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About box  A window that displays information about the program; usually displayed from the Help / About menu item.
absolute positioning  Placing an element on a Web page by X and Y coordinates.
abstract class  A class that cannot be instantiated but instead is used for inheritance.
abstract method  An empty method declared with the MustOverride keyword; must be overriden in the derived class.
AcceptButton property  Form property that sets the default button, which is activated with the Enter key
access key  Underlined character that allows the user to select using the keyboard rather than the mouse; also called a hot key.
access level  Specification of the permission required to access an element. Examples: Private, Public, Friend, and Protected.
accessor method  The Get and Set methods written to allow external objects to access the private properties of a class.
AJAX  Asynchronous JavaScript and XML; method of speeding Web page display by updating only the part of the page that has changes.
AllowDrop property  A property of a form or control used for a drag-and-drop operation.
ANSI code  A coding method used to represent characters on a microcomputer (American National Standards Institute).
argument  The expression to operate upon in a function or method. A value being passed to or from a procedure.
array  A series of variables; each individual element can be referenced by its index position. Also called a list.
assignment operator  An equal sign (=); assigns a value to the variable or property named on the left side of the sign
assignment statement  Assigns a value to a variable or property using an assignment operator.
attribute  Supplies additional information about an XML element; must appear within single or double quotes.
authentication  The policies used to determine who the user is; may be Windows-based, formsbased, Passport-based, or none (no authentication performed).
authorization  Determination of the rights allowed for a particular user. For ASP.NET applications, can allow access from any user by turning on impersonation.
AutoCorrect  Popup suggestions for corrections of misspelled words in the Editor.
Autos window  Window that opens in IDE during execution; automatically displays all variables and control contents that are referenced in the current statement and three statements on either side of the current one.
base class  Class that is inherited from; also called a super class or parent class.
binding source  Object that establishes a link to a data source
block-level variable  A variable declared inside a block of code; only accessible within that block.
Boolean expression  An expression that evaluates to True or False. May be referred to as a condition
BorderStyle property  Property of a control that allows the control to appear flat or threedimensional.
bound control  A control that automatically displays the contents of database fields.
breakpoint  Indicated point in project code where execution should break; used for debugging.
browser  An application used to render and display HTML code; used to display Web pages; in VB used to execute Web Forms.
Brush object  Graphical object for drawing filled shapes.
Button  Control used to activate a procedure.
ByRef  Declares that an argument passed to a procedure should be passed as the address of the data so that both calling and called procedures have access to the same memory location.
ByVal  Declares that an argument passed to a procedure should be passed as a copy of the data. The calling and called procedures do not have access to each other’s variables.
Call (procedure call)  Execute a procedure.
callback  An object notifies the program that it needs to do something or that a situation exists that the program needs to handle. The object notifies the program of the situation by firing an event.
CancelButton property  Form property that sets the Cancel button, which is activated with the Esc key.
cascading style sheet (CSS)  A set of styles for formatting elements of Web pages.
Case structure  Selection structure; can be used in place of an If statement.
casting  Converting from one data type to another.
CausesValidation property  Property of a control that forces validation to occur on the control that just lost focus when this control receives the focus.
CharacterCasing property  Property of text boxes that specifies whether input should be left as entered or converted to uppercase or lowercase.
check box  A control used to indicate a value that may be True or False. In any group of check boxes, any number may be selected.
checked  A check mark next to a menu item indicates that the option is currently selected.
Checked property  Determines if a check box is checked or not.
child class  A class inherited from another class, called the parent. Also called a derived class or subclass.
child form  Multiple Document Interface. A child form belongs to a parent form, is displayed inside the parent, and closes when the parent does.
class  A prototype or blueprint for an object; includes specifications for the properties and methods.
class-level variable  A variable that is available to all procedures in the class and exists as long as the class is loaded.
clean compile  Code compiles to Common Language Runtime without errors.
click-once deployment  New simplified method of deploying VB applications to another computer. Provides for installation and automatic updates via the Web.
