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Exercise 8-1
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Evaluating a News Web site


A. Visit your favorite online news publication (or one recommended by your instructor) and evaluate it according to the following criteria:*
  1. What is your initial response to the way the site presents news? Is news presented effectively on the site? Why or why not?

  2. How does the experience of accessing news on this site compare with reading a newspaper?

  3. How does the experience of accessing news on this site compare with other news Web sites you have visited?

  4. What, in particular, makes the visual experience interesting or dull?

  5. What design features make stories easier or more difficult to read? Does anything interfere with your ability to access information on the site?

  6. In early 2006, The New York Times, which already had an award-winning Web site, was experimenting with a new digital product — an "Electronic Edition" offering Web-friendly navigation tools embedded in a visual representation of the printed newspaper. Visit and take a tour (perhaps even downloading a trial version of the new product). To what extent does the Electronic Edition appeal to you? How does it compare with the site you evaluated above?

* The Online News Association at conducts an annual contest to identify the best in online journalism and would be a good starting point for finding well-regarded news Web sites.

Harrower, 1eOnline Learning Center

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