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Part 1

Fill the blanks with the present perfect tense of the verb in parentheses. Then complete the short answers. Use contractions with negative answers.

Example: A: ____ your roommate ____ (buy) a car yet?
                B: Yes, _____. (or No, _____.)

_Has_ your roommate _bought_ a car yet?
Yes, _he has_.
( or No, _he hasn't_.)


A. your brother ever (eat) Indian food?
B. Yes, .

A. your sister (take) a lot of photographs this year?
B. Yes, .

A. your friends (drink) a lot of tea since they returned from China?
B. No, .

A. you (spend) a lot of money on transportation this year?
B. No, .

A. you ever (be) to the British Museum?
B. Yes, .

A. I never (visit) that museum, have I?
B. No, .

Interactions 1 Grammar OLCOnline Learning Center

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