Close method  Closes forms or files; releases resources used by the object.
code  Programming statements in the Basic language.
code separation model  A style of Web Form in which the VB code is in a separate file from the HTML code.
code snippet  Small sample of code that illustrates coding techniques; can be added to a program in the editor.
collection  A series of objects or an object that can contain a series of objects; has properties and methods.
color constant  Values assigned in the Color class. Examples: Color.Red and Color.Blue.
column  A vertical section of a grid control.
ComboBox control  A control that is a combination of a list box and a text box.
common dialog  A set of Windows dialog boxes available to Visual Basic programmers for Open, Save, Fonts, Print, and Color.
comparison operator  See relational operator.
component tray  Area across the lower edge of a form designer window; used to store components that are not visible on the form.
compound Boolean expression  Multiple conditions combined with the use of the logical operators And or Or.
concatenation  Joining string (text) fields. The ampersand (&) is used to concatenate text.
condition  An expression that will evaluate True or False. May be a comparison of two values (variables, properties, constants) using relational operators.
constant  A value that cannot change during program execution.
constructor  A procedure that runs automatically when an object is instantiated from that class. In VB, a constructor is coded with Sub New.
container  An object that can hold other objects.
context menu  A popup menu, sometimes referred to as a shortcut menu or a right-mouse menu.
context-sensitive Help  Use of the F1 function key to directly access the Help topic related to the code or object containing the cursor.
ContextMenuStrip component  A container control used to create context menus.
control  An object used on a graphical interface, such as a radio button, text box, button, or label.
CType function  Converts from one object type to another; used with a shared event procedure to access the Sender object.
data binding  Connecting a control or property to one or more data elements.
data-bound controls  Controls that can be set up to display the data from a database.
Data Designer  A window of the VS IDE that shows a visual representation of the schema of a database; allows modification of the schema.
data file  A file used to store small amounts of information such as the contents of a list box.
data source  The original source of database data; may be a file, a server, or an array or other object.
data type  Specifies the type of data a variable or constant can hold, such as Integer, Decimal, or String
DataGridView control  A control used to display database data in a grid format.
dataset  A temporary set of data stored in the memory of the computer.
DateTime structure  Used to retrieve and format the current date and time.
debug time  Temporary break in program execution; used for debugging.
Debug.WriteLine method  Statement to write a line in the Debug window; used to write a message for debugging.
debugging  Finding and eliminating computer program errors
declaration  Statements to establish a project’s variables and constants, give them names, and specify the type of data they will hold.
Declarations section  Code outside of a procedure, used to declare module-level variables.
delimited file  A file in which the data elements are separated by a predefined character or characters, such as a comma, tab, or carriage return
deployment  Distribution of a compiled application to another computer; normally done through a setup.exe file. See click-once deployment.
derived class  A subclass inherited from a base class; also called a child class.
design time  The status of the Visual Studio environment while a project is being developed, as opposed to run time or break time.
destructor  A method that is called as an object goes out of scope.
DialogResult object  Used to check to determine which button the user clicked on a message box.
direct reference  Accessing an element of an array by a subscript when the value of the subscript is known.
disabled  Enabled property set to False; user can see the control but cannot access it.
Do and Loop statements  Statements to indicate the beginning and ending of a loop. A condition can appear on the Do or on the Loop.
Do/Loop  A loop constructed with the Do and Loop statements.
Document window  IDE window that displays the Form Designer, the Code Editor, and the Object Browser.
DoDragDrop method  A method to begin a drag-drop operation for a source object.
DragDrop event  The event that occurs when the user drags an object and drops it on a form or control that has its AllowDrop property set to True
DragEnter event  The event that occurs when the user drags an object over a form or control that has its AllowDrop property set to True; occurs before the DragDrop event.
DrawLine method  Method of the Graphics object.
DrawRectangle method  Method of the Graphics object; used to draw squares and rectangles.
