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An Interactive Green Accounting Site
Green accounting is a transorganizational praxis to improve collective environmental stakeholder performance, audit life cycle costs, and develop managerial accounting practices to trace and report green revenues and costs in financial reports to investors, consumers, suppliers, employees and communities.
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International Institute for Sustainable Development
This Canadian-based IGO has useful information on range of international sustainable development issues
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Three Gorges Dam and the Great Wall Across the Yangtze River Program
An excellent informational and visual site, including film clips, on the Three Gorges Dam is associated with the PBS Great Wall across the Yangtze River program
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World Population Data Meter
You can watch the number of births, deaths, and other population data mount for the current day and other periods at this Web site.
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Pro- and Anti-Whaling Web sites
For contrasting perspectives on the practice of whaling, please consult these two Web sites
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Pro- and Anti-Whaling Web sites
For contrasting perspectives on the practice of whaling, please consult these two Web sites
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Impact of Pollutants on Health and Other Effects on Humans
For information on the health and other impacts of SO2, NO2, PM, and other air pollutants, go to the site of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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The Arctic Climate Association
The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, has great maps, photographs, and data presentations to illustrate how environmental stresses have altered the Arctic climate.
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Information and graphics on the climatological phenomenon of El Niño/La Niña are available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
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Contrasting Perspectives on Global Warming
The first Web site offers an optimistic perspective on global warming by the Cooler Heads Coalition, while the pessimistic environmental concerns of the Union of Concerned Scientists about global warming are reflected in the second Web site
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Contrasting Perspectives on Global Warming
The first Web site offers an optimistic perspective on global warming by the Cooler Heads Coalition, while the pessimistic environmental concerns of the Union of Concerned Scientists about global warming are reflected in the second Web site.
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The Sierra Club
The Sierra Club, a U.S.-based NGO offers numerous opportunities for Americans to practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources. The Club is America's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization.
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An Inconvenient Truth
The companion Web site for the documentary movie featuring Vice-President Al Gore discussing the challenges to the world posed by climate change issues.
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A Skeptic's View on Global Warming
This article reports on the view of Canadian climatologist Timothy Ball that Global Warming is not due to the human contribution of Carbon Dioxide, but the result of natural variability that can be explained by changes in the sun.
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International Politics on the Online Learning Center

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