Opening Doors
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Opening Doors: Understanding College Reading, 6/e

Joe Cortina
Janet Elder

ISBN: 0073407186
Copyright year: 2011

Table of Contents

PART ONE: ORIENTATION: Preparing and Organizing Yourself for Success in College

CHAPTER ONE: Making Yourself Successful in College

Skills: Doing What Successful Students Do

Motivating Yourself

Setting Your Goals

Identifying Your Learning Style

Managing Your Time

Setting Up a Weekly Study Schedule

Making the Most of Your Study Time

Planning Further Ahead: Creating a Monthly Assignment Calendar and Using a Daily "To Do" List

Creating Your Summary: Developing Chapter Review Cards

Reading Selections:

Selection 1-1 "Why Go To College?" from P.O.W.E.R. Learning: Strategies for Success in College and Life by Robert S. Feldman (Study Skills)

Selection 1-2 "Getting Ready for Prime Time: Learning the Skills Needed to Succeed Today and Tomorrow" from Understanding Business by Bill Nickels, Jim McHugh, and Susan McHugh (Business)

Selection 1-3 "Saved" from The Autobiography of Malcolm X, as told to Alex Haley (Autobiography)


Skills: Understanding the Reading Process

Improving Your Reading

Predicting as You Read

Monitoring Your Comprehension

Adjusting Your Reading Rate

Developing a College-Level Vocabulary

Using Context Clues

Using Word-Structure Clues

Using a Dictionary Pronunciation Key

Understanding Denotations and Connotations of Words

Understanding Figurative Language

A Word about Standardized Reading Tests: Vocabulary in Context and Figurative Language Questions

Creating Your Summary: Developing Chapter Review Cards

Reading Selections:

Selection 2-1 “Making It Happen: Creating Positive Change to Become a Peak Performer” (Student Success)

Selection 2-2 “Fighting Terrorism in a Global Age” (History)

Selection 2-3 "A Whale of a Survival Problem" by John Postlethwait (Biology)


Skills:College Textbooks: A Method for Reading and Studying Effectively

The SQ3R Study System

Step 1: Prepare to Read

Step 2: Ask and Answer Questions to Enhance Your Reading

Step 3: Review by Rehearsing the Answers to Your Questions

Following Directions in Textbooks and on Tests

Guidelines for Following Directions

Example: Directions from a Textbook

Example: Directions for a Test

Creating Your Summary: Developing Chapter Review Cards

Reading Selections:

Selection 3-1 "African Americans: The Struggle for Equality" by Thomas E. Patterson (Government)

Selection 3-2 "Parenthood: Now, Later, ...Never?" by Diane E. Papalia and Sally Wendkos Olds (Human Development)

Selection 3-3 "Art in the Service of Religion" by Rita Gilbert (Art Appreciation)

PART TWO: COMPREHENSION: Understanding College Textbooks by Reading for Ideas

CHAPTER FOUR: Determining the Topic and the Stated Main Idea

Skills: The Topic of a Paragraph

What is the Topic of a Paragraph, and Why is it Important? Determining and Expressing the Topic

The Stated Main Idea of a Paragraph

What is a Stated Main Idea, and Why is it Important?

Locating the Stated Main Idea Sentence

How to Tell if you have Identified the Stated Main Idea Sentence

How to Avoid Two Common Errors in Locating a Stated Main Idea

Stated Overall Main Ideas in Longer Passages

A Word about Standardized Reading Tests: Topics and Stated Main Ideas

Creating Your Summary: Developing Chapter Review Cards

Test Your Understanding: Determing the Topic and Stated Main Idea

Reading Selections:

*Selection 4-1 "A Warning to Students: Plagiarism, Term Papers and Web Research" by Brian Williams and Stacy Sawyer (Infornation Technology)

Selection 4-2 "Latinos: An Emerging Influence in the United States " by Richard J. Gelles and Ann Levine(Sociology)

Selection 4-3 "Muhammed" by Michael Hart (History)

CHAPTER FIVE: Formulating Implied Main Ideas

Skills: Implied Main Ideas in Paragraphs

What is an Implied Main Idea? Why is Formulating Implied Main Ideas Important?

Formulating an Implied Main Idea

Steps to Follow

Threee formulas for Using Information in a Paragraph to Formulate the MainThree

Requirements for Correctly Formulated Main Idea Sentences

Implied Overall Main Ideas in Longer Passages

A Word about Standardized Reading Tests: Implied Main Ideas

Creating Your Summary: Developing Chapter Review Cards

Test Your Understanding: Formulating Implied Main Ideas

Reading Selections:

Selection 5-1 "Identity Theft: You are at Risk" (Personal Finance)

Selection 5-2 “Violence in Television and Video Games: Does the Media's Message Matter?” (Psychology)

Selection 5-3 "Demography" by Richard J. Gelles and Ann Levine (Sociology)

CHAPTER SIX: Identifying Supporting Details

Skills: Supporting Details in Paragraphs

What are Supporting Details? Why are Supporting Details Important?