DrawString method  Method of the Graphics object; sends a line of text to the graphics page
drop-down combo box  A combo box control with a downpointing arrow that allows the user to drop down the list. Allows efficient use of space on a form.
drop-down list  A list box with a down-pointing arrow that allows the user to drop down the list. Allows efficient use of space on a form.
element  Single item within a table, array, list, or grid.
element (XML)  An item in an XML file surrounded by tags.
empty string  A string that contains no characters; also called a null string or zero-length string.
Enabled property  Boolean property of a control that determines whether it is available or disabled (grayed).
encapsulation  OOP feature that specifies that all methods and properties of a class be coded within the class. The class can hide or expose the methods and properties, as needed
End If  Terminates a block If statement.
entry test  A loop that has its test condition at the top. See pretest.
ErrorProvider component  A component that can display an error icon and message when a validation rule is violated for the specified text box.
event  An action that may be caused by the user, such as a click, drag, key press, or scroll. Events also can be triggered by an internal action, such as repainting the form or validating user input.
event procedure  A procedure written to execute when an event occurs.
exception  An error that occurs at run time.
exit test  A loop that has its test condition at the bottom. See posttest.
explicit conversion  Writing the code to convert from one data type to another; as opposed to implicit conversion
Express Edition  A “light” version of Visual Basic. Available for download at express.
Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)  Extension of HTML used to create the visual elements of a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) window.
field  A group of related characters used to represent one characteristic or attribute of an entity in a data file or database.
field-level validation  Checking the validity of input data in each control as it is entered, rather than waiting until the user clicks a button.
file  A collection of related records.
FillEllipse method  Method of the Graphics object; used to draw circles and ovals.
focus  The currently selected control on the user interface. For controls such as buttons, the focus appears as a light dotted line. For text boxes, the insertion point (also called the cursor) appears inside the box.
Focus method  Sets the focus to a control, which makes it the active control.
For and Next statements  A loop structure; usually used when the number of iterations is known.
For Each and Next  A looping construct for stepping through an array; each element of the array is accessed without the necessity of manipulating subscripts
For/Next loop  A loop structure; usually used when the number of iterations is known.
ForeColor property  Property that determines the color of the text.
form  An object that acts as a container for the controls in a graphical interface.
Form Designer  The IDE window for creating the user interface.
format  A specification for the way information will be displayed, including dollar signs, percent signs, and the number of decimal positions
format specifiers  Codes used as arguments for the ToString method; used to make the output easier to read. Can specify dollar signs, commas, decimal positions, percents, and date formats.
FormClosing event  Occurs before a form unloads. A good location to place the code to prompt the users if they wish to save any changes.
Friend  The access level specifier that limits access to the forms in the current project.
FromFile method  Retrieves an image from a file.
function  Performs an action and returns a value.
function procedure  A procedure that returns a value.
garbage collection  Automatic deletion of objects from memory after they are out of scope.
general procedure  A procedure not attached to an event; may be a sub procedure or a function procedure.
graphical user interface (GUI)  Program application containing icons, buttons, and menu bars.
graphics  Lines, shapes, and images. An image file assigned to a PictureBox control; methods of the Graphics class, such as DrawString, DrawLine, and DrawEllipse.
GroupBox control  A control used as a container for other controls, such as a group of radio buttons.
handle  A small square on a selected control at design time; used to resize a control. Also called a resizing handle.
Help  The collection of reference pages about programming in VB and using the Visual Studio IDE.
Hide method  Method of a form or a control that makes it invisible but does not unload it from memory.
horizontal scroll bar  A Windows control that provides a scroll bar that appears horizontally on the form.
IDE  Integrated development environment. See Visual Studio environment.
identifier  A name for a variable, procedure, class, or named constant; supplied by the programmer.
If/Then/Else  Statement block for testing a condition and taking alternate actions based on the outcome of the test.
