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Electrical Properties of Materials

Chapter Objectives

  1. Define conductivity, semiconductivity, and insulative properties of materials and be able to classify, in a general manner, how each class of materials i.e., metals, ceramics, polymers, . . . is rated according to their electrical properties.
  2. Explain the concept of electrical conductivity, resistivity, drift velocity, and mean free path in metals. Describe the effect of increasing or decreasing temperature on each.
  3. Describe the energy band model and be able to define electrical properties of metals, polymers, ceramics, and electronic materials based on it.
  4. Define intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, how charge is transported in such materials.
  5. Define N- and P-type semiconductors and what is the effect of temperature on their electrical behavior.
  6. Name as many semiconducting devices as possible i.e., LEDs, Rectifiers, transistors, . . . and in each case explain how the device functions.
  7. Define microelectronics and explain various steps in the manufacturing of ICs.
  8. Explain in detail the electrical properties of ceramics as related to dielectrics, insulators, capacitors, ferroelectricity, and piezoelectric effect.
  9. Project the future trends in the area of chip and computer manufacturing.

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