments

Learning the Language of Argument
Using the Test of Justification
Reading and Analyzing Arguments
Understanding Claims and Warrants
Reasoning from Evidence
Thinking Critically about Arguments
The Purpose of Argumentation
Appeals to Reason, Emotion, and Ethics
ABRAHAM LINCOLN, THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS ["Four score and seven years ago . . .]"
Networking: Using Search Phrases
Writing Powerful Arguments
Identify an Issue
Take a Stand and Clarify Your Claim
Analyze Your Audience
Establish Your Tone
Develop and Organize the Grounds for Your Claim
Gather and Evaluate Your Evidence
Consider Your Warrants
Deal with Opposing Viewpoints
Avoid Unfair Emotional Appeals and Errors in Reasoning
Argumentative Synthesis
Guidelines for Argumentative Synthesis
*Case Study for Synthesis: Social Networking: Friend or Foe?
*FARHAD MANJOO, DO I REALLY HAVE TO JOIN TWITTER? ["It's hard for many to shake the feeling that Twitter is a waste of time." ]
ELLEN LEE, SOCIAL SITES ARE BECOMING TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING ["As much as people want to connect through the Internet, the practice can also have the opposite effect: social networking fatigue."]
*FROM THE ECONOMIST, CONNECTING UP ["Online-dating sites such as eHarmony and have seen business look up."]
*LAKSHMI CHAUDHRY, MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WEB ["We now live in the era of micro-celebrity, which offers endless opportunities to celebrate the most special person in your life, i.e., you…."]
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies
Classic and Contemporary Images: What Is an Argument?
Francisco de Goya, The Third of May, 1808
Eddie Adams, Police Chief Brigadier General Nguyen
Ngoc Loan Executes a Viet Cong Officer

Chapter 4 Writing a Research Project in the 21st Century

Research Writing: Preconceptions and Practice
Navigating the Research Process
Phase 1: Defining Your Objective
Phase 2: Locating Your Sources
Phase 3: Gathering and Organizing Data
Phase 4: Writing and Submitting the Project
Documenting Sources
MLA (Modern Language Association) Documentation
MLA Parenthetical Documentation
MLA List of Works Cited
APA (American Psychological Association)Documentation
APA Parenthetical Documentation
APA References List
*A Research Project Casebook: Working with Sources Across Media
Finding Sources
Evaluating Sources
Working with Sources
Print Book
Scholarly Journal Article (Online Database)
Popular Magazine Article (Accessed Online)
Visual Media: Film Still


Chapter 5 How, What, and Why Do We Learn?

Classic and Contemporary Images: Does Education Change Over Time?
Zoology Lab, Oberlin College, 1890s vTom Stewart, Food Science Lab, University of Maine, 1990s
Classic and Contemporary Essays: What Is the Value of Education?
FREDERICK DOUGLASS, LEARNING TO READ AND WRITE ["The more I read, the more I was led to abhor and detest my enslavers.]
Networking: Analyzing a News Report on 21st Century
RICHARD RODRIGUEZ, THE LONELY, GOOD COMPANY OF BOOKS ["Didn't I realize that reading would open up whole new worlds?"]
Networking: Considering the Impact of e-Books
*LOUIS MENAND, THE GRADUATES ["College, from which some 1.5 million people will graduate this year, is, basically, a sleepover with grades."]
Networking: Examining a Mission Statement
*VARTAN GREGORIAN, AMERICA, STILL ON TOP ["Many universities are looking to America as a model for how to survive."]
Networking: Composing a Persuasive Photo Essay
ANNA QUINDLEN, SEX ED ["I think human sexuality is a subject for dispassionate study, like civics and ethics and dozens of other topics that have a moral component."]
Networking: Interpreting Three Advocacy Group Web Sites
DAVID GELERNTER, UNPLUGGED: THE MYTH OF COMPUTERS IN THE CLASSROOM ["In practice . . . computers make our worst educational nightmares come true."]
Networking: Weighing the Potential of Smart Classrooms
SUSAN JACOBY, WHEN BRIGHT GIRLS DECIDE THAT MATH IS "A WASTE OF TIME" ["It is not mysterious that some very bright high-school girls suddenly decide that math is 'too hard' and 'a waste of time.'"]
Networking: Analyzing How Design Informs a Website's Purpose
CLAYBORNE CARSON, TWO CHEERS FOR BROWN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION [". . . the decisions, virtues, and limitations reflect both the achievements and the failures of the efforts made in the last half century to solve America's racial dilemma and realize the nation's egalitarian ideals." ]
Networking: Enhancing and Supporting an Argument with Visuals
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies

Chapter 6 Family Life and Gender Roles: How Do We Become Who We Are?