Image property  A graphic file with an extension of .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, .ico, .emf, or .wmf.
immutable  The inability of a string to be modified once it is created. A new string must be created for any modifications.
implicit conversion  A conversion from one data type to another that occurs automatically or by default according to specified rules.
index  Position within a list or array.
information assurance  Secure programming measure to provide accurate and timely transfer of information.
inheritance  Ability to create a new class based on an existing class
instance  An object created from a class
instance property  See instance variable.
instance variable  Each object created from the class has a separate occurrence of the variable.
instantiate  Create an object using the New keyword.
integrated development environment (IDE)  Tool for writing projects and solutions; includes an editor, tools, debugger, and other features for faster development.
Interval property  Determines the amount of time until a Timer component fires a Tick event; measured in milliseconds.
intranet  Network within a company.
intrinsic constant  Constant supplied with a language or application such as Color.Blue.
IsMdiContainer property  Used to create a parent form for MDI.
Items property  Collection of elements for a list box or combo box control.
Items.Add method  Adds elements to the Items collection of a list box.
Items.Clear method  Clears all elements from a list box.
Items.Count property  Property that holds the number of elements in a list box.
Items.Insert method  Inserts an element in a list for a list box.
Items.Remove method  Removes the currently selected item from a list.
iteration  A single pass through the statements in a loop.
key field  The field (or fields) on which a data file is organized; used to search for a record.
Label  A control that displays text; cannot be altered by the user.
Language Integrated Query (LINQ)  New .NET feature that allows SQL-like queries to be written in VB code.
LargeChange property  A property of a scroll bar that determines how far to scroll for a click in the gray area of the scroll bar
late binding  Program elements cannot be determined at compile time, but must be determined at run time. Should be avoided, if possible, for performance reasons.
LayoutMdi method  Arranges MDI child windows vertically, horizontally, or cascaded.
lifetime  The period of time that a variable exists.
line-continuation character  A space and underscore; used in program code to indicate that a Basic statement continues on the next line.
ListBox control  A control that holds a list of values; the user cannot add new values at run time.
local  The scope of a variable or constant that limits its visibility to the current procedure.
local variable  A variable that is declared within a procedure and may be used only in that procedure.
Locals window  Window that opens in IDE during execution; displays all objects and variables that are within scope at break time.
logic error  An error in a project that does not halt execution but causes erroneous results in the output.
logical operator  The operators And, Or, Not, AndAlso, and OrElse; used to construct compound conditions and to reverse the truth of a condition.
loop  A control structure that provides for the repetition of statements.
loop index  A counter variable used in a For/Next loop.
MaskedTextBox  A specialized form of text box that includes a Mask property, which can indicate to the user the format of data expected and require the correct data type and format of input.
Maximum property  Scroll bar property for highest possible value.
MaxLength property  Property of text boxes that limits the number of characters the user can enter as input.
MdiWindowListItem property  Determines whether the menu will display a list of open MDI child windows; used on the Window menu.
menu  A list of choices; the available commands displayed in a menu bar.
Menu Designer  Feature of the development environment for creating menus; accessed by adding a Main Menu component to the component tray.
MenuStrip component  A control used to create menus for forms.
MessageBox  A dialog box that displays a message to the user.
method  Predefined actions (procedures) provided with objects.
Minimum property  Scroll bar property for lowest possible value.
modal  A dialog box that requires a user response before continuing program execution.
modeless  A dialog box that does not require a user response before continuing program execution.
module-level variable  A variable that can be used in any procedure within the current code module.
MouseDown event  The event of a form or control that occurs when the user presses the mouse button.
Multiline property  Boolean property of many controls, including labels and text boxes, that allows text to appear on multiple lines. WordWrap must also be set to True.
multiple document interface (MDI)  Multiple form project that has parent and child forms.
multitier application  A program designed in components or services, where each segment performs part of the necessary actions. Each of the functions of a multitier application can be coded in a separate component and the components may be stored and run on different machines.
