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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The affective domain refers to:
A)physiological factors.
B)academic development.
C)information processing.
D)attitudes and motivation.
Kinesthetic learners learn best
A)by doing.
B)by hearing.
C)by using texts and watching videos.
D)in calm, quiet surroundings.
Someone who assumes responsibility for his or her performance on a test has
A)an internal locus of control.
B)an external locus of control.
C)a visual learning style.
D)an under developed emotional intelligence.
Howard Gardner is closely associated with
A)the development of IQ tests.
B)multiple intelligences theory.
C)emotional intelligence.
D)moral intelligence.
According to Howard Gardner, intelligence is
A)best measured with a standardized test such as the Stanford-Binet.
B)best developed through biofeedback.
C)valued in different cultures.
D)best tested with the "marshmallow experiment."
The name most closely associated with EQ, or emotional intelligence theory, is
A)Howard Gardner.
B)James Banks.
C)Daniel Goleman.
D)Mary Budd Rowe.
The greatest immigration surge in U.S. history occurred
A)just prior to the Civil War.
B)at the beginning of the twentieth century.
C)in the post-WWII decade.
D)at the close of the twentieth century.
Demographers say the next generation will produce a U.S. student body more diverse than ever. How will teachers experience this change?
A)Teachers in some areas may see little change in their own classrooms and schools, in terms of their own students.
B)Teachers will continue to prepare all their students to live, learn, and work within our European roots.
C)Schools will find their resources increased to adequately meet the needs of students with limited English proficiency.
D)Demographers now believe that it is likely that a greater number of Europeans will migrate to the U.S. during the next decade, bringing more "balance" to the immigration patterns.
Which of the following is a recommended approach to teaching a culturally diverse group of learners?
A)Help your students more easily fit into the American society by creating common and familiar American sounding names and nicknames for them.
B)Help Americanize your students by immersing them in American ways of learning in the classroom: Promote competition as a way to increase achievement; offer praise and criticism in front of the group, rather than in private; and reinforce the curriculum with readings from western classics.
C)Recognize that generalizations about groups are destructive, and treat all students in the same way.
D)Build on individual learning styles: Give your students a learning style assessment (or observe them doing their work) and then adapt your instruction accordingly.
A key figure associated with multicultural education is
A)James Banks.
B)Carol Gilligan.
C)Howard Gardner.
D)Mary Budd Rowe.
Four approaches to multicultural education are
A)contributions, additive, transformation, social action.
B)immersion, submersion, transformation, maintenance.
C)cognitive, affective, physiological, psychological.
D)pull-out, mainstreaming, regular, inclusion.
When Carlos Ovando was a struggling student, his family moved him to a new school. In this new school, his outlook on life and his academic success underwent enormous, positive change because
A)his new school immersed him in English, and he knew that he had to learn this new language.
B)his new principal realized that English Language Learners like Carlos needed a strict set of rules in order to function well.
C)his new teacher honored his language and his culture as assets, not deficits.
D)his new community spoke mostly Spanish, and he felt at home once again.
In Lau v. Nichols, the Supreme Court held that
A)maintenance programs are unconstitutional.
B)an Individualized Education Program must be written for bilingual students.
C)teaching students in a language they did not understand was not an appropriate education.
D)school districts cannot prevent gifted students from accelerating through grades.
An IEP is an
A)Individually Educated Pupil.
B)Individualized Education Program.
C)Interim Evaluation Plan.
D)Independent Education Proposal.
Which of the following is an accurate statement about gender and computer use?
A)Males and females use computers in equal number.
B)Males use computers more frequently than females in elementary school, but females catch up by secondary school.
C)Females use computers as often as males in the elementary grades, but their usage declines thereafter in the middle and secondary grades.
D)No research has been done on male-female differences in computer usage.

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