Identifying and Listing Supporting Details

Major and Minor Details, and How to Tell the Difference

A Word about Standardized Reading Tests: Supporting Details

Creating Your Summary: Developing Chapter Review Cards

Test Your Understanding: Identifying Supporting Details

Reading Selections:

*Selection 6-1 "Shaping Your Health: The Millenial Generation and Early Adulthood" by Wayne Payne, Dale Hahn, and Ellen Lucas (Health)

Selection 6-2 " America 's Most Popular Drug: Caffeine" (Health)

Selection 6-3 "What Can Be Done to Help Third World Countries?" From A Beginner's Guide to the World Economy by Randy Charles Epping (Economics)

CHAPTER SEVEN: Recognizing Authors' Writing Patterns

Skills: Patterns of Writing

What are Authors' Writing Patterns? Why is Recognizing Writing Patterns Important?

Recognizing Authors' Writing Patterns

List Pattern

Sequence Pattern

Definition Pattern

Comparison-Contrast Pattern

Cause-Effect Pattern

Spacial Order Pattern

Avoid Seeing Everything as a List

Other Writing Patterns

Addition Pattern

Generalization and Example Pattern

Statement and Classification Pattern

Summary Pattern

Mixed Pattern

Relationships within and between Sentences

A Word about Standardized Reading Tests: Authors' Writing Patterns

Creating Your Summary: Developing Chapter Review Cards

Test Your Understanding: Part One - Basic Writing Patterns

Reading Selections:

Selection 7-1 "E-Commerce? It's E-Normous!" (Business)

*Selection 7-2 "The Development of Rock Music and Rock in American Society" by Roger Kamien (Music Appreciation)

Selection 7-3 "Reactions to Impending Death" by Dennis Coon (Psychology)



CHAPTER EIGHT: Reading Critically

Skills: What is Critical Reading?

Critical Reading Skills

Determining an Author's Purpose

Determining an Author's Intended Audience

Determining an Author's Point of View, tone, and intended meaning

A Word about Standardized Reading Tests: Critical Reading

Creating Your Summary: Developing Chapter Review Cards

Reading Selections:

*Selection 8-1 Prologue from The Illustrated Man, by Ray Bradbury (Literature)

*Selection 8-2 "Think Before You Speak: Public Speaking in a Multicultural World" by Stephen Lucas (Speech Communications)

*Selection 8-3 From The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien (Literature)

CHAPTER NINE: Thinking Critically

Skills: What is Critical Thinking, and Why is it Important?

Critical Thinking Skills

Why Readers Fail to Think Critically

Distinguishing Facts from Opinions and Determining Whether Opinions Are Well Supported

Making Inferences and Drawing Logical Conclusions

Evaluating an Author's Argument

Distinguishing between Deductive and Inductive Reasoning

Identifying Propaganda Devices

A Word about Standardized Reading Tests: Critical Thinking

Creating Your Summary: Developing Chapter Review Cards

Test Your Understanding: Thinking Critically

Reading Selections:

Selection 9-1 "Poverty in America and Improving Social Welfare through Public Education" (Government)

Selection 9-2 "Sport Utility Vehicles: How Do I Hate Thee? Let Me Count the Ways" by Geneva Overholser (Editorial)

Selection 9-3 "Take Out the Trash, and Put It...Where?" by Bernard Gavzer (Magazine Article)

PART THREE: SYSTEMS FOR STUDYING TEXTBOOKS: Developing a System that Works for You

CHAPTER TEN: Selecting and Organizing Textbook Information

Skills: Studying Better Rather Than Harder

Three Keys to Studying College Textbooks

Key 1: Selectivity

Key 2: Organization

Key 3: Rehearsal

Using Textbook Features

Marking Textbooks: Underlining, Highlighting, and Annotating

Taking Notes from Textbooks: Outlining, Mapping, and Summarizing

Taking Notes on a Laptop

Guidelines for Outlining

Guidelines for the Cornell Method of Note-Taking

Guidelines for Mapping

Guidelines for Summarizing

Interpreting Graphs and Visual Aids

Bar Graphs

Line Graphs

Pie Charts







Creating Your Summary: Developing Chapter Review Cards

Reading Selection:

*Selection 10-1: "The Age of Globalization" by Alan Brinkley (History)

CHAPTER ELEVEN: Rehearsing Textbook Information and Preparing for Tests

Skills: Rehearsal and Memory

Studying for Tests

General Guidelines

Five-Day Test Review Plan

Creating Review Cards to Prepare for a Test

Creating Test Review Sheets

Creating Your Summary: Developing Chapter Review Cards

Reading Selection:

Selection 11-1: "Cultural Diversity: Family Strengths and Challenges" by David Olson and John DeFrain (Marriage and Family)


Appendix 1 Glossary of Key Reading and Study Skills Terms

Appendix 2 A List of Word Parts: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes

Appendix 3 United States Map, World Map and List of World Capitals

Appendix 4 List of Reading Selection Vocabulary from the Vocabulary-in-Context Exercises for each Reading Selection




Vocabulary Log

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