Classic and Contemporary Images: How Do We Respond to Marriage?
Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Rustic Wedding
Elise Amendola, Gay Marriage
Classic and Contemporary Essays: How Much Do Families Matter?
E. B. WHITE, ONCE MORE TO THE LAKE ["One summer, along about 1904, my father rented a camp on a lake in Maine and took us all there for the month of August."]
Networking: Alluding to Print on the Web
BARBARA KINGSOLVER, STONE SOUP ["Arguing about whether nontraditional families deserve pity or tolerance is a little like the medieval debate about left-handedness as a mark of the devil."]
Networking: Using Keyword Searches to Find Articles
ANNIE DILLARD, AN AMERICAN CHILDHOOD ["Mother's energy and intelligence suited her for a greater role in a larger arena—mayor of New York, say—than the one she had."]
Networking: Creating a Playlist Narrative
DAVID BROOKS, LOVE, INTERNET STYLE ["The Internet slows things down." ]
Networking: Reflecting on Online Relationships
RICHARD RODRIGUEZ, FAMILY VALUES ["The question I desperately need to ask you is whether we Americans have ever truly valued the family."]
Networking: Synthesizing Blog Entries
*JULIA ALVAREZ, ONCE UPON A QUINCEAÑERA ["The incredible expense: a girl encouraged in the dubious fantasy of being a princess as if news of feminism had never reached her mami…."]
Networking: Shooting a Video Essay or Documentary
*JAMAICA KINCAID, THE ESTRANGEMENT ["Three years before my mother died, I decided not to speak to her again."]
Networking: Negotiating Parents, Privacy, and Technology
FATEMA MERNISSI, DIGITAL SCHEHERAZADES IN THE ARAB WORLD ["Arab women . . . take advantage of new communication strategies as the only initiatives likely to liberate both themselves and their countries."]
Networking: Exploring the Effectiveness of New
Communication Strategies
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies

Chapter 7 History, Culture, and Civilization: Are We Citizens of the World?

Classic and Contemporary Images: How Do We Become Americans?
Public Health Service Historian, Medical Exam of Male Immigrants, 1907
Associated Press, Illegal Immigrants Crossing the Border between Guatemala and Mexico, 1999 Classic and Contemporary Essays: Are We Moving toward a World Culture?
*J. B. PRIESTLEY, WRONG ISM ["There are three isms that we ought to consider very carefully—regionalism, nationalism, internationalism."]
Networking: Considering the Isms of Online Communities
ISHMAEL REED, AMERICA: THE MULTINATIONAL SOCIETY [" . . . the United States is unique in the world. The world is here.]"
Networking: Comparing Style Across Media
*EDWARD HOAGLAND, 1776 AND ALL THAT: AMERICA AFTER SEPTEMBER 11 ["Our real problem…is a centrifugal disorientation and disbelief." ]
Networking: Using Visuals in Argument
JUDITH ORTIZ COFER, THE MYTH OF THE LATIN WOMAN: I JUST MET A GIRL NAMED MARIA ["Growing up in a large urban center in New Jersey during the 1960s, I suffered from what I think of as 'cultural schizophrenia.'"]
Networking: Examining Stereotypes in Television Shows and Commercials
*WILLIAM ECENBARGER, WE ARE THE WORLD ["Most of the world has become literally a Mickey Mouse operation."]
Networking: Composing a Hyperlinked Essay
LESLIE MARMON SILKO, YELLOW WOMAN AND A BEAUTY OF THE SPIRIT ["From the time I was a small child, I was aware that I was different."]
Networking: Vetting Online Sources: A Public Domain e-Book
AMARTYA SEN, A WORLD NOT NEATLY DIVIDED ["When people talk about clashing civilizations . . . they sometimes miss the central issue."]
Networking: Scripting a Presentation
EDWARD T. HALL, THE ARAB WORLD ["In spite of over two thousand years of conflict, Westerners and Arabs still do not understand each other."]
Networking: Creating a Poster Series
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies

Chapter 8 Government, Politics, and Social Justice: How Do We Decide What Is Fair?