MustInherit  Modifier on a class definition. The class cannot be instantiated, but instead must be used for inheritance.
MustOverride  Modifier on a procedure definition; requires that the procedure be overridden in an inherited class.
My.Computer.FileSystem  VBspecific objects for accessing files.
Name property  The property of an object that is used to reference the object in code.
named constant  Constant created and named by the developer.
namespace  Used to organize a group of classes in the language library; the hierarchy used to locate the class. No two classes may have the same name within a namespace.
namespace-level variable  A variable that can be used in any procedure within the current namespace, which is generally the current project.
nested If  An If statement completely contained within another If statement.
nested Try/Catch block  A Try/Catch block completely contained within another Try/Catch block
NewLine character  The Visual Studio constant Environment. NewLine or ControlChars. NewLine; used to determine line endings.
Next method  Returns the next in a series of random numbers for an object of the Random class.
node (XML)  A branch of the tree. The file can have only one root node and multiple child nodes.
Nothing  An object variable that does not have an instance of an object assigned. Formerly used to destroy an object.
Now property  Current date and time from the DateTime structure.
object  An occurrence of a class type that has properties and methods; a specific instance of a control type, form, or other class.
object-oriented programming (OOP)  An approach to programming that uses classes to define the properties and methods for objects. Classes may inherit from other classes.
OpenFileDialog  Common dialog component used to display the Windows Open File dialog box; allows the user to view files and select the file to open.
Option Explicit  Setting this option On forces variables and objects to be declared before they can be used.
Option Strict  Setting this option On enforces strong data typing.
order of precedence  Hierarchy of mathematical operations; the order in which operations are performed.
overloading  Allows a method to act differently for different arguments. Multiple procedures in the same class with the same name but with different argument lists.
overriding  A method in a derived (inherited) class with the same name and argument list as a method in the parent (base) class. The method in the derived class overrides (supersedes) the one in the parent class for objects of the derived class.
parameterized constructor  A constructor (Sub New ) that contains an argument list; as opposed to an empty constructor.
parameterized query  A database query that allows a value to be supplied at run time.
parent class  The base class for inheritance, also called a super class.
parent form  MDI container for child forms.
Pascal casing  The naming convention that specifies mixedcase names; the first character must be uppercase and the first character of each word within the name must be uppercase; the rest of the characters must be lowercase.
Peek method  Used to look ahead to determine if records remain in a file stream.
Pen object  Graphical object for drawing lines and shapes.
PictureBox control  A control used to display an image.
pixel  Picture element; a single dot on the screen; a unit of measurement for displaying graphics
Point structure  Holds X and Y coordinates as a single unit.
polymorphism  OOP feature that allows methods to take different actions depending on the situation. Methods may have the same name but different argument lists. Also refers to the naming convention of naming methods with similar actions the same in each class.
postback  A round-trip to the Web server.
posttest  A loop that has its test condition after the body of the loop; the statements within the loop will always be executed at least once; also called an exit test.
pretest  A loop that has its test condition at the top; the statements inside the loop may never be executed; also called an entry test.
Print method  A method of the PrintDocument class to begin executing code for printing.
print preview  View the printer’s output on the screen and then choose to print or cancel.
PrintDocument component  Contains methods and events to set up output for the printer.
PrintForm  A method of a form that prints the form in its current state; can be set to print on the printer or the Print Preview window.
PrintPage event procedure  Contains the logic for printing.
PrintPreviewDialog component  Used to allow print previews for an application.
Private  Variable or procedure declared with the Private keyword; available only inside the current class.
procedure  A unit of code; may be a sub procedure, function procedure, or property procedure.
Professional Edition  A version of Visual Basic that includes fewer features than the Team System edition but more features than the Standard and Express editions.
Project Designer  A tabbed window of the IDE used to view and set the project’s properties. Displayed from Project / ProjectName Properties.
project file  A text file that contains information about the current project. Displays in the Solution Explorer and can be viewed and edited in a text editor.
