¿Sabías que... ? 5/e
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
¿Sabías que... ?: Beginning Spanish, 5/e

Bill VanPatten
James F. Lee, University of New South Wales (Australia)
Terry L. Ballman, California State University, Channel Islands
Andrew P. Farley, Texas Tech University

ISBN: 0073513164
Copyright year: 2008

This highly innovative beginning Spanish text is both task-based and content-based. Task-based instruction requires students to use Spanish to complete specific goals or tasks in each lesson. Content-based instruction involves the use of readings from a variety of disciplines (health, psychology, anthropology, and so forth).

The innovative approach to instruction is supported and enriched through engaging unit and lesson themes as well as through fascinating cultural content presented in the ¿Sabías que... ? boxed features and Vistazos culturales sections within each lesson.

Click on the links on the left-hand side of the screen to learn more about this exciting new edition of ¿Sabías que... ?

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