Classic and Contemporary Images: Have We Made Advances in Civil Rights?
Advertisement, Slaves for Sale, 1835
"Change" Obama election poster, 2008
Classic and Contemporary Essays: What Is the American Dream?
THOMAS JEFFERSON, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ["We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."]
Networking: Reading and Responding to a Website
MARTIN LUTHER KING JR., I HAVE A DREAM ["I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the meaning of its creed—we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."] Networking: Seeing vs. Reading the Text of a Speech *DALIA LITHWICK, WE'RE ALL TORTURERS NOW ["The torture at Abu Ghraib in 2004 was documented in pictures, rather than mere words, making it harder to play down or parse out."]
Networking: Conducting Online Research
MOLLY IVINS, IS TEXAS AMERICA? ["The fact is, it's a damned peculiar place." ]
Networking: Reading a Visual in Context
ESTHER DYSON, CYBERSPACE: IF YOU DON'T LOVE IT, LEAVE IT ["What's unique about cyberspace is that it liberates us from the tyranny of government."]
Networking: Exploring Online Communities
*ALAN WOLFE, OBAMA VS. MARX ["As for Obama, it is absurd to view his program as a step toward socialism."]
Networking: Comparing and Contrasting Visuals
BRUCE CATTON, GRANT AND LEE: A STUDY IN CONTRASTS ["They were two strong men, these oddly different generals, and they represented the strengths of two conflicting currents that, through them, had come into final collision."]
Networking: Creating a Hyperlinked Essay
BHARATI MUKHERJEE, AMERICAN DREAMER ["The United States exists as a sovereign nation. 'America,' by contrast exists as a myth of democracy and equal opportunity to live by, or an ideal goal to reach."] Networking: Making an Oral Argument
JAMES BALDWIN, STRANGER IN THE VILLAGE [ "The time has come to realize that the interracial drama acted out on the American continent has not only created a new black man, it has created a new white man, too." ]
Networking: Analyzing a Debate
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies

Chapter 9 Business and Economics: How Do We Earn Our Keep?

Classic and Contemporary Images: Will Workers Be
Displaced by Machines?
Diego Rivera, Portion of a Mural from the Detroit
Institute of Arts
Image from machine-operated job [to come]
Classic and Contemporary Essays: Does Equal Opportunity Exist?
VIRGINIA WOOLF, PROFESSIONS FOR WOMEN ["Even when the path is nominally open—when there is nothing to prevent a woman from being a doctor, a lawyer, a civil servant—there are many phantoms and obstacles, as I believe, looming in her way."]
Networking: Repurposing Text for a New Genre
HENRY LOUIS GATES JR., DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR ["In reality, an African-American youngster has about as much chance of becoming a professional athlete as he or she does of winning the lottery."]
Networking: Creating a Graphic from Data
*PAUL KRUGMAN, THE DEATH OF HORATIO ALGER ["Our political leaders are doing everything they can to fortify class inequality…."]
Networking: Making a Brochure
*WOODY ALLEN, TAILS OF MANHATTAN [ "At that moment, who walked into the restaurant and sits down but Bernie Madoff."]
Networking: Navigating Blogosphere Reactions
THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, GLOBALIZATION: THE SUPER-STORY ["I define globalization as the inexorable integration of markets, transportation systems, and communication systems to a degree never witnessed before." ]
Networking: Crafting a Comment
BARBARA EHRENREICH, NICKEL AND DIMED ["I am rested and ready for anything when I arrive at The Maids' office suite Monday at 7:30 A.M." ]
Networking: Examining Comments on a Blog
ROBERT REICH, WHY THE RICH ARE GETTING RICHER, AND THE POOR, POORER [ "All Americans used to be in roughly the same economic boat. . . . We are now in different boats, one sinking rapidly, one sinking more slowly, and the third rising steadily." ]
Networking: Participating in a Newsgroup
JONATHAN SWIFT, A MODEST PROPOSAL ["I have been assured . . . that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food . . ." ]
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies

Chapter 10 Media and Popular Culture: What Is the Message?