Properties window  A window in the IDE used to set values for properties at design time.
property  Characteristic or attribute of an object; control properties may be set at design time or run time depending on the specific property.
property procedure  Procedure written with Set and Get keywords to pass values to and from private variables in a class.
Protected  Access modifier for a variable or procedure; behaves as private but allows inheritance.
pseudocode  Planning tool for code using an English expression or comment that describes the action.
Public  The access level specifier that allows access from all classes.
radio button  A control used to indicate a value that may be True or False (selected or not selected). In any group of radio buttons, only one button may be selected.
Random class  Used to create Random numbers.
ReadAllText method  A simple method to read an entire text file into a variable. The method opens a file, reads the data, and closes the file automatically
ReadLine method  Reads one record from a file; reads to the end of the line.
ReadOnly  A property that can be retrieved but not set by external classes; indicates that only a Get method exists for the property.
record  A group of related fields; relates to data files and database tables.
Rectangle structure  Defines a rectangular region, specified by its upper-left corner and its size.
refactoring  Feature of some .NET languages that can automatically change the name and class of variables and objects. VB provides only for renaming variables.
remark  A Basic statement used for documentation; not interpreted by the compiler; also called a comment.
resizing handle  See handle.
return value  Value returned from a function.
reusability  Code modules that can be used in multiple projects.
RichTextBox  A specialized form of a text box that allows formatting of the Text property. If an .rtf file is loaded into a RichTextBox, the text appears properly formatted.
row  A horizontal section of a grid control.
run time  During the time a project is executing.
run-time error  An error that occurs as a program executes; causes execution to break.
scope  The extent of visibility of a variable or constant. The scope may be namespace, module-level, block, or local.
Scroll event  Scroll bar event that occurs as the user moves the scroll box.
Select Case  Selection structure; can be used in place of an If statement.
Select Resource dialog box  A dialog box in which the image and sound files of a project can be added and selected.
SelectedIndex property  Index of the item currently selected in a list box or combo box.
separator bar  A horizontal line used to separate groups of menu commands.
SetBounds method  Sets the location of a control; used to move a control.
SetError method  Defines the message and turns on the error message for an ErrorProvider control; used for validating input data.
shared property  A property that can be used by all objects of the class; generally used for totals and counts. Only one copy exists for all objects of the class.
shared variable  One variable that can be used by all objects of the class; generally used for totals and counts.
short circuit  Skipping the evaluation of parts of a compound condition that are not required to determine the result.
shortcut menu  The menu that pops up when the right mouse button is clicked. Also called a popup menu, context menu, or right-mouse menu.
Show method  Displays a form or message box. A form displayed with the Show method is modeless.
ShowDialog method  Displays a common dialog box or a form; the form is displayed modally.
siblings  (XML) Elements at the same level as each other.
signature  The name and argument list of a method or procedure.
simple combo box  Fixed-size combo box.
simple list box  Fixed-size list box.
Size structure  A size specified by width and height; measured in pixels.
SizeMode property  Allows the size of an image in a picture box to stretch.
SmallChange property  Scroll bar property for amount of move by a click on an arrow.
snap lines  Guidelines that pop up on a form during design time to help align the controls.
snippet  See code snippet.
solution  A Visual Basic application; can consist of one or more projects.
Sorted property  Property of a list box and combo box that specifies that the list items should be sorted.
SoundLocation property  The path of the sound file played by the SoundPlayer component.
SoundPlayer component  A component that allows the user to play a sound file.
splash screen  A window that appears before the main application window; generally displays program information and gives the appearance of quicker application loading.
Standard Edition  A version of Visual Basic with fewer features than the Professional and Team System versions.
stateless  Does not store any information about its contents from one invocation to the next.
Static  A local variable with a lifetime that matches the module. The variable retains its value as long as the form is loaded.
status bar  An area along the lower edge of a window used to display information for the user.
StatusStrip control  A container control that creates a status bar across the lower edge of a form.
