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Binding constraint  A constraint that forms the optimal corner point of the feasible solution space.
Constraints  Limitations that restrict the available alternatives.
Decision variables  Amounts of either inputs or outputs.
Enumeration approach  Substituting the coordinates of each corner point into the objective function to determine which corner point is optimal.
Feasible solution space  The set of all feasible combinations of decision variables as defined by the constraints.
Graphical linear programming  Graphical method for finding optimal solutions to twovariable problems.
Objective function  Mathematical statement of profit (or cost, etc.) for a given solution.
Parameters  Numerical constants.
Range of feasibility  Range of values for the RHS of a constraint over which the shadow price remains the same.
Range of optimality  Range of values over which the solution quantities of all the decision variables remain the same.
Redundant constraint  A constraint that does not form a unique boundary of the feasible solution space.
Sensitivity analysis  Assessing the impact of potential changes to the numerical values of an LP model.
Shadow price  Amount by which the value of the objective function would change with a one-unit change in the RHS value of a constraint.
Simplex  A linear programming algorithm that can solve problems having more than two decision variables.
Slack  When the values of decision variables are substituted into a ≤ constraint the amount by which the resulting value is less than the right-hand-side value.
Surplus  When the values of decision variables are substituted into a ≥ constraint the amount by which the resulting value exceeds the right-hand-side value.

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