Classic and Contemporary Images: What Do Gangster Films Reveal about Us?
Edward G. Robinson in Little Caesar, 1930
James Gandolfini in The Sopranos, 2000
Classic and Contemporary Essays: Why Are We Fascinated by Bad Men?
ROBERT WARSHOW, THE GANGSTER AS TRAGIC HERO ["In ways that we do not easily or willingly define, the gangster speaks for us, expressing that part of the American psyche which rejects the qualities and demands of modern life, which rejects 'Americanism' itself." ]
Networking: Analyzing a Film
*LAUREN M.E. GOODLAD, WHY WE LOVE "MAD MEN" [ "Like most women who call themselves feminists, I've spent my life avoiding men like Don Draper, the incorrigible ladies' man at the center of 'Mad Men.''' ]
Networking: Critically Interpreting a Television Series
HENRY LOUIS GATES JR., 2 LIVE CREW, DECODED ["For centuries, African Americans have been forced to develop coded ways of communicating to protect them from danger." ] Networking: Incorporating Audio as Support
STEPHEN KING, MY CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON [ "A certain amount of fantasy and horror in a child's life seems to me a perfectly okay, useful sort of thing." ]
Networking: Responding to Film / Comparing Print and Film
DAVE BARRY, RED, WHITE, AND BEER ["Lately I've been feeling very patriotic, especially during commercials." ]
Networking: Analyzing TV Commercials
GLORIA STEINEM, WONDER WOMAN ["Comic books have power—including over the child who still lives within each of us—because they are not part of the 'serious' grown-up world." ]
Networking: Reading Action Heroes in Different Media
TODD GITLIN, SUPERSATURATION, OR, THE MEDIA TORRENT AND DISPOSABLE FEELING ["We vote for a way of life with our time. And increasingly when we are awake or asleep, we are in the media torrent." ]
Networking: Comparing New and Old Media
DEBORAH ROSS, ESCAPE FROM WONDERLAND: DISNEY AND THE FEMALE IMAGINATION ["I believe that . . . conflict between control and imaginative freedom is visible in the animated features that have come out of the Disney studios, from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to Lilo and Stitch." ]
Networking: Updating Citations to Reflect MLA Style Updates
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies

Chapter 11 Literature and the Arts: Why Do They Matter?

Classic and Contemporary Images: How Do We Evaluate a Work of Art?
Auguste Rodin, Walking Man
Jeff Koons, Rabbit
Classic and Contemporary Essays: What Is the Value of Literature?
*EUDORA WELTY, ONE WRITER'S BEGINNINGS [ "Learning stamps you with its moments." ]
Networking: Can e-Readers Save Reading?
*SHERMAN ALEXIE, SUPERMAN AND ME [ "I learned to read with a Superman comic book." ]
Networking: Comparing Reading and Viewing Habits
*JOHN UPDIKE, MOVING ALONG [ "We gaze at these dreamlike tapestries of travel confident that no progress will be made—we will awaken in our own beds." ]
Networking: Analyzing Themes in Fine Art
*DAVID GATES, FINDING NEVERLAND [ "Before Michael Jackson came Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and the Beatles; after him has come absolutely no one…."]
Networking: Creating a Photo Biography
MARGARET ATWOOD, ORWELL AND ME [ "I am forever grateful to Orwell for alerting me early to the danger flags I've tried to watch out for . . ." ]
Networking: Persuading with Multiple Media
SUSAN SONTAG, REGARDING THE TORTURE OF OTHERS["Looking at these photographs, you ask yourself, How can someone grin at the sufferings and humiliation of another human being?"]
Networking: Using Visuals and Hyperlinks to Enhance a
Definition Essay
*NORA EPHRON, THE BOSTON PHOTOGRAPHS [ "…photojournalism is often more powerful than written journalism." ]
Networking: Considering Ethics and the Online Use of Images
ALICE WALKER, SAVING THE LIFE THAT IS YOUR OWN: THE IMPORTANCE OF MODELS IN THE ARTIST'S LIFE [ "The absence of models, in literature as in life, to say nothing of painting, is an occupational hazard for the artist . . ." ]
Networking: Keeping an "Importance of Models" Blog
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies

Chapter 12 Philosophy, Ethics, and Religion: What Do We Believe?

