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1. Access levels limit access to information based on the type of information each user will need to view or modify. Different access levels are created for different positions in the office. The access levels define which areas of the program a user can view, and whether the user can add, edit, or delete information, or just view the information. The program can also specify whether a user has to enter a password to access certain areas of the program.

2. The dashboard offers providers a convenient view of important information, including the Schedule, Messages, Lab Review, To Do, and Note Review.

3. Patient registration information is stored in the Patient section of the program, which is accessed by clicking the Patient icon on the toolbar or by selecting New Patient or Open Patient on the File menu.

4. The Chart Summary is a section of a patient chart that provides an overview of key information in a patient chart. Information cannot be added, edited, or deleted from the Chart Summary screen; it is used for viewing only.

5. Progress notes can be entered by typing directly in the progress note screen on the computer, by the use of voice recognition software that takes a provider's spoken words and transfers them into a word processing document; by digital dictation, and by traditional dictation and transcription.

6. Practice Partner analyzes information in a progress note and suggests an appropriate E/M code for the patient visit. The coding/billing staff can override the automated entry if necessary.

7. Electronic order entry checks whether an insurance plan requires preauthorization before a test or procedure can be performed. It also checks that the order is appropriate for the patient in light of a patient's age, diagnoses, allergies, medications, etc.

8. The medication list in a patient's chart organizes the medications into three groups: current, ineffective, and historical.

9. Abnormal results in vital signs or lab tests are displayed in different colors, making it easy to notice an abnormal result. Providers are immediately sent an electronic message if results are in a critical range.

10. The HIPAA section of the patient chart can be used to document when a patient was given required forms, such as the Notice of Privacy Practices. Signed consent forms can be scanned and saved in the patient chart.

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