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Multiple Choice Quiz
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After the American industrial revolution, major corporations began to use public relations to
A)manipulate their publics.
B)deceive the media.
C)counter hostility by courting public support.
D)overthrow the government.
The first president to extensively use press conferences and interviews was
A)Franklin D. Roosevelt.
B)George Washington.
C)Andrew Jackson.
D)Theodore Roosevelt.
Which woman was noted for using public relations techniques with social and political movements?
A)Leone Baxter
B)Margaret Sanger
C)Ida B. Wells
D)all of the above
The Committee on Public Information was set up by President Woodrow Wilson in 1917 and run by
A)George Creel.
B)George Michaelis.
C)Ivy Lee.
D)Charles J. Smith.
Which of the following is an example of modern-day "propaganda of the deed"?
A)suicide bombers in the Middle East
B)9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center
C)abortion clinic bombings in America
D)All of the above
The first PR practitioner to embrace the practice of information sharing was
A)Henry Ford
B)Ivy Lee
C)Elbert Gary.
D)Samuel Adams.
The first public relations textbook, "Crystallizing Public Opinion," was written by
A)Edward Bernays.
B)Henry Ford.
C)Elbert Gary.
D)Ivy Lee.
Arthur Page's six principles of public relations included
A)listen to the customer.
B)manage for today.
C)tell positive truths and avoid negative ones.
D)public perception is determined 10 percent by doing and 90 percent by talking.
The organization of public relations work into the categories of research, planning, communication and action (implementation), and evaluation is known as
A)information channeling.
B)the process of prioritization.
C)the system process.
D)the four-step process.
The use of Weblogs (blogs) in public relations has become popular with organizations for what main reason:
A)reporters like to read them to see what companies are saying about themselves or what others are saying about the companies
B)organizations can find out what key publics think about various issues related to their efforts.
C)organizations can provide insight for key publics about their positions, viewpoints on societal and company issues .
D)all of the above.

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