Classic and Contemporary Images: Do We Believe in Good and Evil?
Angel and Mortal, Islamic Art from India
Jacob Epstein, St. Michael and the Devil
Classic and Contemporary Essays: Is Superstition a Form of Belief?
MARGARET MEAD. NEW SUPERSTITIONS FOR OLD [" . . . superstitions lead a kind of half life in the twilight world where, sometimes, we partly suspend our disbelief and act as if magic occurred." ]
Networking: "Reading" a Podcast
LETTY COTTIN POGREBIN, SUPERSTITIOUS MINDS ["I tend to trust reason more than feeling. But I also happen to be superstitious— in my fashion." ]
Networking: Composing a Hyperlinked Essay
ROBERT COLES, I LISTEN TO MY PARENTS AND I WONDER WHAT THEY BELIEVE ["In home after home that I have visited, and in many classrooms, I have met children who not only are growing emotionally and intellectually but also are trying to make sense of the world morally." ]
Networking: Conducting and Using Audio Interviews
LANGSTON HUGHES, SALVATION ["I was saved from sin when I was going on thirteen. But not really saved." ]
Networking: Experiencing Work Across Media
KAREN ARMSTRONG, WHAT'S GOD GOT TO DO WITH IT? [ "We need to apply the Golden Rule politically, and learn that other nations, however remote from our own, are as important as ours." ]
Networking: Using Online Subscription Databases
*LISA MILLER, OUR MUTUAL JOY: THE RELIGIOUS CASEFOR GAY MARRIAGE [ "In the Christian story, the message of acceptance for all is codified." ]
Networking: The Power of Images as Emotional Appeals
Networking: Exploring Extra Features of an Online Article
PLATO, THE ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE [" . . . [I]n the world of knowledge the idea of good appears last of all, and is seen only with an effort . . ." ]
Networking: Adapting from the Cave to the Screen
SALMAN RUSHDIE, NOT ABOUT ISLAM? ["If terrorism is to be defeated, the world of Islam must take on board the secularist-humanist principles on which the modern is based . . ." ]
Networking: Creating an Interactive Argument
C. S. LEWIS, THE RIVAL CONCEPTIONS OF GOD ["The first big division of humanity is into the majority, who believe in some kind of God or gods, and the minority who do not." ]
Networking: Using Wikipedia as a Research Launch Pad
STEPHEN L. CARTER, THE CULTURE OF DISBELIEF ["In contemporary American culture, the religions are more and more treated as just passing beliefs . . . rather than as the fundaments upon which the devout build their lives." ]
Networking: Exploring Religious (or Atheist) Newsgroups
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies

Chapter 13 Health and Medicine: What Are the Challenges?

Classic and Contemporary Images: What Does Medical Research Tell Us?
Rembrandt, The Anatomy Lesson
Associated Press, Conjoined Twins
Classic and Contemporary Essays: Can We Avoid Epidemics?
BARBARA TUCHMAN, "THIS IS THE END OF THE WORLD": THE BLACK DEATH ["A third of Europe would have meant about 20 million deaths. No one knows in truth how many died." ]
Networking: Crafting a Hyperlinked Argument
*JILL LEPORE, IT'S SPREADING [ "Epidemics follow patterns because diseases follow patterns." ]
Networking: Conducting a Multi-media Research Project
*RICHARD SELZER, THE MASKED MARVEL'S LAST TOEHOLD [ "Break it off! Tear off a leg and throw it up here!"
Networking: Using Images to Enhance a
Descriptive/Narrative Essay
ELLEN GOODMAN, I WORKED HARD FOR THAT FURROWED BROW [ "Just because the FDA has approved Botox doesn't mean I have to." ]
Networking: Using Images to Enhance a Comparison-
Contrast Essay
MARTHA MENDOZA, BETWEEN A WOMAN AND HER DOCTOR [ "I didn't realize that pressures well beyond my uterus . . . were going to deepen and expand my sorrow and pain." ]
Networking: Evaluating Websites about Abortion
STEPHEN JAY GOULD, THE TERRIFYING NORMALCY OF AIDS [ "If AIDS had first been imported from Africa into a Park Avenue apartment, we would not have dithered as the exponential march began." ]
Networking: Designing an Informational Web Page
*ATUL GAWANDE, FULL MOON FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH [ "…no one was volunteering to take Friday the thirteenth."
Networking: Using Images to Enhance a Causal Analysis Essay
SUSAN BORDO, THE GLOBALIZATION OF EATING DISORDERS [ "Eating and body image problems are now not only crossing racial and class lines, but gender lines. They have also become a global phenomenon." ]
Networking: Critiquing Websites about Eating Disorders
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies

Chapter 14 Nature and the Environment: How Do We Relate to the Natural World?