Step Into  Debugging command; executes each statement, including those in called procedures.
Step Over  Debugging command; executes each statement in the main procedure but does not show statements in called procedures.
stream  An object used to transfer a series of bytes from one location to another.
StreamReader  Object used to input small amounts of information stored in a disk file.
StreamWriter  Object used to write small amounts of information to disk.
StretchImage  Setting for the value of the SizeMode property of a PictureBox control.
string literal  A constant enclosed in quotation marks.
strongly typed  A feature of VB that requires the programmer to always be aware of the data type. If you assign data to a wider type, VB can implicitly (automatically) convert for you; if you are assigning data to a narrower type, where precision or accuracy might be lost, VB will generate a compiler error.
structure  A grouping that combines multiple fields of related data.
sub procedure  A procedure that performs actions but does not return a value.
subclass  A derived class; also called a child class.
submenu  A menu within a menu.
subscript  The position of an element within an array; also called an index.
subscripted variable  An element of an array.
superclass  A base class for inheritance, also called a parent class.
syntax error  An error caused by failure to follow the syntax rules of the language; often caused by typographical errors. The Editor informs you of syntax errors.
System.IO namespace  Holds the stream objects for reading and writing data files.
TabIndex property  Determines the order the focus moves as the Tab key is pressed.
table  A two-dimensional array.
table adapter  An object that handles retrieving and updating of the data in a dataset.
table lookup  Logic to find an element within an array.
TabStop property  Determines if a control can receive focus.
Team System Edition  The version of Visual Studio with the most features.
text box  A control for data entry; its value can be entered and changed by the user.
Text property  The value that displays on a control such as the words in a text box or label.
TextAlign property  Used to change the alignment of text within the control.
TextFieldParser  Object used to read a delimited file and separate it into its individual fields.
Tick event  One firing of a Timer component; each time the interval passes, another Tick event occurs.
Timer component  Fires Tick events at a specified time interval.
ToLower method  Converts text to lowercase letters.
toolbar  The bar beneath the menu bar that holds buttons; used as shortcuts for menu commands.
toolbox  A window that holds icons for tools; used to create controls and components on a form.
ToolStrip control  A container control that creates a toolbar on a form.
ToolTip component  Placed on a form to allow the individual controls to display ToolTips. A ToolTip property is added to each control.
Try/Catch block  Traps user errors or program errors.
user interface  The display and commands seen by a user; how the user interacts with an application. In Windows, the graphical display of an application containing controls and menus.
Using block  A group of statements bounded by Using and End Using; any variables declared inside the block are not available outside the block.
validation  Checking to verify that appropriate values have been entered.
validator controls  Controls that can automatically validate input data; used on Web Forms.
value keyword  Incoming value for a Set clause in a property procedure.
Value property  Holds the current setting of a scroll bar control.
ValueChanged event  Event that occurs when a scroll bar control is scrolled.
variable  Memory location that holds data that can be changed during project execution.
vertical scroll bar  A Windows control that provides a scroll bar that appears vertically on the form.
Visible property  Determines if a control can be seen or not.
visual inheritance  Inheritance of the visual elements of a form.
Web page  A static page consisting of HTML elements; displayed in a browser application.
WebBrowser control  Displays Web pages on a Windows form.
With block  The lines of code between a With and End With statement.
WordWrap property  Boolean property that allows text to wrap to a second line. Multiline property must also be set to True.
Write method  Writes one record to a stream object; does not include a carriage return.
WriteAllText method  A simple method to write a text file. The method opens a file, writes the data, and closes the file automatically.
WriteLine method  Writes one record to a stream object; includes a carriage return character at the end.
XAML  Extensible Application Markup Language.
XAML Browser Application (XBAP)  A WPF application that runs in a browser. The user interface is created using XAML. See Extensible Application Markup Language.
XML  Extensible markup language. A format for data; popular for data storage and transfer on the Internet.

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