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Chapter Objectives
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When you have finished studying this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Explain the steps taken that involved the United States more deeply in the Vietnam War.

  • Describe the way Americans fought the Vietnam War and how the conditions of fighting differed from previous conflicts.

  • Explain the rise and impact of the antiwar movement at home.

  • Explain why 1968 was such a pivotal year for both the Vietnam War and for domestic politics.

  • Explain how Nixon widened the war as a way to end it. Describe the accompanying shift in U.S. foreign policy to Vietnamization, the Nixon Doctrine, and détente.

  • Describe the liberal and conservative elements of Richard Nixon's "New Federalism" and his appeal to the silent majority.

  • Explain the rise of "identity politics" and its distinctions from traditional American liberal ideology.

  • Describe Nixon's pragmatic conservatism and the reasons behind both his triumphant re-election and subsequent downfall.

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