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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a great sales presentation?
A)Explains the value proposition.
B)Creates a memorable experience.
C)Shows the weaknesses of competitors' products.
D)Enhances the customer's knowledge of the company products.
AIDA is an acronym for:
A)Advertise, Individualize, Design, Action.
B)Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.
C)Active, Interest, Designed for, Action.
D)Analyze, Integrate, Designate, Attributes
The advantages of formula sales presentations include all of the following EXCEPT:
A)Easy to memorize.
B)A carefully constructed format.
C)Greater ability to anticipate and handle objections.
D)Incorporates customer feedback.
The three parts of a need satisfaction sales presentation in the correct order are need:
A)Analysis, identification, satisfaction.
B)Identification, analysis, satisfaction.
C)Satisfaction, analysis, identification.
D)Identification, satisfaction, analysis.
__________________ is considered the most complex and challenging type of sales presentation?
C)Need satisfaction.
During the approach stage of a sales presentation, the salesperson's goals are to:
A)Get the customer's attention and create interest.
B)Introduce yourself and spell your name for the customer.
C)Listen and overcome any objections the customer
D)All of the above.
Salespeople who use a customer benefit approach need to have:
A)A thorough understanding of the customer's current situation.
B)A thorough understanding of the company's ethics policies.
C)Know how to ask appropriate questions.
D)A strong list of references.
The major benefits of the assessment sales approach are it:
A)Takes less time and is easy to memorize.
B)Follows a formula and almost always creates a sales opportunity.
C)Is relatively non-threatening and provides a summary that can be shared with the customer.
D)Avoids asking questions and is more profitable for transactional sales.
Which of the following are the advantages and disadvantages of validation questions?
A)Encourages the customer to speak; is time consuming.
B)Provides customer buy-in; can derail the sales presentation.
C)Uncovers relevant data; wastes customer time.
D)Gets specific information; discourages dialogue.
When using FAB selling, it is important to remember customers buy:

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