Classic and Contemporary Images: Are We Destroying Our Natural World?
John Frederick Kensett, Along the Hudson
Damian Dovarganes, Los Angeles, 2004
Classic and Contemporary Essays: Do We Own Nature?
CHIEF SEATTLE, LETTER TO PRESIDENT PIERCE, 1855 [ "All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth." ]
Networking: Writing a Radio PSA
*BARRY LOPEZ, CHILDREN IN THE WOODS ["Whenever I walk with a child, I think how much I have seen disappear in my own life." ]
Networking: Promoting the Natural World from the Virtual One
*RICHARD FORD, A CITY BEYOND THE REACH OF EMPATHY [ "Who can write about New Orleans now?" ]
Networking: Researching Post-Katrina Reconstruction
RICK BASS, WHY I HUNT [ "All I know is that hunting—beyond being a thing I like to do—helps keep my imagination vital." ]
Networking: Interpreting an Organization's Website
BILL MCKIBBEN, THE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE FROM HELL [ "How well we handle global warming will determine what kind of century we inhabit—and indeed what kind of planet we leave behind." ]
Networking: Delivering an Oral Presentation
RACHEL CARSON, THE OBLIGATION TO ENDURE [ "The most alarming of all man's assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials." ]
Networking: Composing an Interactive Argument Essay
ALICE WALKER, AM I BLUE? [ " . . . human animals and nonhuman animals can communicate quite well." ]
Networking: Exploring Multiple Sides to an Issue
NOEL PERRIN, THE GREENEST CAMPUSES: AN IDIOSYNCRATIC GUIDE [ "About 1,100 American colleges and universities run at least a token environmental-studies program. . . . But only a drastically smaller number practice a portion of what they preach." ]
Networking: Creating a Facebook Group for a Cause
JARED DIAMOND, THE LAST AMERICANS: ENVIRONMENTAL COLLAPSE AND THE END OF CIVILIZATION [ "Few people . . . least of all our politicians, realize that a primary cause of the collapse of those societies has been the destruction of the environmental resources on which they depended." ]
Networking: Using Images as Logical, Ethical, and Emotional Appeals
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies

Chapter 15 Science and Technology: What Can Science Teach Us?

Classic and Contemporary Images: Where Is Science Taking Us?
Flemish School, The Movements of the Sun and Moon, 15th Century
J. Hester And P. Scowen, Photograph of Gaseous Pillars
Taken from the Hubble Space Telescope, 1995
Classic and Contemporary Essays: How Has Nature Evolved?
CHARLES DARWIN, NATURAL SELECTION [ "Natural selection can act only by the preservation and accumulation of infinitesimally small inherited modifications." ]
Networking: Exploring a Museum Exhibit
*VERLYN KLINKENBORG, DARWIN AT 200 [ "Darwin recedes, but his idea does not." ]
Networking: Creating a Hyperlinked Extended Definition
DAVID SEDARIS, NUTCRACKER.COM [ "Due to my general aversion to machines and a few pronounced episodes of screaming, I was labeled a technophobe, a word that ranks fairly low on my scale of fightin' words." ]
Networking: Using Technology (and Humor) to Critique Technology
SHERRY TURKLE, HOW COMPUTERS CHANGE THE WAY WE THINK [ "If we take the computer as a carrier of a way of knowing, a way of seeing the world and our place in it, we are all computer people now." ]
Networking: Using Images to Strengthen a Classification Essay
A GRAIN OF SALT [ "For myself, I like a universe that includes much that is unknown and, at the same time, much that is knowable." ]
Networking: Using a Blog Entry as Prewriting for a Larger Essay
DINESH D'SOUZA, STAYING HUMAN [ "The most important technological advance of recent times is not the Internet, but rather the biotech revolution—which promises to give us unprecedented power to transform human lives." ]
Networking: Debating the Ethics behind Cloning
OLIVER SACKS, ANYBODY OUT THERE? [ "What we need, what we must have, is hard evidence of life on another planet." ]
Networking: Creating an Electronic Literature Review
TERRY TEMPEST WILLIAMS, THE CLAN OF ONE-BREASTED WOMEN [ "I belong to a Clan of One-Breasted Women. My mother, my grandmothers, and six aunts have had mastectomies." ]
Networking: Uploading an Original Video to YouTube
Synthesis: Connections for Critical Thinking
Networking: Applying 21st Century Literacies




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