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Research Methods in Psychology

When you have studied this chapter, they should be able to:
  1. Identify the components of the scientific method in psychology, including empirical evidence and operational definitions.
  2. Distinguish between theories and hypotheses, and discuss the importance of using representative samples and replication in research.
  3. Identify three descriptive methods used in psychology, and discuss how they are used.
  4. Describe the correlational method, and distinguish between positive and negative correlation.
  5. Explain the statement, "Correlation does not necessarily mean causation."
  6. Identify formal experiments, and describe when they are appropriately used.
  7. Distinguish between a dependent and an independent variable; distinguish between a control group and an experimental group.
  8. Discuss the importance of the placebo effect, blind experiments, and experimenter bias.
  9. Explain the use of descriptive statistics and identify uses of statistics.
  10. Describe how decisions are reached using data and the concept of statistical significance.
  11. List and define the five major ethical principles of research with human participants.
  12. Discuss the use of nonhuman animals in research, and describe the ethical principles associated with these studies.
  13. Describe the importance of representing human diversity in research.
  14. Describe the challenges involved in designing a formal experiment.

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