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The chapter introduction discusses the dilemma of citizens identifying with state and nation after the Revolution to make the point that
A)no one immediately after the Revolution had a sense of identity or loyalty toward the nation, so it was predictable that the new United States would be politically decentralized.
B)because of the Revolution, most felt a sense of identity and loyalty with the united cause, but political jealousies prevented a strong governmental structure until the crises of the 1780s forced the politicians to act.
C)Americans created one kind of united government with the Declaration of Independence; needing a better union, they overwhelmingly supported the new Constitution.
D)Americans had to experiment to find a way to create a united republic that confronted the realities of separate identities and inequalities.
Which one of the following changes did NOT occur in American law and politics in the aftermath of the Revolution?
A)Antislavery arguments emerged, leading to outright abolition in some states and in the territory north of the Ohio.
B)Most states lowered property-ownership requirements for voting.
C)Americans insisted upon written constitutions.
D)In most states, women were given the right to vote.
The new state constitutions were most concerned with
A)reducing legislative power.
B)reducing executive power.
C)enlarging judicial power.
D)All these answers are correct.
What is the best description of the United States of America under the Articles of Confederation?
A)an integrated republic with a decentralized structure of national government
B)thirteen independent state republics loosely joined together under a virtually powerless representative body
C)a political system functioning like a corporate conglomerate with thirteen wholly-owned subsidiary companies
D)thirteen independent nations affiliated in a defensive alliance, like today's NATO
The young United States confronted strong challenges from foreign powers at its borders, including all EXCEPT
A)the Spanish to the south.
B)the French to the west.
C)the British to the north.
D)treaty alliances between native groups and the Spanish.
The new state legislatures included more men
A)of moderate economic means.
B)from the wealthiest classes.
C)from the coastal regions.
D)of greater education.
The Northwest Ordinance
A)allowed for the unlimited spread of slavery in the territories.
B)provided a mechanism for allowing new states to enter the union.
C)considered the rights of the Indians living in the affected territories.
D)allowed for the purchase of land, primarily by small farmers.
In the years after the Revolution, which of the following was NOT true?
A)The number of blacks in slavery declined.
B)Communities of free blacks grew in numbers and health.
C)Most northern states abolished slavery by law, either immediately or gradually.
D)On balance, the Revolution brought few changes to the status of most African Americans.
After the Revolution, women in America gained
A)greater property rights.
B)the right to make wills and contracts.
C)the right to vote.
D)None of these answers is correct.
The most significant reform of the republican campaign against artificial privilege was the
A)disbanding of the Society of Cincinnati.
B)elimination of hereditary offices.
C)dismantling of state-supported churches.
D)widespread support for the temperance movement.
What was the most important result of the uprising of western-Massachusetts debtor farmers led by Daniel Shays?
A)It vindicated republican doctrine that the people could take the law into their own hands.
B)It proved that the revolutionary spirit was still alive.
C)It gave crucial momentum to the growing movement to strengthen the national government.
D)It prompted the Massachusetts legislature to ratify the Constitution.
The most significant division during the Constitutional Convention occurred between
A)eastern and western delegates.
B)slave and free states.
C)Virginia and New Jersey.
D)smaller and larger states.
The Federalist Papers presented strong and convincing arguments in favor of
A)adopting the Constitution of 1787.
B)keeping the Articles of Confederation.
C)creating a unitary form of government.
D)becoming a federated unit within the British empire.
In the debates over ratification, a major fear of the Anti-Federalists was that
A)the most powerful groups in society would dominate, and eventually rule in a corrupt and arbitrary fashion.
B)the common people would have too much control over the government.
C)elected officials would be too narrowly and directly concerned with the interests of their own constituents, rather than the nation as a whole.
D)poorer groups were favored over the more substantial citizens in society.
Ratification of the Constitution completed the second declaration of independence, but it required Americans to give up some of their long-cherished republican beliefs, like the view that
A)civic virtue rather than self-interest would sustain popular liberty.
B)the United States should stay out of the affairs of Europe.
C)the national government needed to act as an impartial umpire in disputes between the various interests in the state.
D)a large republic was better suited to American conditions than a confederation of small republics.

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