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Motivation and Emotion

When students have studied this chapter, they should be able to:
  1. Distinguish between motivation and emotion.
  2. Describe the relationship between primary motives and homeostatic mechanisms.
  3. Describe the biological and psychological regulation of hunger.
  4. Discuss the biological and psychological regulation of thirst.
  5. Define "psychological motive," and identify the following psychological motives: the need for novel stimulation, the need for affiliation, and the need for achievement.
  6. Explain Solomon's opponent‑process theory of motivation.
  7. Identify and describe the stages of the human sexual response cycle.
  8. Compare and contrast sexual motivation with other primary motives.
  9. Recognize the relationship between hormones and sexual behavior.
  10. Recognize the patterns of sexual behavior identified by the University of Chicago survey.
  11. Discuss the research regarding sexual orientation.
  12. Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
  13. Identify the components of Maslow's hierarchy of motives.
  14. Define "emotion," and explain the components of Watson's and Tellegen's emotional map.
  15. Distinguish among the James‑Lange theory, the Cannon‑Bard theory, and the cognitive theory of emotion.
  16. Discuss the roles played by learning and by culture in emotions.
  17. Distinguish among the following theories of aggression: Freud's instinct theory, the frustration‑aggression theory, and the social learning theory.
  18. Discuss the issues surrounding recent increases in violent youth gangs.
  19. Discuss and define date rape.

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